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蕭忠成(Hsiao, Chung-Chen)
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企業管理學系在職專班 |
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Pump is a kind of fluid machinery.The first appeared pump was about 300 BC, Archimedes invented a pump called the Archimedes screw pumps. Pump is an important device in the traditional industry,like the heart to the body′s function, blood is sent to the various organs of the body as a whole. The main purpose is to convert the mechanical energy into the fluid energy.
Pump is a very important device in the boiler feed water system, primarily pumping the treated softened water into the high-pressure boilers. Then through the burner to heat the water into the steam in the boiler,and then distributed to various industrial processes as heating.In view of Taiwan′s boiler industry is a mature industry, but the pump’s sales revenues are declining in my company, resulted from the increase in market competitors, the reducduction of industrial boilers in domestic market and the part of the boiler manufacturers have migrated to China. There is little patent protection due to the matured pump industry, resulting in the increasing prevalence of copy cats and caused the low-cost competition. For this reason, I have chosen the sales strategies of industrial processes applications in boiler feed water pump for this research topic.
Michael Porter,Harvard professor has proposed three comprtitive strategies,cost leadership,differentiation and focus strategy.He also mentioned there are five competitive forces in an industry. Because my company has faced the severe competition,I decided to use these three strategies and five forces analysis,emphasizing on brand, advertising, design,service,quality differentiation and innovation. Hopefully, we can maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the boiler industry, and validate the use of focus cost leadership and focus differentiation strategies can succeed in this market segment.
In this study, mainly focus on the competition issue I have been facing in my current work, I hope use the knowledges I have learned in the 2 years to make a practice to verify the theory to practical by writing the thesis, and to make a beneficial suggestions for my company. The research method I used is the case study method, by means of the reply of customer’s questionnaire to analyze and understand the customer′s purchasing behavior. Furthermore, we adopted the in-depth interviews with senior executives of the boiler customers to learn more about successful marketing strategies and business critical success factors.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 泵浦 ★ 工業鍋爐 ★ 競爭優勢 ★ 競爭策略 ★ 五力分析 ★ 行銷策略 ★ 關鍵成功因素 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Pump ★ Industrial Boiler ★ Competitive Advantage ★ Competitive Strategy ★ Five Forces Analysis ★ Sales Strategy ★ Critical Success Factors |
論文目次 |
中文摘要............................ .i
英文摘要 ............................ ii
誌謝 .............................. iv
目錄 ............................. .v
表目錄 ............................ vii
圖目錄 ............................. ix
一. 緒論............................. 1
1-1 研究背景........................... 1
1-2 研究動機及目的 ........................1
1-3 研究架構與流程 .......................2
二. 文獻探討 .......................... 4
2-1 工業鍋爐市場概述 ...................... 4
2-2 行銷策略概述 ........................ 23
2-3 成熟產業的關鍵成功因素 ................... 37
2-4 新產品策略 ......................... 38
2-5 競爭策略 .......................... 42
2-6 競爭優勢 .......................... 44
2-7 五力分析 .......................... 46
三.研究方法設計 ......................... 49
3-1 研究方法 ...........................49
3-2 研究對象 ...........................51
3-3 研究限制 ...........................65
3-4 研究分析 ...........................66
四.個案研究與探討 ........................ 67
4-1 個案公司簡介 ....................... .67
4-2 個案公司產業分析 ..................... .68
4-3 個案公司行銷策略分析 ................... .75
五.結論與建議 ......................... .82
5-1 研究結論 ......................... 82
5-2 研究建議 .......................... 83
參考文獻 ............................ 85
參考文獻 |
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〔1〕台灣省鍋爐協會 http://www.tbva.org.tw/
〔2〕台灣經濟研究院 http://www.tier.org.tw/
〔3〕IEK產業情報網 http://ieknet.iek.org.tw/
〔4〕大鍋爐公司 http://www.taijune.com/tw/
〔5〕霖昌鍋爐公司 http://www.lc-boiler.com.tw/
〔6〕隆全機械公司 http://www.lcboiler.com.tw/
〔7〕建成機械公司 http://www.chengchen.com.tw/
〔8〕美國水利協會 http://www.pumps.org/
〔9〕斯派瑞莎克公司 http://www.spiraxsarco.com/tw/
〔10〕World Pumps http://www.worldpumps.com/
〔11〕葛蘭富泵浦公司 http://tw.grundfos.com/
〔12〕大井泵浦公司 http://www.walrus.com.tw/
〔13〕宏奇泵浦公司 http://www.stairs.com.tw
〔15〕三錦機器公司 http://www.sunny-king.com.tw
〔16〕KSB Pump http://www.ksb.com/
〔17〕Calpeda Pump http://www.calpeda.com/
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