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姓名 楊曉菁(Hsiao-Ching Yang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 化學學系 論文名稱 硫氧化物及聚賽吩衍生物 在金、鉑電極上之研究
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摘要(中) 摘要
Ⅰ. 硫氧化物在金與鉑電極上之吸附反應
??? 利用掃描式電子穿隧顯微鏡(STM)及循環伏安法(CV)探討在單結晶電極表面硫氧化物的吸附結構及其氧化還原反應,我們特別選定兩種硫氧化物,例如:亞硫酸鈉(Na2SO3)、二硫亞磺酸鈉(Na2S2O4)。因為由許多CV文獻可知它們在不同電位下會形成不同價數的硫氧化物,在此我們將著重於界面環境以及相異的載體對分子吸附與反應之影響,強調在電化學界面狀態下,電位的改變對分子吸附的重要性,並探討硫氧化物在氧化反應發生時之電子轉移數。
[A]. 亞硫酸鈉:
由於亞硫酸鈉在酸性環境下能反應形成二氧化硫,故我們認為實驗中皆以二氧化硫吸附於不同電極上。由CV圖可知,二氧化硫吸附在金和鉑電極上時,其較易催化鉑電極,電壓介於0.05至0.9 V之間二氧化硫可完整吸附於鉑(111)電極上,電壓較0.9 V正時,分子開始氧化,生成高氧化態之硫氧化物(如:硫酸根),再經由還原脫附產生硫原子而吸附於鉑電極上。STM結果顯示,二氧化硫吸附在金(111)上隨電位的改變形成三種結構,分別是當E=0.2 V時為(5 × 2?39) R16.1°,E=0.4 V轉為(?13 × ?21)R46.1°,E=0.7 V轉為(5 ×
3?7)R19.1°,其覆蓋度分別為0.14、0.21以及0.1。另一方面,二氧化硫吸附在金(100)上時,由於濃度的不同亦產生相異結構,在高濃度下,0.2 V時有良好(?2 × ?2)R45°結構,覆蓋度為0.5;在低濃度時,當E=0.45 V會有兩種結構形成,分別為(?13 × 5?2)R45°,覆蓋度為0.16及(2?5 × 2?5)R26.6°,覆蓋度為0.22,施以更正的電壓導致分子覆蓋度增加和轉變成(2 × 2)覆蓋度為0.25的結構。此外,在鉑(111)電極之研究中,當電位控制於0.2 V,只觀察到(?3 × ?3)R30°結構,故推測此為硫原子的吸附。
[B]. 二硫亞磺酸鈉:
我們利用高解像STM檢測其在金(111)與鉑(111)電極上的吸附結構皆為(?3 × ?3)R30°,每個分子位於3-fold sites,覆蓋度為0.33。
Ⅱ. 聚?吩衍生物在鉑(111)電極的吸附結構
當電極電位設定於0.1 V時,由STM結果顯示,聚?吩衍生物(3TOESNa、P3TOESH)吸附於鉑(111)電極為(2 × 2)結構,覆蓋度為0.25,故猜測此一分子皆是以雜環上的π電子與金屬表面鍵結。
Ⅲ. 聚苯胺在鉑(111)電極之聚合情形
在CV結果中,於0.5和0.7 V分別有一對可逆氧化還原峰,且會隨掃描圈數而增加。此外,由STM亦觀察到在0.5 ~ 0.7 V的電位範圍下,有明顯聚合情形發生。摘要(英) Abstract
In situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to examine the adsorption of sulfur-oxygen compounds (ex. sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) and sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4)) on well-ordered Au(111), Au(100) and Pt(111) electrodes in 0.1 M HClO4 under potential control. High-quality STM atomic resolution results in three adlattices on Au(111) immersed in acidic Na2SO3. These structures are presumably due to SO2, which represents the most prominent chemical species in the mixed solutions of HClO4 and Na2SO3. A well-packed (5 ? 2?39)R16.1? predominates at 0.2 V, which rearranges into a (?13 ? ?21)R46.1? adlattice as a result of a slight increase of coverage at 0.4 V. Finally, at 0.7 V clusters of sulfur atoms coadsorbed with water molecules to form a highly ordered adlattice of (5 ? 3?7)R19.1?.
In situ STM was also used to probe the structures of SO2 on Au(100) in 0.1 M HClO4. With a concentration of 1 mM or higher, SO2 are adsorbed in (?2 ? ?2)R45?, ? ? 0.25, whereas at potential negative of
0.6 V lower concentration results in (?13 ? 5?2)R45?, ? ? 0.16 and (2?5 ? 2?5)R26.6?, ? ? 0.22, depending on the potential of Au(100). At more positive potential the coverage of SO2 ad-molecules increases to produce a more compact (2 ? 2), ? ? 0.25 structure. In the case of Pt(111), SO2 are spontaneously reduced to sulfur adatoms arranging in (?3 ? ?3)R30? at 0.2 V.
The adsorption of Na2S2O4 on Au(111) and Pt(111) were also investigated by in situ STM and cyclic voltammetry (CV). In strong contrast to the formation of multiple adlattices for SO2, only one structure, (?3 ? ?3)R30?, is identified at Au(111) and Pt(111) by STM. Tentatively, according to the results from cyclic voltammetry, this structure, at least in the case of Pt(111), is due to the adsorption of sulfur adatoms, produced from the irreversible reduction of SO2 upon its contact with Pt electrodes. However, in the case of Au(111), no reduction feature is noted at potential negative of 0.3 V, indicating that S2O42- anions are adsorbed intact. Due to the close spacing (5.1 Å) of two neighboring S2O42- anions in the structure, they are likely to adsorbed through a sulfur atom.
We employed in situ STM and CV to study the adsorption of poly-3-alkyithiophene derivatives (3TOESNa and P3TOESH) onto a well-ordered Pt(111) electrode in 0.1 M HClO4. The STM shows the atomic image of Pt(111) - (2 ? 2)-poly-3-alkyithiophene derivatives structure. Two nearest protrusions are separated by 0.55 nm. The atomic rows are parallel to the close-packed directions of Pt(111).
In situ STM was also applied to study the electropolymerization of aniline on well-defined Pt(111) electrodes in 0.1 M HClO4. The two reversible peaks emerging at 0.5 and 0.7 V indicate the success of electropolymerization of aniline in the acidic media. High-resolution STM imaging of polyaniline on Pt(111) reveals the formation of electronically conducting organic phases with an average corrugation height of 6 nm. Stable STM imaging was possible for the first hour at 0.7 V in 1 mM aniline, whereas tip-and-substrate contact becomes so severe that it was impossible to have a clear view of the samples as the films get thicker.關鍵字(中) ★ 金(111)
★ 掃描式電子穿隧顯微鏡
★ 二氧化硫
★ 鉑(111)關鍵字(英) ★ SO2
★ Pt(111)
★ Au(111)
★ STM論文目次 目錄
1-2 STM簡介……………………………………………………………1
1-3-1 電極反應…………………………………………………….5
1-3-2 電位階升法………………………………………………….6
1-3-3 旋轉電極法………………………………………………….8
1-3-4 Tafel plots…………………………………………………..11
1-6-2 硫氧化物(SOx)之應用…………………………………….16
2-1 藥品部分…………………………………………………………..27
2-2 氣體部分…………………………………………………………..27
2-3 金屬部分…………………………………………………………..27
2-4 儀器設備…………………………………………………………..28
2-5 實驗步驟…………………………………………………………..29
圖1. 針尖維持一定高度地[浮]在表面上掃描,描繪表面的高低起伏...4
圖2. 電位階升法之電位操作模式與相對之電流-時間關係圖………..7
圖3. 溶液相對於旋轉電極之流動圖…………………………………...9
圖4. 旋轉電極法之電位操作模式與相對之電流-電位關係圖………10
圖5. 旋轉電極法中,當達成極限電流i l時,濃度分佈與擴散層(? 0)之關係圖………………………………………………………………..10
圖6. log i 與電位之關係圖…………………………………………….11
圖7. SO2吸附於過鍍金屬上的四種型式……………………………..16
圖8. 陽離子型聚合反應機構………………………………………….21
圖9. 自由基型聚合反應機構………………………………………….22
圖10. 聚苯胺的結構與轉換機制……………………………………..23
圖11. 金(111)在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖…………………………….36
圖12. 單層SO2吸附於金(111)上,發生於0.35 V,溶液為10 mM SO2
在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖………………………………………….…37
圖13. 金(111)在含10-5 M SO2的0.1 M HClO4之CV圖…….…….37
圖14. 金(111)在0.1 M HClO4之STM圖…………………………….42
圖15. 將電位控制於0.2 V二氧化硫吸附在金(111)上之STM圖像.43
圖16. 將電位控制於0.4 V二氧化硫吸附在金(111)上之STM圖像.44
圖17. 將電位控制於0.7 V二氧化硫吸附在金(111)上之STM圖像.45
圖18. 金(100)在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………48
圖19. 單層SO2吸附於金(100)上,發生於0.3 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………………………48
圖20. 金(111)、金(100)在含1 mM SO2的0.1 M HClO4之CV圖..49
圖21. 金(100)在0.1 M HClO4之STM圖…………………………..52
圖22. 高濃度二氧化硫吸附在金(100)上之STM圖像……………..53
圖23. 將電位控制於0.45 V低濃度二氧化硫吸附在金(100)上之STM圖像(A區域)…………………………………………………………….54
圖24. 將電位控制於0.45 V低濃度二氧化硫吸附在金(100)上之STM圖像(B區域)…………………………………………………………….55
圖25. 將電位控制於0.6 V低濃度二氧化硫吸附在金(100)上之STM圖像……………………………………………………………………..56
圖26. 鉑(111)在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………62
圖27. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.4→1.05→0.05→1.05 V…63
圖28. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.4→0.8→0.05→0.8 V……63
圖29. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.4→1.0→0.3→1.0 V…….64
圖30. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.6 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.6→1.1→0.05→1.1 V.……64
圖31. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.6 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.6→0.8→0.05→0.8 V..….65
圖32. 單層SO2吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.15 V,溶液為1 mM SO2在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖,電位掃描0.15→1.1→0.05→1.1 V.….65
圖33. 金(111)、鉑(111)在含1 mM SO2的0.1 M HClO4之CV圖…..66
圖34. 二氧化硫吸附在鉑(111)上之STM圖像………………………68
圖35. 多晶鉑電極在0.1 M HClO4之CV圖………………………….71
圖36. 多晶鉑旋轉電極在0.1 M HClO4 + 1 mM SO2之CV圖…….71
圖37. 在不同轉速下偵測電流與電位之關係,以電位對log[( i l - i ) / i]作圖………………………………………………………………….72
圖38. 在不同電位下以不同轉速偵測電流對時間之關係,以轉速平方根的倒數對log i作圖…………………………………………………..73
圖39. 以不同電位下與電流作圖……………………………………..73
圖40. 於鉑(111)電極上,以不同濃度之SO2偵測氧化電流,以
log [SO32-]對log i0作圖………………………………………………..77
圖41. 於鉑(111)電極上偵測SO2之氧化電位與電流之關係,以氧化電位對log i作圖………………………………………………………..77
圖42. 於金(111)電極上,以不同濃度之SO2偵測氧化電流,以
log [SO32-]對log i0作圖………………………………………………..78
圖43. 於金(111)電極上偵測SO2之氧化電位與電流之關係,以氧化電位對log i作圖………………………………………………………..78
圖44. 二氧化硫之滴定曲線圖………………………………………..79
圖45. 為不同掃描速率下於鉑(111)電極上吸附1 mM二氧化硫溶液,以氧化電位和ln ?作圖…………………………………………………80
圖46. 單層Na2S2O4吸附於金(111)上,發生於0.2 V,溶液為1 mM Na2S2O4在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖.………………………………...84
圖47. 單層Na2S吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.3 V,溶液為1 mM Na2S
在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………………..……..84
圖48. 二硫亞磺酸鈉吸附在金(111)上之STM圖像…………………85
圖49. 金(111)電極吸附二亞硫磺酸鈉的連續變化圖………………..86
圖50. 單層Na2S2O4吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為1 mM Na2S2O4在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………….…88
圖51. 二硫亞磺酸鈉吸附在鉑(111)上之STM圖像………………….89
圖52. 單層3TOESNa吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為3TOESNa在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖………...……………………...92
圖53. 3TOESNa吸附在鉑(111)上之STM圖像…………………….93
圖54. 單層P3TOESH吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為P3TOESH在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖………….…………………...94
圖55. P3TOESH吸附在鉑(111)上之STM圖像…………………….95
圖56. 單層苯胺吸附於鉑(111)上,發生於0.4 V,溶液為1 mM苯胺在0.1 M HClO4中之CV圖……………………………………….……98
圖57. 鉑(111)在含1 mM苯胺的0.1 M HClO4之CV圖……..……98
圖58. 以STM之電極電位操控苯胺的連續變化圖………………….99
表1. 為不同轉速(?)之轉移電子數……………………………………72
表2. 二氧化硫滴定所消耗過錳酸鉀體積之電位變化……………….79
表3. 二氧化硫之反應級數…………………………………………….80參考文獻 第伍章、參考文獻
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