摘要(英) |
The thesis examines how environment and other causalities forms intermarriage’s gender relationship, and what the essence of Hakka and Mainland’s gender is. There is stereotype in Taiwan’s ethnic gender, but there is few people curious about how gender forms. In recent years, there are still less direct discussion of ethnic marriage, although some Taiwan’s scholars researching family also notice that ethnicity’s influence of gender relationship in marriage. What role does ethnic group play in marriage? How it influences gender relationship between couples? The thesis hopes these resolutions can help to understand gender relationship in intermarriage more, more than this, conversation with family’s theories nowadays.
The thesis analyzes the stories told by 20 older-generation intermarriage Hakka women to find out the description of pre-marital and post-marital, gender attitude, housework, family decision, and personal resources. On the conclusion, Hakka and Mainland indeed exist different gender. As a result of its extended family and conservative ethnicity, Hakka tends to traditional inequality gender relationship, and women’s personal resources can’t influence their family status. But the situation is different for women married Mainland. First, the first generation Mainland’s specific history context, so Mainlanders’ wives have less pressure of seniority. Second, Because Mainland husbands always work outside, their Hakka wives have to take full responsibility of family so that they have more power to make decision. Compare Hakka with Mainland, Hakka have stronger relative and clan network because migrated earlier than Mainland. And because The first generation Mainland almost come to Taiwan all alone, Mainland just like become a whole “new” ethnic group. In an early phase of forming ethnicity, the common collective conscious and standard have not appeared yet. Therefore, Mainland’s gender relationship may depart from traditional gender standard, and it will form various gender relationship.
By analyzing women’s narratives who have intermarriage experience, the conditions of housework in Hakka and Mainland marriage are similar, and women in two families have to be responsible for most housework. But the process and contents of family decision actually reflect family’s gender relationship. We can draw marital power in every family through their narratives about family decision, and women married Mainland obviously have higher marital power than women married Hakka. The thesis argues that ethnic gender are constructed by family structure, financial factor, occupation, and gender attitude, they not only influence ethnic members deeply, but also be maintained and inherited through marriage. By surveying the process of forming ethnic gender, we will more understand how ethnic groups, gender, and marriage connect and influence each other. |
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