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姓名 戴祖望(Chu-Wang Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 遙測衛星影像之策略管理應用
★ 電子零件通路商在不確定的環境中之經營策略研究★ 企業建立專屬線上競標B2B交易平台之研究-----以國內某汽車廠為例
★ 筆記型電腦產品開發策略之探討 -- 以某公司為例 --★ 高齡化社會居住空間之探討
★ 世界級電信設備製造商 的競爭策略研究★ 政府推動習型組織現況探討 -以輔導會各服務機構為例
★ 企業競爭商情教育發展之研究 -先進國家與海峽兩岸之比較★ 中國土地開發決策之內在與外在因素-以南京白鷺湖土地開發與經營為例
★ 女性創業家精神研究—以天成醫療體系個案為例★ 台灣電腦代工業國際採購管理系統—以A公司為例
★ 大陸台資企業員工離職意願與組織公民行為研究—以A公司為例★ 製鞋化工業在中國之經營策略探討—超強化工公司個案
★ 海峽兩岸工程師逆境商數分析-以某公司為例★ 海峽兩岸傳統製造業管理主管之決策風格比較研究-以A公司為例
★ 機會導向創業家之人格特質研究★ 科技型創業家人格特質研究-ADD與創新之研究
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摘要(中) 遙測衛星(Remote Sensing Satellite)影像的應用範圍越來越廣,在六O年代遙測衛星影像僅供軍事用途,隨著時代進步遙測衛星運用在資源探勘、海洋探測、天氣預測、災害防治等方面的機會越來越多,近年由於科技發展迅速,影像解析度越來越高,加以雷達衛星的發明,彌補光學遙測衛星的不足,都市計畫、製圖甚至考古都已開始應用遙測衛星的影像。
摘要(英) Applications of remote sensing satellite have grown wider and wider. In 60s’, remote sensing satellite was only utilized for military purpose. However, as time goes by, it has gained its popularity and is applied in general aspects, such as resource investigation, ocean exploration, weather forecast, and disaster prevention. With the rapid development of technology, the resolution of remote sensing satellite has improved. Besides, the invention of radar satellite repaired the shortcomings of optical remote satellite. Remote sensing satellite, as a result, has begun to be adopted in urban planning, drafting, and even archaeology.
The history of remote sensing satellite can be traced back to 50 years ago since its development reflects the power of a nation. Initially, only super powers like United State and Russia got involved in its research. Not until late 70s’ did India and European countries participate in the researches related. In 90s’, many countries in the world took part in the competition of remote sensing satellite development, which led to the later commercialization. Remote sensing satellite used to serve as military secrets. Except for political and military decision making, it was uncommon in business for its costly price. Nevertheless, owing to the commercialization of images nowadays, it is much easier to get images in more inexpensive ways. Thus, this thesis aims to inspire CEOs to make good use of remote sensing satellite.
Remote sensing satellite is one of the information sources, superior in its concrete demonstration—“To see is to believe”—and aerial view—“overlook from the high above.” As far as executive managers are concerned, they can better control the whole situation through remote sensing satellite. After the investigation of this thesis, discoveries are as follow: (1)the explanation of the images remote sensing satellite influences the comprehension of policy-makers. Remote sensing satellite facilitates to reduce the time spent on decision making. (2)Remote sensing satellite has a powerful effect on media propaganda. In certain respect, the commercialization of remote sensing satellite would affect the national security. (3)The information remote sensing satellite offers functions as a crucial basis of decision making. But not all policies based on such information are right. Other information resources are required to be integrated and carefully examined, so that the rate of error can be lowered.
The significance of strategic management is to make the most efficient distribution of the limited resources, while remote sensing satellite is one of the information sources that assist the policy-makers to do resource management. Meanwhile, the importance of remote sensing satellite is irreplaceable for it provides unique information.
關鍵字(中) ★ 策略管理
★ 決策制訂
★ 遙測衛星
關鍵字(英) ★ Remote Sensing Satellite
★ decision making
★ strategic management
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 3
第二節 研究動機 6
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 相關名詞定義 9
第二節 衛星的分類 13
第三節 遙測衛星的的組成及運用基本架構 16
第四節 遙測衛星影像的價值 18
第三章 研究設計 25
第一節 研究方法 25
第二節 研究架構 26
第四章 遙測衛星的發展概況及發展策略 28
第一節 先進國家遙測衛星發展概況 28
第二節 各國遙測衛星發展策略 34
第五章 遙測衛星影像的應用及對決策者之意義 47
第一節 遙測衛星影像的應用範圍 47
第二節 遙測衛星影像對決策者的策略管理應用 59
第三節 遙測衛星影像應用個案討論 65
第六章 結論與建議 72
第一節 研究發現 72
第二節 研究建議 74
第三節 研究貢獻 76
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 78
附錄 84
參考文獻 中文
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指導教授 林子銘(Tzu-Ming Lin) 審核日期 2008-1-16
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