博碩士論文 91642004 詳細資訊

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姓名 李奕亨(Yi-Heng Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 以中尺度反射震測法研究屯子腳斷層活動機制及構造上的意義
(Investigating Active Mechanisms of the Tuntzuchiao Fault by Multiple-scaled Reflection Seismic Methods)
★ 以波線追跡研究西北線型地震帶之速度構造★ 湖口斷層淺層反射震測之研究
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★ 台北盆地構造及震波速度分析★ 斗六丘陵桐樹湖斷層地下構造研究
★ 以淺層反射震測探測新城斷層地下構造★ 以反射震測法研究九芎坑斷層及其附近構造
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摘要(中) 1935年新竹-台中地震為台灣地震記錄史以來災害最大的地震,該地震在地表上形成長達15公里的右移地表破裂,即屯子腳地震斷層。2002年重起的震測調查研究發現,在幾乎消失的斷層跡象下所呈現的震測構造影像,指出屯子腳斷層並非簡單的右移斷層而已,而是架構在複雜的地體構造地及應力環境下所孕育之新期斷層活動。
本研究使用兩種尺度的反射震測方法:結合石油工業尺度震測在深度及跨距的優勢及中尺度淺層反射震測的高解析度,偵測橫移斷層系統的細部構造。本研究在屯子腳沿線區域佈置多條中尺度反射震測,解析斷層附近的淺部地層構造;另外利用大尺度震測剖面架構區域構造,並建立二者的相關性,以研判屯子腳斷層花狀構造在區域新期構造活動上所扮演的角色。結果顯示:屯子腳斷層為壓縮型之花狀構造(Positive flower structure),為在壓應力環境下的橫移斷層所形成,地層在接近斷層的部位逐漸隆起,在斷層中心呈穹隆狀、伴隨近垂直錯移面,地表上則形成雁行張裂的次構造。單次地震事件錯移的範圍可達數百公尺,並已累積數公里的規模。根據沿斷層線的震測剖面觀察,屯子腳斷層東北端應力作用及變形量最大,向西南逐漸減弱,遇清水斷層前應已終止。因屯子腳斷層屬右移走向滑移型態,斷層系統向東延伸進入三義斷層下盤,北側地盤在東側接觸帶相對擠壓三義斷層上盤,因此屯子腳斷層東段地層變形較為明顯。
摘要(英) The 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake (M=7.1) in northwestern Taiwan that induced the greatest damage in the Taiwan’s earthquake history, was marked by a 15 km surface rupture, the Tuntzuchiao Earthquake Fault. Although the present topography dose not indicate much active evidence, the structural variation underneath the Holocene terrace deposit is relatively wild. The Tuntzuchiao Fault is not only a strike-slip faults of pure shear, but also grows with a complex structure developing under the transitional tectonic stress fields.
This study provides insights of regional structures and seismic characters near the fault’s shear zone by combining the middle-scale shallow reflection seismic method and the large-scale petroleum seismic survey. After detailed seismic profile analysis, we propose that the Tuntzuchiao Fault is a strike-slip fault which develops as a “positive flower structure” under the compressional condition. The formations near the fault were up-rised and formed an arched zone. Shear stresses resulted in a duplex fault within the deformed area. The fault faded to the southwest, but was greatly deformed when the fault colliding with the hanging-wall of the San-I Fault in its northwestern corner.
The Tuntzuchiao fault strongly related with the reactivation of the regional normal fault system. The pre-existing normal faults in northwestern Taiwan developed in neogene and extended into the onshore area. The stress field changed into compression while the Pliocene orogeny occurred. The pre-existing normal faults were reactivated to form a strike-slip fault circumstance under compressional stresses, which developed positive flower structures. The pre-existing “paleo-normal fault” can be identified as a precursor. The reactivation of pre-existing normal faults and stress field transition control the main neotectonic activities in northwestern Taiwan.
In the study region, the trajectories of maximum stresses converge toward, and perpendicular to, the front of the Peikang Basement. Model results suggest that the chance of forming large-scale wrench faults is much less than that of forming conjugate strike-slip faults of pure shear. All the evidences including terrace generation, GPS crustal deformation and seismic profiles indicate that the Tuntzuchiao Fault is still quite active and should not be ignored in the earthquake mitigation studies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 橫移斷層
★ 新竹-台中地震
★ 屯子腳斷層
★ 中尺度反射震測
★ 花狀構造
關鍵字(英) ★ Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake
★ Tuntzuchiao Earthquake Fault
★ mid-scale reflection seismic survey
★ flower structure
★ strike-slip fault
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1935年新竹-台中地震歷史記錄與地震參數 2
1935年屯子腳地震斷層地表變形 4
1.3 本研究內容簡述 6
第二章 研究區地質概述 13
2.1 地質構造背景 13
2.1.1 台灣西北部外麓山帶至平原區構造 13
2.1.2 台西盆地發育與現況 13
2.2 研究區域地質概況 17
2.2.1 地形 17
2.2.2 構造 19
2.2.3 后里河階群的成因與構造活動的關係 20
2.3 走向滑移斷層之構造分類與特徵 21
第三章 反射震測法及構造解析 32
3.1 方法與原理簡述 32
3.1.1 三種尺度之反射震測法 32
3.1.2 反射震測法原理 34
3.1.3 儀器設備 35
3.1.4 雜波測試 36
3.1.5 資料處理 37
3.2 中尺度震測 40
3.2.1 中尺度反射震測施測及解釋 41
3.2.2 中尺度震測成果討論 45
3.3 大尺度震測解釋 47
3.3.1 三義斷層系統沿線測線解析 47
3.3.2 屯子腳斷層近斷層測線解析 50
3.3.3 大尺度震測區域構造解析成果討論 52
第四章 屯子腳斷層活動機制與構造上的意義 79
4.1 屯子腳斷層之活動機制 79
4.1.1 中新世古正斷層在活動之先導斷層 79
4.1.2 區域古構造形貌與應力場 81
4.1.3 屯子腳斷層的演育 85
4.2 屯子腳斷層之構造模式 86
4.2.1 梅山斷層與屯子腳斷層比較 87
4.2.2 屯子腳斷層再活動的可能性 88
4.2.3 區域地震活動潛能 89
第五章 結論 106
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指導教授 王乾盈(Chien-Ying Wang) 審核日期 2009-7-20
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