博碩士論文 956202017 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱維毅(Wei-Yi Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 台灣西北部漸新世至更新世盆地演化及層序地層
(Oligocene to Pleistocene basin development and sequence stratigraphy in northwest Taiwan)
★ 台灣西南部中新世井下地層之沉積環境與層序地層研究★ 台灣西南海域含天然氣水合物地層之構造架構與沈積特徵
★ 台灣西南外海之構造與地形特徵及澎湖海底峽谷演化★ 台灣海峽及台灣西部平原之沈積層速度構造
★ 台灣西南外海碰撞帶前緣的近代沉積作用與新構造運動★ 台灣中部早期前陸盆地的地層紀錄
★ 台灣西南部前陸地區演育與古應力分析★ 煤岩材料與沉積環境綜合研判
★ 二氧化碳地質封存潛能評估與封存場址選擇:以桃園台地為例★ 臺灣西北部中新世-更新世沉積岩中黏土礦物和成岩作用研究
★ 台灣西北部大漢溪剖面南莊層至楊梅層之沉積環境研究★ 台灣東北外海沖繩海槽及龜山島附近之海床沉積物特徵
★ 台灣西南外海高屏峽谷沉積物及沉積機制研究★ 台灣西南海域天然氣水合物地質控制因素與資源量評估
★ 台灣中部地區潛在二氧化碳封存層與蓋層之礦物組成分析及地體構造意義★ 臺灣台南外海正斷層以及近代沉積現象研究
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摘要(中) 本研究綜合台灣西北部海域及陸域之反射震測剖面與井測資料,繪製前陸盆地堆積時期各地層的時間深度構造圖、等時線圖與等深度圖;研究晚漸新世五指山層至早更新世下部頭嵙山層的沉積環境與層序地層。藉此來討論台灣西北部,漸新世至更新世盆地之演育過程與層序變化。
本研究分析6口之電測相,區分出8類沉積環境,包括2種淺海大陸棚環境、3種海岸環境與3種陸相環境; 3類主要的沉積體系: 1. 波浪為主的河口灣-堰洲島沉積體系、2. 波浪為主的潟湖沉積體系、3.波浪和暴風為主的淺海大陸棚沉積體系。再由沉積環境的垂直變化,建立9種次層序,以次層序疊加方式,於五指山層至中段桂竹林層間,解析20個層序。
摘要(英) The tectonic environment in NW Taiwan and its vicinity is a latest Miocene ~ Recent foreland basin developing on top of mid-Oligocene to Miocene passive-margin sequences. This study integrated reflection seismic and well-log data to reveal the stratigraphic development in the study area since the Oligocene by combined analysis on well-log sequences and mapping of sediment thickness.
Seismic data show that all the stratigraphic units deepen toward the east due to orogenic loading. Stratigraphic units deposited during Oligocene to Miocene passive-margin stage show no distinct thickness variation in the east-west direction with the exception of the Nanchuang Formation. This formation abruptly terminates against the offshore Kuanyin basement high in the west, interpreted as extensional fault-controlled deposition. Stratigraphic units of the foreland basin thicken toward the Taiwan orogen and thin westward toward the Kuanyin basement high. Seismic mapping show that the depositional strike of the foreland basin changes from NE-direction in the west to NEE-direction in the east and southeast. This indicates that the pre-existing NEE-striking extensional basin center during the deposition of the Nanchuang Formation has facilitated later foreland subsidence.
Analysis on wireline log facies identifies 8 types of paleo-environments ranging from offshore to fluvial environments. The vertical change of paleo-environments indicates that there are 9 types of parasequences in the Oligocene-Pleistocene succession. This study recognizes 20 sequences through the study of stacking patterns for individual parasequence and identifications for major stratal surfaces. Our results indicate that the passive-margin succession consists of a few offshore-coastal sedimentary cycles and those cycles roughly correspond to eustatic sea-level changes. By contrast, the foreland basin succession is floored by a deepening-upward succession (i.e. from Kueichulin Formation to Chinshui Shale) followed by an overall shallowing-upward trend (i.e. from Cholan Formation to Toukoshan Formation). The later shallowing-upward trend is apparently controlled by the growth and encroachment of Taiwan orogenic belt east of the study area.
關鍵字(中) ★ 層序地層
★ 井測
★ 沉積相
★ 震測剖面
關鍵字(英) ★ sequence stratigraphy
★ well log
★ sedimentary facies
★ seismic profile
論文目次 第一章 序論 1
1.1 區域構造 1
1.2 資料來源與研究動機 2
1.3 前人研究 3
1.3.1 被動大陸邊緣 3
1.3.2 前陸盆地 4
1.3.3 盆地沉降速率 5
1.3.4 構造地質研究 5
1.3.5 沉積環境演化 7
1.4研究方法 10
1.4.1 震測剖面與鑽井地層對比 10
1.4.2 井測相與沉積相分析 10
1.4.3 層序地層分析 11
第二章 震測地層解釋 28
2.1 時深轉換 28
2.2 地層深度控制 28
2.3 資料讀取 29
2.4 時間剖面與深度構造剖面 29
2.5 鑽井層序地層 30
2.6 東西向震測剖面解釋 30
2.7 區域性等厚圖與構造圖繪製 31
第三章 層序地層 45
3.1 電測相分類 45
3.2 次層序分類 46
3.3 層序地層 48
第四章 討論 82
4.1 區域性前陸盆地演化 82
4.2 沉積環境之變遷 83
4.3 地層年代與層序地層 86
第五章 結論 92
參考文獻 93
附錄 101
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指導教授 林殿順(Andrew Tien-Shun Lin) 審核日期 2009-7-29
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