摘要(英) |
In this study the regional return flows in the Taoyuan Irrigation District were analyzed. By classifying landuse type of the study area, a system dynamic model based on water balance was developed for the SinPo, GuanYin, SinWu irrigation area. Field experiments were performed to measure rainfall, water quality, and stream discharge for the second rice farming period of 2006. Simulation results of regional return flows, return flow characteristics, water supply, and paddy water balance will be discussed in this study.
The results show that the agriculture return flows were 60%, 54%, and 62% of the discharges measured in the SinWu, GuanYin and DaJyue rivers, respectively. By reserving Q90% for river flows, the amounts of return flows can be allocated were 11287CMD, 5484CMD and 113381CMD, respectively. From the results of the paddy water balance, the amounts of evapotranspiration were 3.69, 3.74 and 3.71 mm/day and the horizontal seepages were 1.59, 1.48 and 1.36 mm/day for the three irrigation areas, respectively. |
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