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姓名 江準熙(Juen-Shi Jiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 1999年集集大地震前後地震活動、震源機制及地殼應力分佈與變化之研究
(A Study on the Patterns and Changes in Seismicity, Focal Mechanism and Crustal Stress before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake)
★ 利用S波與尾波探求蘭陽平原局部場址效應★ 以地表位移量推算921地震時車籠埔斷層之錯動參數
★ 利用921地震序列之強地動資料對台灣強地動衰減模式與反應譜速估之研究★ 台灣西南部地區地震釋放之能量與規模關係之研究
★ 1999年集集地震序列強地動峰值隨方位角變動及以偏極化分析輔助地震定位方法之研究★ 九二一集集大地震序列各地累積絕對速度值(CAV)之研究
★ 以反應譜比值法推求地震時結構物振動行為之研究★ 紅河斷裂帶地震活動以及東南亞地殼與上部地函構造之研究
★ 台灣地區地震危害度的不確定性分析與參數拆解★ 台灣小規模地震再發統計模式參數研究
★ 台灣ShakeMap震度之研究-以九二一集集地震序列為例★ 高密度地震資料分析及其用於台灣中部及東部孕震構造之研究
★ 斷層錯動、地殼變位及強地動與地震災害相關性之研究: 以1935年及1999年台灣中部兩次地震為例★ 利用傅氏振幅譜比法分析全台灣強震站的場址
★ 以Gamma Model對台灣餘震叢集現象之研究★ 台灣西南部GPS資造時間序列分析與地殼變形模式研究
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摘要(中) 為探討1999年集集地震震源區受到該次大地震釋放應力後,可能引起的應力調整作用,本研究綜合分析了集集地震震源區之地震活動、震源機制與地殼應力,並應用多種型態辨識方法由餘震分佈辨識斷層面,進而分析集集主餘震與已知斷層構造之關連性。
摘要(英) In order to investigate stress adjustments in the source region of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, the regional seismic activities, focal mechanisms, and crustal stresses are together analyzed in this study. In addition, we have identified the true fault planes by applying several methods of pattern recognition on aftershock distributions. The results are further used to examine their relevance to the known fault structures.
In the study of seismic activities, we first define the aftershocks of the Chi-Chi earthquake by the earthquake clustering method. The locations of aftershocks are then adjusted by the hypocenter collapsing method. The results show six distinct clusters of aftershocks. An analysis of the b value shows a lack of larger earthquakes before the Chi-Chi earthquake which was subsequently compensated by intensive its aftershocks. Using a moving window in time, we have observed that the b value gradually increases from 0.8 to 1.0 beginning 1994 until 1999. Whether this anomalously linear increase of the b value is a precursor of the Chi-Chi earthquake deserves further investigations.
In the study of focal mechanisms, we found the larger and deeper earthquakes often exhibit thrust faulting whereas smaller and shallower earthquakes exhibit strike-slip type. The fact that larger earthquakes are dominantly thrust faulting is a reflection of the regional crustal stress regimes in the Chi-Chi source. With respect to the Chelungpu fault, thrust faulting dominates the hanging wall areas to the east, strike-slip faulting near its southern and northern ends, and southeastern side, whereas normal faulting in its central part and to the eastern side of the Central Mountain Range. Furthermore, the relative ratios of the numbers of the three types of focal mechanism are almost constant throughout the three-year period after the Chi-Chi.
Regarding fault plane identification, a traditional way to effectively identify a fault plane is based on aftershock distributions. We have successfully applied several methods of pattern recognition, including earthquake clustering, hypocenter collapsing, principal component analysis, and equal area projection, to determine the true fault plane from the two nodal planes of a focal mechanism. The results of 115 identified fault planes are informative for subsequent studies on possible association of seismic activities with fault structures, including pre-existing faults, new fractures, or underground blind faults.
In the study of crustal stresses, we analyzed the stress patterns and changes of the source region due to the Chi-Chi earthquake by the method of moment tensor summation, where the moment tensor of an individual earthquake is constructed from its focal mechanism solution and a scalar moment derived from the moment-magnitude relationship. The results reveal that although the distributions of seismicity and focal-mechanism patterns are different before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, the overall patterns of crustal stresses remain similar. A grid analysis of stress estimation has established a database of empirical focal mechanisms, moment tensors, and crustal stresses of the Chi-Chi source region.
In summary, the results of composite analyses of seismic activities, focal mechanisms, and crustal stresses can be summed up as follows. In a shear stress environment, the strike-slip deformation is usually concentrated around known faults, often induces earthquakes with small magnitudes. In a compressional stress environment, the thrust deformation often induces earthquakes which will distribute in broad areas and usually triggers complex types of focal mechanisms on pre-existing faults with significant magnitudes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 震源機制
★ 震矩張量
★ 主分量分析
★ 地震群集
★ 震源疊合
★ 應力張量
關鍵字(英) ★ hypocenter collapsing
★ stress tensor
★ earthquake clustering
★ focal mechanism
★ moment tensor
★ principal component analysis
論文目次 論文提要 ………………………………...……………………………………i
誌謝 …...………………………………………………………………………ii
目錄 …….…………………………..…………………………………………iii
圖目 …….…………………………..…………………………………………iv
表目 …….…………………………..…….…………………………...………vii
符號說明 .…………………………..…….………………………………...…viii
第一章 前言……………………………………………….……………………1
第二章 資料來源與可信度分析……………………………….…………......13
2.2 由P波初動震源機制解推算震矩張量…………………….………......17
2.3 P波初動解與波形逆推解之震矩張量資料的比較………….…….…..21
第三章 1999年集集地震震源區之地震活動分析...........................................32
第四章 1999年集集地震序列震源機制之總體時空特徵………………...…52
4.1 由震源機制劃分為走向滑移斷層、正斷層與逆斷層之分類方法……52
4.2 1999年集集地震序列之震源機制分類………………………………...54
4.3 震源機制之時空特徵………………………………..............................58
第五章 由餘震分佈辨識斷層面之方法及其應用…………...........................72
5.1 震源機制解之不定性與辨識斷層面之重要性…………......................72
5.2 應用多種型態辨識方法由餘震分佈辨識斷層面………………..........73
第六章 1999年集集地震前後地殼應力分佈與變化…………......................96
6.1 使用震源機制資料逆推地殼應力方向之方法…………......................96
6.2 使用震矩張量總和估計地殼應力之方法…………..............................99
6.3 1999年集集地震前後之地殼應力分析………….................................105
第七章 結論與討論………….........................................................................115
附錄A 震矩張量之分解……….….................................................................127
附錄B 震源機制解之震源參數表..................................................................130
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指導教授 辛在勤、黃柏壽、蔡義本
(Tzay-Chyn Shin、Bor-Shouh Huang、Yi-Ben Tsai)
審核日期 2005-7-21
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