博碩士論文 92642007 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉興昌(Hsin-chang Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 活動斷層電性研究 — 以湖口、新城及山腳斷層為例
(Studies of Electrical Characteristics of Hukou, Hsincheng and Sanchiao Active Faults, Northern Taiwan. )
★ 時間域電磁法應用於地下金屬之探測★ 應用直流電阻法研究台灣西南海岸平原晚更新世與全新世地層界限
★ 併合二維、三維地電阻影像法及透地雷達法應用於管線及估計電石渣總量上之研究★ 地電法應用於混凝土中鋼筋鏽蝕研究
★ 透地雷達於剛性鋪面檢測之應用★ 應用直流電阻法與人控音頻大地電磁波法研究台灣西南海岸平原環境變遷
★ 大地電磁資料多站多頻分析於 台灣中部及金門地區地殼電性構造★ 台灣東部利稻池上地區深部電性構造
★ 應用地電阻法研究南崁斷層★ 大地電磁法探查台灣清水地熱區
★ 大地電磁法應用在台灣地區之海岸效應★ 車籠埔斷層與梅山斷層之地電研究
★ 應用大地電磁法研究台灣地區之電性構造★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義
★ 整合地球物理方法研究變質岩區地熱構造-以金崙地熱區為例★ 整合地電阻法與水文地質調查於崩塌地滑動之機制研究
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摘要(中) 桃園、新竹與台北為台灣北部重要之三大都會區,對於經過此區域三條活動斷層-湖口、新城與山腳斷層之電阻率構造與斷層位置是本研究關心與調查的重點,本研究總共在斷層沿線佈設了23條地電阻影像剖面法測線(RIP)、39處一維垂直測深測點(VES)與50個音頻大地電磁波測點(AMT)。
1. 湖口斷層與新城斷層為逆斷層,斷層上盤為低電阻率地層,斷層下盤為高電阻率地層。斷層兩側電阻率有明顯高低區之分界。斷層兩側淺部高電阻率礫石層厚度會出現明顯落差。電阻率構造常出現不連續或是側向電阻率曲線出現急變,此現象常出現斷層上下盤交界處與斷層帶上。新城斷層常呈現均質地層中出現帶狀之異常。山腳斷層除兩側電阻率出現高低分界外,斷層帶接觸面間非常不規則。
2. 地電阻影像剖面為最佳斷層調查的方法,具有品質穩定,解析度高與短時間即可得到地下電阻率分佈的優點。缺點是都會區開發度高,無法將測線展開得到目標深度。音頻大地電磁波法在都會區施測,由於電磁場的干擾無法得到較佳之資料品質,故建議施測時輔以重力方法與鑽井資料比對,雖然無法進行詳細的地層電阻率分層,但可得到第四紀與第三紀地層高低電阻率的界面。
摘要(英) Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Taipei are three major metro areas in northern Taiwan. This study attempts to survey the resistivity structures and locations of the three active faults – Hukou Fault, Hsinchen Fault, and Sanchiao Fault – passing through the three metro areas and has thus provided 23 resistivity imager profilings (RIP), 39 vertical electrical soundings (VES), and 50 audio-frequency magnetotellurics method (AMT) for this purpose.
This study has examined the relationships between faults and profilings in addition to the underground resistivity and has acquired following results accordingly:
1. Both Hukou Fault and Hsincchen Fault are thrust faults wherein the hanging walls are lowly resistivity and fault footwall are highly resistivity. Discontinuous geoelectrical or lateral rapid change resistivity is shown in electrical layers, especially in the fault trace or fault zone. Anomalous bands in a homogenous layer are one of the features shown in the Hsinchen fault. In addition to a large lateral resistivity contrast shown in the Sanchiao fault, the contacts surface is very rough.
2. The advantage of RIP result has a better stability, higher resolution and less time-consuming than other resistivity sounding methods. But in the study area, surface obstacles limited the spread of some survey lines, thus the targeted depth of investigation was unattained. AMT survey can be interfered by culture EM wave; the quality of its sounding results is always severely affected, especially in the Taipei area. However, combining the AMT sounding results with the gravity result, geologic data, and formal logging information, the Sanchiao fault and the boundary between the sediment and basement of Taipei Basin can be recognized.
關鍵字(中) ★ 湖口斷層
★ 新城斷層
★ 台北盆地
★ 地電阻影像剖面法
★ 山腳斷層
關鍵字(英) ★ RIP
★ Sanchiao Fault
★ Hukou Ffault
★ Hsinchen Fault
★ Taipei Basin
論文目次 第一章 緒論
1.1 前言------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------- 4
1.3 本文內容-------------------------------------------- 9
第二章 研究方法
2.1 直流電阻法------------------------------------------ 13
2.1.1 探測原理------------------------------------------ 13
2.1.2 一維地電阻法與資料處理---------------------------- 15
2.1.3 二維地電阻法與資料處理---------------------------- 15
2.2 音頻大地電磁法-------------------------------------- 18
2.2.1 探測原理------------------------------------------ 18
2.2.2 資料處理------------------------------------------ 23
第三章 湖口、新城及山腳斷層電阻率資料探勘
3.1 湖口斷層-------------------------------------------- 27
3.1.1 地表露頭電阻量測-------------------------------- 27
3.1.2 測區地層地電阻影像剖面結果---------------------- 33
3.1.3 綜合解釋---------------------------------------- 38
3.2 新城斷層-------------------------------------------- 40
3.2.1 頭前溪測區-------------------------------------- 41
3.2.2 篤行營區測區------------------------------------ 48
3.2.3 新竹科學園區測區-------------------------------- 55
3.2.4 寶山測區------------------------------------------ 57
3.3 台北盆地之山腳斷層---------------------------------- 66
3.3.1 台北盆地重力資料解釋------------------------------ 69
3.3.2 山腳斷層南段電性地層構造------------------------ 72
3.3.3 山腳斷層北段電性地層構造-------------------------- 78
第四章 結果討論
4.1 湖口斷層-------------------------------------------- 85
4.2 新城斷層-------------------------------------------- 87
4.3 山腳斷層-------------------------------------------- 89
第五章 結論
結論 --------------------------------------------------- 93
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------- 97
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指導教授 楊潔豪、陳洲生
(Chieh-Hou Yang、Chow-Son Chen)
審核日期 2009-7-26
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