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姓名 連祥益(Hsiang-Yi Lien )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程研究所
論文名稱 動力互易定理於樑損傷檢測之應用
(Damage Detection in Beam Structures Using Dynamic Reciprocal Theory)
★ 貼片補強構件之層間應力分析★ 軌道不整檢測及識別方法
★ 混凝土結構分析之三維等效單軸組成材料模型★ 卵形顆粒法向與切向接觸之等效線性彈簧值之推導與驗證
★ 以四面體離散化多面體系統之接觸分析與模擬★ 軌道車輛三維動態脫軌係數之在線量測理論
★ 向量式DKMT厚殼元推導與模擬★ 向量式預力混凝土二維剛架元之數值模擬與驗證
★ 向量式有限元應用於懸索橋非線性動力分析★ 蛋形顆粒群之流固耦合分析
★ 複合版梁元素分析模型之橋梁動態識別法★ 三維等效單軸應變與應力之材料組成模型
★ 人行吊橋的現有內力評估及動力分析★ 薄殼結構非線性運動之向量式有限元分析法
★ 雷射掃描技術於鋼軌磨耗之檢測★ 動態加載下的等效單軸應變與 應力材料組成模型
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摘要(中) 結構物損傷可能導致重大的災難產生。因此,近十年來,諸多學者專注偵測結構物損傷存在及位置方法的研究。一般而言,最理想的結構物損傷檢測方法是可使用最少量測儀器及最短施測時間。由此論點,本論文引用Graffi線彈性動力互易定理及動態量測之觀念,發展樑損傷之檢測方法。透過此互易定理,可僅使用一個感測計結合移動式敲擊力,經由敲擊力與感測計互易關係獲得相當於在感測計位置施加脈沖函數作用力時,在敲擊位置之結構反應。
摘要(英) The existence of damage may cause catastrophic failure of structure. Hence, methods of Damage detection and localization in structure has been drawn much attention by researchers for decades. The most attractive method of structure damage detection is the one using the least number of sensors and requiring minimum conducting time. In this thesis, a dynamic inspection method for damage detection of beam is developed based on the Graffi reciprocal theory in elastodynamics. Through this reciprocal theory, it is possible to use only one sensor combining with moving impact force to obtain the dynamic responses of the system at sites where impact force applied under a delta load exciting at the location where sensor is located.
Transfer functions of compliance, mobility and inertia at points along the beam can be obtained from the measured response and impact force history. The spatial mode shape of transfer function at various frequency of the beam can be obtained by the conventional modal analysis techniques. Through the study, it is interested to find that the location of a crack in the test beam can be detected by the intersection of the third mode shape functions generated from data of different sensors on the test beam. At present time, only beam with a single crack was studied in detail. Further research is required to prove the accuracy of this newly proposed method and reveal the truth behind the interesting finding that currently achieved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 互易定理
★  傳遞函數
★  動態量測
★  快速傅立葉轉換
★  振態
★  樑
★  裂縫
★  頻譜
關鍵字(英) ★ beam
★  crack
★  reciprocal theory
★  transfer functi
論文目次 1.1研究背景與目的1
第二章 文獻回顧4
第三章 理論分析與推導9
第四章 試體設計與檢測方法27
4.4-1 脈衝力30
4.4-2 取樣頻率的確定30
4.4-3 模態分析32
第五章 檢測結果與討論35
5.2.1 ud-S30及d-S3036
5.2.2 ud-S50及d-S5037
5.2.3 ud-S100及d-S10038
5.2.4 ud-S170及d-S17039
5.2.5 ud-S52及d-S5241
5.2.6 ud-S87及d-S8742
5.2.7 ud-S97及d-S9743
5.3-1 微偵探頭45
5.3-2 加速度規47
第六章 結論與建議48
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指導教授 王仲宇(Chung Yue Wang) 審核日期 2001-7-9
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