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姓名 魏多堂(Kieu Duy Thong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 大地電磁法應用在台灣地區之海岸效應
(Coast effect on magnetotelluric data in Taiwan Island)
★ 時間域電磁法應用於地下金屬之探測★ 應用地電阻法於土石流地滑之研究
★ 大地電磁資料多站多頻分析於 台灣中部及金門地區地殼電性構造★ 台灣東部利稻池上地區深部電性構造
★ 大地電磁法探查台灣清水地熱區★ 車籠埔斷層與梅山斷層之地電研究
★ 應用大地電磁法研究台灣地區之電性構造★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義
★ 整合地球物理方法研究變質岩區地熱構造-以金崙地熱區為例★ 活動斷層電性研究 — 以湖口、新城及山腳斷層為例
★ 大地電磁影像加強了解地熱構造:宜蘭清水地熱案例★ 宜蘭平原南緣山區之電性構造
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摘要(中) 大地電磁法(Magnetotellurics)是利用天然的電磁場來研究地下深部地殼電阻率變化,其長週期資料將強烈的受到海岸效應的影響。本研究使用三維順推模擬來估計海岸效應對台灣地區大地電磁法資料的影響,利用各種參數,包括 Bahr, WAL, rotational invariants, phase tensor 和induction arrow等,來評估海岸效應和地電模形維度,並進一步應用相減法去除海岸效應。
摘要(英) The Magnetotellurics (MT) utilizes naturally occurring electromagnetic field to determine electrical resistivity variations within the sub-surface. Using MT to investigate deeper parts of the crust beneath Taiwan Island acquires longer period data that is also strongly influenced by the coast effect (CE) around Taiwan.
In this study, the models were created by using three dimension (3D) forward modeling to evaluate the CE on MT data from Taiwan Island. Parameters Bahr’s, WAL rotational invariants, phase tensor (PT), together with induction arrow (IA) are used to figure out the CE and the dimensionality as well. Moreover, the subtraction method is also applied to both synthetic and real data to remove the CE on the IA.
The modeling results show that the 3D CE are generally significant for periods longer than 100s, higher in eastern Taiwan than in western one, pronounce in northern Taiwan than in the southern and middle one. It worth noting that the presence of the lowest value of 3D indicators zone between south-middle Taiwan give an evident of the lowest CE in Taiwan. It may relate to the balance of the CE between two deepest ocean parts, east and south-west-south, surround Taiwan. More detailed study for those longer periods show that the CE depends on location, frequency, and resistivity of host media. Therefore, the CE should inference the dimensional analysis, and the geoelectrical strike determination; those are the routine processing of the MT data reduction; without having correction of the CE will lead to misinterpretation.
Other than the CE assessment, the removal of the CE is also applied to a real data, which were carried out in the Chingshui geothermal field, Yilan, Northeast Taiwan. As the CE beginning at period about 10s, longer than the exploration target, it is not necessary to do the CE correction before data inversion. The inversion results point out the low resistivity zone relating geothermal reservoir at depth of 6-12 km.
關鍵字(中) ★ 台灣
★ 海岸效應
★ 大地電磁法
關鍵字(英) ★ Taiwan
★ coast effect
★ magnetotelluric
論文目次 English abstract i
Chinese abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables xi
Explanation of Symbols xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Setting of Taiwan Island 1
1.2 Application of MT method in Taiwan 2
1.3 Overview of the research about coast effect on MT data 3
1.4 Ocean coast effect on MT data in Taiwan 4
1.5 Research Objective 5
Chapter 2 Geoelectric Dimensionality 8
2.1 Fundamental rotational invariants of the MT tensor 8
2.2 Bahr parameters 10
2.3 WAL rotational invariant parameters 11
2.4 Bahr-Q method 14
2.5 The MT phase tensor 15
2.6 Summary 20
Chapter 3 Evaluating the Coast Effect 25
3.1 Simple model 26
3.1.1 The CE on impedance tensor and magnetic transfer function 27
3.1.2 Assessment of the models using induction arrows 28
3.2 Model of Taiwan Island 29
3.3 Removal of the coast effect 31
3.3.1 Coast effect response range 31
3.3.2 Removal of the coast effect 32
3.4 Summary 32
Chapter 4 The Coast Effect on Dimensionality Analysis 49
4.1 Bahr-Q method 49
4.2 WAL method 50
4.3 Phase tensor method 51
4.3.1 Dimensionality analysis using phase tensor method 51
4.3.2 Geoelectric strike 52
4.4 Geoelectric model of Taiwan 53
4.5 Summary 54
Chapter 5 Application: The Coast Effect on Chingshui Geothermal Field 61
5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Magnetotelluric survey in the Chingshui area 62
5.3 The CE on MT data in the Chingshui geothermal field 63
5.4 Dimensionality analysis 64
5.4.1 Induction arrow 64
5.4.2 Phase tensor 64
5.4.3 Dimensionality 65
5.5 Inversion 66
5.5.1 2D versus 3D magnetotelluric data interpretation 66
5.5.2 Inversion 67
5.6 Summary 69
Chapter 6 Conclusions 79
References 81
Appendix A Background theory of magnetotellurics 86
Appendix B MT dimensionality models 89
Appendix C Resistivity media beneath Taiwan island 94
Appendix E Flowchart of classification dimensionality programs 97
Appendix F Comparing the phase tensor illustration 98
Appendix G Comparison the dimensionality classifications 99
Appendix H Method to correct the coast effect on impedance tensor 100
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指導教授 陳洲生(Chow-Son Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-17
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