摘要(英) |
Parking problem is one of the main concerns of public for a long time, and the thorny problems of the government. Therefore, to solve parking problem is the most urgent. Owing to the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and user’s information have attracted much interest, real-time information of parking lots are getting more and more important. As to vehicles entering parking lots are changeable with different time and space, it’s necessary to make real-time controlling policies to forecast parking flows efficiently.
This study is ranged over parking lots of Hsin-Yi Planning Zone in Taipei City. By travelling goals, it is divided into Hyatt, Hsin-Yi A21, international convention center and Hsin-Yi A2 parking lots to be the objects of study. In order to promote the forecasting ability of model, it reviews kinds of traffic flow forecasting modeling and analyzes entering flows in different purposes, guiding in Artificial Neural Network with three layers, fully connected and feed—forward, and Backpropagation Algorithm to build forecasting models. By investigating of parking demand and connecting glows, it would be the base of training and testing of Artificial Neural Network.
After repeatedly correcting and test, this model would forecast effectively with small error and high correlation. As to the result, this thesis can be provided to forecast parking demand in real-time parking demand estimation. |
參考文獻 |
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