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姓名 林錦章(Chin-chang Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 政府產業政策制定對LED照明產業影響探討
★ 具兩岸特色的台灣銀行產業分析-以上海銀行為例★ 台灣界面活性劑產業競爭條件分析-以A公司為例
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★ 保險業務員專業技能升級之策略研究─以C公司為例★ 文化創意產業工藝類之行銷模式分析
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摘要(中) 近年來在能源危機威脅及環保意識抬頭的世界潮流下,由於LED照明產品具備節能、環保等特性,世界各國多將其列為重點發展產業,並紛紛積極制定相關政策協助該產業發展。相較之下,反觀臺灣政府,明顯欠缺相關的協助措施,又LED照明產業有進入障礙低之特性,導致無論外國或本國的LED照明產業廠商數量皆十分龐大,若無妥適的發展策略或方向,在市場上將可預見其面臨劇烈競爭的慘況。
摘要(英) Many governments from different countries in the world have listed the LED lighting industry as an important industry which is worth developing due to LED lighting products with energy saving, environmental protection and other good features and made relevant policies to assist the development in the LED lighting industry since there were the increase of environmental awareness and the threat of the energy crisis in recent years. In contrast, the Taiwan government obviously lacks of relevant measures to assist the LED lighting industry and there have been a huge amount of firms in the global market because of the industry with low entry barriers. Accordingly, if there is no good policy which can help our domestic firms to compete with foreign firms, our firms will face a tough industrial environment which isn’t beneficial to exist in the LED lighting industry for them.
Fortunately, many researches and studies have paid a lot of attention on the development of the LED lighting industry in Taiwan. However, these works seldom focus on the impact of the industrial policies made by the government on the development of the LED lighting industry. It′s a pity because understanding the policies how to affect the LED lighting industry is a reasonable way to provide our government some suggestions of making and implementing the relevant policies. Hence, the main purpose of this paper is exploring the impact of government policies on the LED lighting industry. In order to discuss and analyze the relevant industrial policies which come from different countries whether to be applicable to the development of Taiwan′s LED lighting industry, we adopt the following methods. Firstly, we use the Structure-Conduct-Performance model to understand the characteristics of the LED lighting industry in Taiwan. Next, we collect and summary the relevant industrial policies which is made from different countries. Lastly, we do practice-based research by interviewing with the relevant experts and scholars of the LED lighting industry.
Finally, we find that the main reason why the Taiwan government has not made aggressive policies about the LED lighting industry is that he questioned how much energy the LED lighting products can save. And the major finding of this paper shows that the LED lighting products can undoubtedly reduce our reliance on nuclear power. Thus, developing the LED lighting industry can not only protect our environment and save energy but also prevent the life-threatening from nuclear power, so it is truly worthy to make some decisions to assist its development for Taiwan government, even everyone on the earth. With regard to the most appropriate policy for Taiwan, it is to subsidy the end-users in order to enhance the willingness of consumers in using the LED lighting products.
關鍵字(中) ★ LED產業
★ 節能
★ 環境保護
★ 結構-行為-績效模型
★ 照明產品
關鍵字(英) ★ LED industry
★ energy saving
★ environmental protection
★ SCP model
★ lighting product
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討 3
第三節 研究方法與架構 5
第二章 LED照明產業介紹 9
第一節 LED照明產業沿革與概述 9
第二節 LED簡介 15
第三節 各國LED產業發展現況 17
第三章 臺灣LED照明產業分析 20
第一節 SCP架構之基本條件 21
第二節 SCP架構之市場結構 37
第三節 SCP架構之廠商行為 42
第四節 SCP架構之經營績效 49
第四章 LED照明產業之各國政府政策分析 55
第一節 各國政府對LED照明產業的相關政策扶持 55
第二節 補貼政策對LED照明產業發展之影響 66
第五章 LED照明產業相關政策形成與實施成效之訪談分析 69
第一節 LED照明產業相關政策形成之分析 69
第二節 LED照明產業相關政策實施成效訪談分析之主要發現 71
第六章 結論、建議及後續研究方向與發展 83
第一節 結論 83
第二節 建議 84
第三節 後續研究方向與發展 86
參考文獻 88
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2014-6-27
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