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姓名 侯淑慧(Shu-Huei Hou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 系外行星系統所造成的微重力透鏡效應
(Gravitational Microlensing by Exoplanetary Systems)
★ 星系彎曲與旋臂的形成★ 星系中心重質量黑洞之動力學
★ The orbital migrations of massive planets in the protoplanetary disks★ 論單線光譜雙星系統之質量比分佈
★ Numerical Simulations of Binary Accretion Disks
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摘要(中) 人類自從1993年朝著大麥哲倫雲的方向,看到了第一次微重力透鏡現象(Alcock, et al. 1993 )後,許多關於微重力透鏡的計畫正如火如荼的展開,一直至今,已經有超過500件的微重力透鏡效應被發現(Wambsganss 2001)。而其中已經有6個微重力透鏡效應,被懷疑是由似行星天體所造成的微重力透鏡效應之光變曲線。
我們模擬透鏡的部分為各類假設的系外行星系統下,其所造成的微重力透鏡效應會有哪些不同的變化,討論其焦散曲線與光變曲線之變化情形。最後,我們將模擬的光變曲線與一真實觀測資料OGLE-2002-BLG-055對照比較。模擬結果發現,隨著行星數目的增加,則其所造成的焦散曲線之結構範圍亦增多,亦即相對而言,則越容易有微重力透鏡現象之發生。且當行星軌道半徑的張角趨近於愛因斯坦角時(θP →θE),則其所造成的焦散曲線結構所圍之面積也愈大。對於光變曲線之模擬,我們發現光變曲線之主高峰點發生在系外行星系統之主星與光源 距離為最接近時。當光源經過焦散點時,會造成光變曲線上異常突起之現象,而異常突起的次數取決於光源掃過焦散點之次數。也因為如此,所以若在真實觀測時,我們會建議每次觀測之時間間隔要短,但總觀測時間需長,如此才不至於錯失一些透露著系外行星資訊的珍貴訊息。
摘要(英) Microlensing, which occurs when a foreground object moves between an observer and a luminous background object, was proposed as a method to detect Galactic dark matter by Paczyński (1986) .When a microlensing event occurs, the luminous background object would be brighter by a great factor. This brightness amplification factor depends on the mass distribution of the foreground object and the relative position of the luminous background object. In this paper we determine the light curves of microlensing events for different planetary systems as foreground objects. We found that the light curve has many spikes during a microlensing event, and these structures depend on the number of planets, the periods of planets, etc. Therefore, our results should be useful for the future detections of multiple planetary systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微重力透鏡
★ 系外行星系統
關鍵字(英) ★ exoplanetary system
★ gravitational microlensing
論文目次 第一章:緒論
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指導教授 江瑛貴(Ing-Guey Jiang) 審核日期 2003-7-11
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