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姓名 趙瑞青(Rui-Ching Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 AM CVn系統之可見光觀測
(Optical Observations of AM CVn Systems)
★ 亮紅外線星系ARP 55的CO(J=2-1)和CO(J=1-0)之譜線研究★ 合併中之明亮紅外線星系的次毫米波段觀測
★ 后髮座星系團內相對論性電子能譜的數值計算★ 萊曼α吸收雲的運動學SZ效應所引起之宇宙背景輻射非均向性
★ 類星體-星系對 0248+430 中的原子與分子氣體★ 亮紅外星系 NGC 6090 中分子氣體之研究
★ X射線背景輻射對星系團質量-溫度關係之限制★ 利用電波與近紅外線觀測資料研究活躍星系核的性質
★ 具有偏極化寬譜線與不具有偏極化寬譜線的西佛二型星系之塵埃型態★ On the Origin of the Radio Emission of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
★ 使用近紅外波段搜尋高質量X射線雙星的光學對應體★ 窄線西佛I型星系之電波及紅外線性質
★ 合併星系的快速搜尋法★ 活躍星系中分子雲之物理特性
★ 伽瑪射線爆周圍環境探討★ 西佛一型和窄線西佛一型星系中,黑洞質量和核球的關係
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摘要(中) AM CVn 系統是屬於正在交互作用的雙白矮星系統,被分類為激變星(Cataclysmic Variable stars)的一種。它的光度變化週期大約在5到65分鐘左右。廣義相對論預測,像這樣的系統能發射重力波並且損失角動量,而這可能就是造成這個系統質量傳遞的主要原因。
我們使用鹿林天文台LOT來進行可見光的觀測,我們總共觀測了3個目標,分別是GP Com;CR Boo及HP Lib。我們的結果顯現GP Com並沒有明顯的光變週期。而這個結果和Nather, Robinson, & Stover (1981) and Marsh, Horne, & Rosen (1991)這一群人所得到的結論相符合。在CR Boo的部分,我們可以在它的光度曲線中看到大振幅的亮度變化。我們發現當它的光變從亮變暗時,顏色則由藍變紅,並且呈現吸收現象。在HP Lib的部分,我們找到1118秒及1148秒的週期。1118秒的這個週期和O’Donighue et al. (1994)這群人所找到的superhump週期是吻合的;而1148這個週期也許是由其他機制所造成的。
摘要(英) AM CVn stars contain two white dwarfs of extreme mass ratio in close proximity. The secondary star fills its Roche lobe and transfers material to the much more massive primary via an accretion disk. It is currently believed that they are interacting binary white dwarf systems (Faulkner, Flannery, & Warner 1972). The observed photometric periods are between 5 and 65 minutes. The theory of general relativity predicts that such a system would emit gravitational waves and loose angular momentum. This drives mass transfer from the lower-mass white dwarf to its companion. We observed unique helium Cataclysmic Variables GP Com, CR Boo, and HP Lib using 1-meter telescope of the Lulin Observatory. Our results show that GP Com doesn’t have stable photometric periodicities. This consists with those of Nather, Robinson, & Stover (1981) and Marsh, Horne, & Rosen (1991). Long-amplitude, rapid variations are clearly seen with a time scale of a few days for CR Boo. We find CR Boo becomes redder when it becomes fainter. And the state from bright to faint is due to absorption. For HP Lib, we detected two clear periods. One is consistent with the conclusions of O’Donighue et al. (1994) study. Another period of 1148 s might be caused by other mechanisms.
關鍵字(中) ★ AM CVn系統
★ 激變星
★ 變星
★ 雙星
關鍵字(英) ★ AM CVn systems
★ Cataclysmic Variable stars
★ variable stars
★ binary stars
論文目次 1 Introduction...1
2 Background Knowledg...3
2.1 Cataclysmic Variable stars...4
2.2 Dwarf Nova Outbursts...6
2.3 AM CVn Systems...7
3 Observations and Data Analysis...10
3.1 Lulin One-meter Telescope ...11
3.2 Observations...12
3.3 Data Reduction ...13
3.4 Photometry ...14
3.4.1 Differential Photometry...14
3.4.2 Automatic Programs...15
3.5 Period Determination ...16
4 Results and Discussion...17
4.1 GP Com ...17
4.2 CR Boo ...21
4.3 HP Lib...34
5 Summary...43
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指導教授 黃崇源(Chorng-Yuan Hwang) 審核日期 2004-6-25
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