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姓名 蔡素娥(Su-O Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 價值投資法實證之研究-以臺灣證券市場為例
★ 電腦CPU散熱模組的技術發展策略★ 探討台灣印刷電路板產業經營策略-以A公司競爭策略為例
★ LED照明市場進入策略探討—以M公司為例★ 集團企業多角化對總部管控模式影響之研究 -以W集團企業為例-
★ 安全注射器中國專利授權模式研究★ 中國大陸房地產投資評估決策之研究 -以上海地區服務式公寓之投資為例-
★ 臺灣電子企業組織架構運作模式在中國之競爭優勢分析★ 小型台灣建築設計事務所於中國之發展策略探討
★ 半導體測試設備公司成長策略之個案分析★ 台灣不動產估價師事務所於中國發展策略研討
★ 軟體能力成熟度專案導入之個案研究-以某研發機構為例★ 新巴賽爾協定(Basel II)對中小型銀行授信風險管理政策的影響 -以U銀行為例
★ 委外生產評估與執行之研究-以冷卻塔製造業個案為例★ 企業多角化經營對供應鏈管理的決策影響
★ 新產品導入量產流程之探討-以W公司衛星接收器為例★ 筆記型電腦代工產業以少量多樣及異業結盟突破規模經濟發展之個案研究
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摘要(中) 股票市場是一個有效率的市場 (Efficient Market Theory),公司股價長期終究還是會反映實質價值。而投資決策的模式也常藉由價值投資法(Value Investing)和成長投資法 (Growth Investing)風格區分相關探討。目前國際知名的投資研究機構及權威的基金評鑑機構:晨星(Morningstar)也對於股票或基金投資組合,把影響基金績效表現的兩項因素單列出,該方法是給投資分類和追蹤基金標準,嚴謹的投資風格,驅使本研究以此九宮格之風格箱法來區分台股價值型與成長型股票的報酬優劣。
國內在風格分類似乎較少見到投資風格的特殊相關資訊,隨著現代投資產品多變化之發展及電腦資訊科技進步,在實務上以「數量化方法」進行投資分析,以建構策略性投資組合或多空動態投資組合,判斷將可能成為未來計量模組流行趨勢導向。本論文主要是藉傳統組合演進到計量模組及現代著名投資大師,乃運用在投資上最常見的價值因子、規模因子與採用知名機構晨星公司(Morningstar)對基金或股票分類的模式,將國內股市三年來上市公司,依照X軸與Y軸分類,就是規模和風格劃分形成一個三乘以三形的九個宮格即風格箱 (Style Box)。在每個宮格內各規模類型股票:價值型公司(Value )、混合型公司(Core )、成長型公司(Growth)之報酬率,以作為研討台股投資風格之特性。實證之結果發現:
摘要(英) The stock market conforms to the Efficient Market Theory. Stock prices eventually reflect the real value of companies. Two models of investment decision making, which are Value Investing style and Growth Investing style, are discussed and compared in this study. Morningstar, an internationally well-known investment research institution and authoritative mutual fund rating agency, also lists two factors that affect the performance of mutual funds for stocks or portfolios of mutual funds. The method gives a conscientious investment style to investment classification and fund tracking criteria, which drives this study to distinguish the level of returns between value stocks and growth stocks by a matrix with nine squares, the Style Box.
In Taiwan, in terms of style classification, there seems to be little specific information for investment style. With diverse development of modern investment products and great progress of information technology, the “Quantification Method” is employed for investment analysis in practice to construct a strategic portfolio or a long-short dynamic portfolio. It is considered that such a method may become the trend of future quantitative modules. This study deduces to quantitative modules and the contemporarily well-known investment genius. The value factors and the scale factors commonly used in investment are applied and the classification model for stocks or funds used by the well-known Morningstar is employed to classify the domestic companies listed on TSE in the past three years according to the X and Y-axises of the Style Box, a matrix with nine squares, divided by scale and style. The average return rates of the stocks in the nine squares, including value companies, core companies and growth companies with small, medium and large scales of portfolios, respectively, can be used as the reference to analyze the characteristics of investment style of Taiwan stocks. The followings are found empirically:
1. In Taiwan, value stocks slightly outperformed growth stocks for the past three years, which appears to be similar to the result that performance of value stocks is superior to that of growth stocks, as shown in some of foreign literature. However, it does not conflict with the result that performance of growth stocks is superior to that of value stocks shown in other foreign literature. The main reason is that the difference of periods makes the divergence.
2. During the period under study, the return of value stocks is superior to that of growth stocks. However, the level of outperformance is tiny and the difference between returns is very small, so these can determine the consistency. The main reason is that returns of Taiwan stocks for the past three years are traced by a short-term (one year) performance. Furthermore, Taiwan stock market is a shallow-plate market with high volatility. Under the circumstances of a shorter period or higher volatility, growth stocks may yield a better performance. When we probe the reason, we find that Taiwan stocks for the past three years directly present that the Taiwan stocks’ embedded value of the capital market has been emerging because of the macroeconomic environment and the business cycle. The final factor that controls stock prices is the trend of economic benefits. Stock prices of companies will eventually reflect their real value in the long term, which conforms to the Efficient Market Theory.
關鍵字(中) ★ 價值投資
★ 投資風格
★ 成長投資
★ 淺碟型市場
關鍵字(英) ★ Growth Investing
★ Investment style
★ Value Investing
★ Shallow-plate market
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.1.1台灣股市概況 1
1.1.2 投資風格趨勢 2
1.2 研究目的 9
1.3 研究流程 13
1.4 論文架構 14
第二章 文獻探討 15
2.1 國內外相關文獻 15
2.1.1 國外知名代表 16
2.1.2 國內相關文獻 20
2.2 投資風格之策略與運用 21
2.2.1 計量模組概況 21
2.2.2 投資風格箱優點與作法 23
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究選樣與條件 29
3.2 Y軸規模分類 30
3.2.1 股票按照總市值排列 31
3.2.2 股票風格箱Y軸完成 32
3.3 X軸指標分類 32
3.3.1 股票衡量評分價值 33
3.3.2 股票風格箱X軸完成 34
3.4 二維座標法定位完成 34
第四章 實證結果 36
4.1 風格箱完成 36
4.2 風格箱分析 37
4.2.1 總投資風格報酬 37
4.2.2 風格箱規模分析 40
4.3 報酬差異化 44
4.4 落點圖說明 48
第五章 研究結論與建議 49
5.1 研究結論 49
5.2 研究限制 50
5.3 未來研究建議 51
參考文獻 52
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王存國(Tswen-Gwo Wang) 審核日期 2008-7-1
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