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姓名 張建邦(Chien-Pang Chang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 天文研究所 論文名稱 木衛一埃歐鈉雲噴流之結構與時間變化
(The Structure and Time-variabilities of Io's Fast Sodium Jets)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 並建立一考慮周嚴的鈉噴流模型,從理論方面與實際的觀測資料做比對的工作。
其結果與G. Cremonese等人(1992)的觀測資料比較後,得到近似的結果。
除此之外,本論文中的鈉噴流模型,採用A. Kopp(2001)的MHD模型詳細地描述鈉噴流粒子的速度分佈情形,
以及利用N. M. Schneider等人(1991a)所觀測之埃歐大氣密度分佈來描述電荷交換產生鈉噴流粒子的機率分佈,
並將結果分別與C. Pilcher等人(1984)的觀測做形態幾何結構的比較,
以及與G. Cremonese等人(1992)的觀測做鈉噴流粒子之速度分佈的比較。其結果顯示,
鈉噴流粒子在埃歐面向木星半球之後半部,產生的機率較低,此結果正符合J. K. Wilson等人(1999)所提出的理論。
以其更進一步的瞭解埃歐大氣與離子球層的結構及與IPT交互作用的問題。摘要(英) In this thesis work the production and morphology of Io’’s sodium cloud
have been studied using both low- and high-spectral resolution
spectroscopic data and filter-images. In addition, detailed numerical
models have been constructed to provide theoretical comparison to the
During the Jupiter Flyby of the Cassini spacecraft in December 2000
enroute to the Saturnian system, the 2.16 m spectrograph of the Beijing
Astronomical Observatory (BAO) was used for simultaneous ground-based
coverage of Io’’s sodium cloud emission. In comparision with the work of
Cremonese et al. (1992), the spatial distribution of the sodium D-line
brightness deduced in one particular orbital time interval was
consistent with the presence of a fast atomic sodium jet.
We have used the Io interaction model from the magnetohydrodynamic
computations by Dr. Andreas Kopp (2001) to describe the velocity flow
field in the vincinity of Io. Furthermore, the number density profile
of sodium atoms derived by Schneider et al. (1991a) was adopted in a
Monte Carlo code to simulate the production and velocity distribution of
fast neutral sodium atoms created by charge exchange effect of the
sodium ions. The theoretical patterns of the fast sodium jets were
compared with the observed morphologies obtained by C. Pilcher (1984)
and the two-dimensional spectrographs of Cremonese et al. (1992). Our
results suggested that the fast sodium atoms should have higher
production on the trailing side of the anti-Jupiter hemisphere. This is
in general agreement with the conclusion of Wilson et al. (1999).
For future work, we plan to use a home-made coronagrapy mated to the
76-cm Super Light Telescope at the Lulin Observatory to monitor the time
variabilities of the
sodium jets and the Io plasma torus. We also want to continue our
cooperative efforts with BAO to obtain high-spectral resolution data.
The applications of our theoretical model to these observations will
bring important insight to our understanding of the structures of Io’’s
atmosphere and ionosphere and their electrodynamical interactions with
the Jovian magnetosphere.關鍵字(中) ★ 埃歐
★ 鈉噴流關鍵字(英) ★ Io
★ Fast Jets論文目次 1 緒論
1.1 B-cloud
1.2 IPT(Io Plasma Tours)
1.3 Fast Jets
1.4 小結
2 觀測與資料分析
2.1 儀器介紹
2.2 觀測方法
2.3 資料處理
2.3.1 影像的特徵
2.3.2 展源光譜影像處理
3 模型
3.1 模型的整體考量
3.2 B-cloud模型
3.3 Fast Jets模型
4 與過去的觀測比較
4.1 Pilcher 與 Cremonese的觀測
4.2 結果
5 討論與未來工作
A.1 MONICA計畫目的
A.2 計畫延遲的原因
A.3 使用的儀器與Coronagrapher的設計
A.3.1 Coronagrapher設計原理
A.3.2 Coronagrapher光路模擬
A.3.3 Coronagrapher的元件
A.4 目前進度參考文獻 [1] Bagenal, F., and J. D. Sullivan, Geophy. Res. Latter, 7, 41, 1980
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