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姓名 傅佑瑜(Yu-yu Fu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 2005年台灣地區季節性降雨之特徵及颱風事件之逕流模擬
(The Seasonal Rainfall Characteristics over Taiwan in 2005 and the River-Runoff simulations by Three Typhoon-Induced Heavy Rainfall events)
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摘要(中) 不同降雨事件各有不同的天氣特徵,且台灣地區降水現象受地形和综觀條件影響很大,使得氣象模式往往會產生高估或低估降水預報。本論文研究分析2005年3~12月之氣象局自動雨量站資料和模式WRF模擬雨量場資料以探討全台灣季節性和全年10個月的降水分佈特性,希望暸解WRF模式對於季節性降水的預報能力與其對於單一降水事件預報能力間的差異,得知WRF氣象模式對於不同時間尺度降水現象的預報準確度。
摘要(英) Different precipitation events occur under different synoptic weather regimes, and they are strongly affected by the Taiwan terrain and large-scale/synoptic conditions, so it is difficult for the meteorological model to have accurate precipitation forecast. This thesis utilized analyzes the automatic rain gauge data of the Central Weather Bureau and WRF-simulated rainfall data provided by Mr. Shi-Chien Wang. 1) to investigate the rainfall characteristics for each weather regime, 2) to examine the predictability of seasonal-to-annual rainfall of the WRF model, and 3) to verify the accuracy of WRF-predicted rainfall at different time scales.
The heavy rainfalls associated with typhoons often induce severe flooding, debris flows, landslides, and cause a great lose of human lives in Taiwan. Thus, in order to understand the flooding characteristics under typhoon-induced the heavy-rainfall events, this study will uses the FLO-2D hydrological model to simulate the river discharge over the Shihmen Reservoir watershed for three typhoon events in 2005.
Results show that the WRF model simulates better the distribution of seasonal rainfall than that for individual event (Mei-Yu front and typhoon), because the WRF model has a good skill at predicting the orographic rainfall under the prevailing wind in different seasons. This study also discusses the effects for the rainfall increase over the windward slopes and the decrease over the leesides in Taiwan. We find that the WRF model predicts well the rainfall distribution and typhoon tracks for heavy rainfall events, but the WRF model tends to over-predict the precipitation amount. If the WRF-simulated rainfall is taken as input for the FLO-2D hydrological model, the predicted river discharge is highly sensitive to the errors inherent in the WRF-simulated rainfall. Finally, the neglect of initial base flow and infiltration outflow in the FLO-2D model may cause discrepancy in discharge at the later stage of a flooding event.
關鍵字(中) ★ 逕流模擬
★ 地形性降雨
★ 季節性降雨
★ FLO-2D
★ 颱風
關鍵字(英) ★ simulated the river discharge
★ orographic rainfall
★ typhoon
★ seasonal rainfall
★ FLO-2D
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................................................................................. i
英文摘要................................................................................................................. ii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 降雨預報 3
1.2.2 台灣地區降雨的氣候特徵 4
1.2.3 地形降雨模擬研究 6
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 個案描述與分析 8
2.1 梅雨個案 8
2.3 颱風個案 9
第三章 研究區域地理描述與模式介紹 12
3.1 研究區域地理概況 12
3.2 氣象模式 12
3.3 水文模式 13
第四章 研究方法 17
4.1 氣象模式之資料讀取 17
4.2 雨量資料的處理 18
4.3 評估方法 20
4.3.1 雨量評估 20
4.3.2 流量評估 22
4.4 水文模式之資料處理與參數設定 23
4.4.1 網格點選取 23
4.4.2 渠道析取 24
4.4.3 曼寧係數和入滲參數設定 24
第五章 季節性與全年10個月降雨受地形影響分析及預報校驗結果 25
5.1 季節性降雨 25
5.1.1 春季 25
5.1.2 梅雨季 27
5.1.3 夏季 28
5.1.4 秋冬季 29
5.2 全年(3~12個月)降雨 30
第六章 梅雨及颱風個案之模式預報校驗結果探討 32
6.1 降雨區域的預報校驗 32
6.1.2 梅雨個案 32
6.1.4 颱風個案 34
6.2 10大單日降雨量排名 38
第七章 颱風個案之水文模擬結果 40
7.1 颱風強降水個案之個別分析 40
7.1.1 海棠颱風 40
7.1.2 馬莎颱風 42
7.2.3 泰利颱風 44
7.2 颱風強降水個案之綜合分析 45
第八章 結論與建議 48
參考文獻 51
附錄一 55
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指導教授 楊明仁(Ming-Jen Yang) 審核日期 2008-7-21
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