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姓名 邱淑慧(Shwu-Huey Chiou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 類星體-星系對 0248+430 中的原子與分子氣體
(Atomic and Molecular Gas in the QSO-Galaxy Pair 0248+430)
★ 亮紅外線星系ARP 55的CO(J=2-1)和CO(J=1-0)之譜線研究★ 合併中之明亮紅外線星系的次毫米波段觀測
★ 后髮座星系團內相對論性電子能譜的數值計算★ 萊曼α吸收雲的運動學SZ效應所引起之宇宙背景輻射非均向性
★ 亮紅外星系 NGC 6090 中分子氣體之研究★ X射線背景輻射對星系團質量-溫度關係之限制
★ AM CVn系統之可見光觀測★ 利用電波與近紅外線觀測資料研究活躍星系核的性質
★ 具有偏極化寬譜線與不具有偏極化寬譜線的西佛二型星系之塵埃型態★ On the Origin of the Radio Emission of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
★ 使用近紅外波段搜尋高質量X射線雙星的光學對應體★ 窄線西佛I型星系之電波及紅外線性質
★ 合併星系的快速搜尋法★ 活躍星系中分子雲之物理特性
★ 伽瑪射線爆周圍環境探討★ 西佛一型和窄線西佛一型星系中,黑洞質量和核球的關係
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摘要(中) 「類星體-星系對」為在投影平面上距離很接近(約數萬秒差距)的類星體和星系,但兩者間紅位移相距甚大。藉由兩者在視線方向上的相近,星系的外圍通過類星體的前景位置,吸收了來自類星體連續譜的特定波長而在類星體的光譜上形成吸收譜線,藉由對類星體吸收譜線的研究,我們可以了解星系外圍氣體的性質。
摘要(英) We present the results of HI observations of Q0248+430 with the Very Large Array (VLA).
The quasar Q0248+430
(z = 1.313, Mv = 17.65) is a variable radio source with a foreground object,
G0248+430 (z ~ 0.051), which consists of two galaxies in a merging process.
The two nuclei are
separated by 3.8", and the tidal tail lies in the direction of Q0248+430.
Absorption lines of CaII and NaI with redshifts very
close to the redshifts of the merging galaxies have been detected in the optical spectra of Q0248+430.
It has been accepted
that the class of narrow, metal absorption lines (with redshift z_abs<< z_em) seen in
the spectra of QSOs are due to gas associated with intervening galaxies.We find distinct HI absorption near the redshifts of the stronger
optical absorption lines and calculate the spin temperatures of discrete clouds in the tidal tail
of the merging system.
Comparing with gas associated with normal galaxies, the clouds in the tidal tail show relatively
higher ratio of N(CaII)/N(HI) and N(NaI)/N(HI). Dusts in the tidal
tail have been destroyed during strong tidal interaction and metals associated with the dusts have been
released into the gas. Because the spin temperatures of these clouds are higher than the sublimation temperature
of dusts, we suggest that the mechanism involved in dust destroying is thermal evaporation.
Besides, G0248+430 shows no HI emission in the central region as H_2 does.
Our results indicate that the properties of gas in tidal tail is quite different from gas associated
with normal galaxies and the atomic gas which is in the outer part of the galaxy before merging has
not been forced to the central region in the merging process
關鍵字(中) ★ 類星體
★ 交互作用星系
★ 分子氣體
★ 原子氣體
★ 吸收譜線
關鍵字(英) ★ QSO absorption lines
★ interacting galaxies
★ atomic gas
★ molecular gas
★ QSO-galaxy pair
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指導教授 黃崇源(Chorng-Yuan Hwang) 審核日期 2002-7-6
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