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姓名 王筑萱(Chu-hsuan Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
(Calibrating z distance for confocal microscope)
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摘要(中) 共軛焦顯微鏡已被廣泛運用於建立三維模型中,它藉由在不同垂直方向的位置拍攝一系列堆疊的二維影像來建立模型,但是尚未有基於影像特徵來精確測量三維的距離的方法,要藉由影像來確認垂直方向的移動距離是更為困難。而且當鏡頭的介質與樣品的浸泡液體折射率不相同時,在拍攝影像時會遇到許多問題,像是焦平面移動、像差、吸收與散射,當我們拍攝較深的影像時這些現象會造成影像的變形和亮度的降低。

摘要(英) Confocal microscopes have been widely used to produce a 3D image by acquiring stacks of 2D images. Yet to have accurate 3D distance measurement between features based on images, it is necessary to calibrate pixel-to-micron conversation, which is especially difficult along the optical axis (z direction). When there is a refractive index difference between immersion medium of a sample and an objective, there are problems such as focus shift, aberrations, absorption and scattering which contribute to dramatic reduction in signal intensity as the focus gets deeper into the sample. In this thesis, I will look into the effects of refractive index on 3D imaging with the emphasis on z distance calibration. We employ a simple device which consists of a 2D periodic and fluorescent pattern mounted at 60 degrees with respect to z direction. We can easily compare the interval distance between the original and z-projected image to compute x, y, and z conversion factors and also intensity patterns. We systematic change the immersion medium index and find the relationship between z-conversion factor, intensity drop, and index-mismatch.
關鍵字(中) ★ 共軛焦顯微鏡
★ z軸校正
★ 折射率不匹配
關鍵字(英) ★ confocal microscope
★ z calibration
★ index mismatch
論文目次 Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
Chpater 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Three-dimensional Confocal Microscopy 1
1.1.1 The principle of a confocal microscope 1
1.1.2 Numerical aperture 3
1.1.3 Point Spread Function 3
1.2 Focus Shift 5
1.3 Spherical Aberration 7
Chpater 2. Experiments 8
2.1 The mounting device for z calibration 8
2.2 Preparation of calibration sample 10
2.3 refractive index medium preparation 13
2.4 Point Spread Function Measurement 14
Chpater 3. Results and Discussions 16
Z calibration factor 16
Z calibration by staining glass 20
Point spread function measurement and other effect of index mismatch 24
Chpater 4. Conclusion and Outlook 36
Reference 37
Appendix 39
Accuracy of refractometer 39
Fast Fourier Transform and fitting gauss curve code 40
Looking for FFT mask size code 44
Show fitting result on image code 46
Multi-direction gauss fit 47
Light path from sphere inner 53
Effective focal length estimate 56
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指導教授 林耿慧(Keng-hui Lin) 審核日期 2014-6-3
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