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姓名 陳營基(Yin-Chi Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 中國PU木器塗料之LFT-PU固化劑產業分析與事業策略研究
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摘要(中) LFT(Low Free TDI)聚氨酯(Polyurethane簡稱PU)固化劑俗稱環保型固化劑,在2005年前在中國並沒有專業生產廠商,全部依賴進口,數量約在2萬噸/年以上,至2006年底已有三家外資企業設廠投入生產,產能預估在2萬~2.5萬噸/年,可見大家都共同看好這個有環保需求的市場,從供不應求到供需平衡,從代理商的競爭到直接生產廠商的競爭,其中的激烈的市場變化可見一斑。
1. 產品品質要達到業界現在或未來的標準,需要嚴選投入的分子薄膜餾蒸餾生產設備。
2. 為連續式的生產方式,且產品自身反應性很強,在任何生產細節發生問題,如無法及時排除故障就會造成停機,重新開機需要較長時間(一星期以上)的整備,生產的經驗曲線為關鍵成功因素之一。
3. 利用即有生產設備及累積的生產經驗曲線,發揮最大的規模經濟,才可作為擴增生產設備的基礎。
4. 利用即有分子薄膜蒸餾設備、生產經驗曲線及創新的流程,投入新的目標市場,開發其它如高固含量、高附加價值的新產品。
5. 主要原料TDI佔成本8成左右,而且TDI目前市場仍供不應求,能掌握原料來源甚至能向後整合,為目前該產業的最大競爭優勢。
6. 中國政府環保法令能否及時的跟上世界產業的潮流,將大大的影響整個LFT-PU固化劑產業的生態。
7. LFT-PU固化劑產業,在中國仍屬寡佔產業,以領導廠商上海Bayer馬首是瞻。
8. 個案公司有在大陸設廠及彈性生產的能力,可做客製化代工,增加客戶依賴度。
9. 個案公司產品主要以塗料產業銷售為主,LFT領頭可搭配其它產品組合,形成產品組合的特色。
摘要(英) Before early 2005, while the demand was more the 20,000 tons per year, there was no manufacturer producing LFT(Low Free TDI)-PU(Polyurethane) Hardener in mainland China. The market could only get the material through import. Now (Jun, 2006), there are at least three foreign capital companies dedicating to the production and the output is anticipated between 20,000- 25,000 tons per year. From under to over support, from the competition between agencies to manufacturers, the acute transformation shows that most people are optimistic to the market relating to eco-trend. However, manufacturers should not only focus on the potencies of this market, but the more and more violent competition.
This dissertation is to analyze the development and trend of LFT(Low Free TDI)-PU Hardener industry in mainland China. Through this research, we hope to provide some advice to related manufacturers about managing and planning their production, and also to authorities to set policies of the industry.
The thesis is mainly follows the two methods, “Five force analysis method” and “The industry matrix analysis method”, to describe and analyze each industrial strategy and its trend. “The strategy matrix analysis method”, comparing to the industry matrix analysis method, is also used in case study to deduce the possible strategic combinations of management.
The conclusion comes out as what following:
1. If a manufacturer wants its productive quality to achieve the present and future standard, it has to choose their input to “Molecular thin-film distillation apparatus” carefully.
2. Because the productive way of LFT (Low Free TDI)-PU Hardener is serial, and the material itself is chemically unstable, once there is fine problem unable to eliminate on time, and it may cost about a week to reset the equipments. Therefore, manufacture’s curve of experience is one of the key to success.
3. Original equipments and cumulative experiences are helpful to expand economic scale and also can be the basis to further investment.
4. By“Molecular thin-film distillation apparatus”, manufacture’s curve of experience, and innovative processes, manufacturers can develop some other highly accessional new productions.
5. Main material, TDI, account for 70% of the cost, and the supply cannot meet the demand. Someone who can seize the supply of TDI is able to do vertical integration backward.
6. Once the government set new eco-decrees to catch global trends, it may transform the façade of the whole industry.
7 The industry of LFT-PU Hardener is still oligopoly in China, and Bayer China is the leading manufacturer.
8. The Company in our case study has built their industries in China and is capable to produce flexiblely to fit coditions of Taylor-made. It can efficiently increase customers’Taylor-made dependence.
9. The case study company’s output mainly sells to Painters. In order to strengthen the vantage of its products, it takes LFT in chief to associate with other sets of productions.
關鍵字(中) ★ LFT
★ PU固化劑
★ 策略矩陣分析法
★ 木器塗料
關鍵字(英) ★ PU Hardener
★ The strategy matrix analysis method
★ Wood paint
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 1
第三節 研究問題 2
第四節 研究目的 2
第五節 研究範圍 2
第六節 研究限制 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 PU木器塗料LFT-PU固化劑產業概述 4
第二節 產業分析 9
第三節 事業經營策略分析 16
第三章 研究方法 35
第一節 研究架構 35
第二節 研究流程與方法 36
第三節 資料蒐集 37
第四章 中國PU木器塗料之LFT-PU固化劑產業分析 38
第一節 中國木器塗料發展分析 38
第二節 PU-固化劑產業規模及結構 44
第三節 LFT-固化劑產業五力分析 45
第四節 LFT-固化劑產業矩陣分析 52
第五章 個案公司介紹及經營策略分析 72
第一節 個案公司介紹 72
第二節 個案公司經營策略分析 76
第六章.、結論與建議 93
第一節 研究結論 93
第二節 研究建議 95
第三節 後續研究建議 97
參考文獻 99
訪談記錄 101
參考文獻 中文部份
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指導教授 林明杰(Ming-ji Lin) 審核日期 2007-10-1
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