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姓名 張菀真(Wan-chen Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 探討幼兒的早期書寫表現及其影響因素
(Investigating Children’s Early Character Writing Development and Its Influential Factors)
★ 以眼動型態探討背景知識對詞彙辨識的影響★ 合作寫作對於國小學童科學概念學習之影響
★ 影響國小學童家長送子女參加課後補習之相關因素研究---以桃園縣中壢市為例★ 國小學童圖文閱讀的理解策略
★ 幼童敘說書面故事之後設認知表現★ 新移民家庭子女口語敘說能力之發展
★ 圖文提示對學童閱讀科學說明文記憶與理解之影響★ 識字教學法與口語詞彙能力對新移民女性中文識字學習之影響
★ 先備知識對於不同閱讀能力的學童在閱讀歷程中自我提問的影響★ Exploring Computer-based Nature Science Instruction Based on the Cognitive Load Theory: Spatial Contiguity Effect, and Effects of Prior Knowledge on Performance Assessments
★ 教師示範與文本提示對國小學童自我解釋與閱讀理解表現之影響★ 國小學童之工作記憶能力對於閱讀理解監控表現的影響
★ 成人與幼童的言談行為分析:比較電子書與紙本書親子共讀的情境★ 探究教師閱讀教學自我效能與閱讀自我調整教學信念及實踐之關係
★ 探討閱讀能力與文本架構對於國小學童使用理解策略的影響★ L2詞素結構註解與L1字義註解於線上閱讀環境中對EFL字彙學習影響之探討
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摘要(中) 過去在幼兒早期書寫的研究多立基於書寫萌發的角度,以收集幼兒在書寫發展過程的書寫作品,分析幼兒書寫表現與書寫形式,然而,這些研究多以個案研究的方式進行,且直接援引拼音系統的書寫階段理論進行印證,而非考量中文本身的表意文字系統的特色去分析並探討幼兒的書寫表現。因此,本研究奠基於表意文字系統的中文特性,探討在中文早期書寫研究中,幼兒的書寫表現以及影響的相關因素,有別於過去書寫相關研究聚焦於單一因素,進而回顧相關研究並同時考量可能會影響幼兒書寫表現的因素,包含年紀、視知覺能力、書寫準備度能力、家庭環境因素等,囊括影響幼兒書寫表現的相關因素以進行系統性的比較與分析。
研究結果發現1)雖然隨著幼兒的年紀增長,書寫概念越正確,但是相比於拼音系統與香港研究卻是本研究受試者的發展較慢,推測可能是各地進行書寫教育早晚的差異,而幼兒對於文字和繪畫兩種符號系統的表徵知識則是受到幼兒讀寫經驗所影響;2)年紀與視覺-動作統整能力的高低對於手寫字表現與書寫品質具有統計上的顯著差異,性別僅在書寫品質面向上具有統計上的顯著差異;3) 將所有的觀察變項透過探索性因素分析可以得到4個主要因素,包含認知能力、讀寫萌發能力、書寫準備度、家庭環境,接著透過階層回歸分析發現幼兒的認知能力對於手寫字表現的可解釋變異量最高,佔30.7%,而幼兒的書寫準備度對於書寫品質的可解釋變異量最高,佔25.2%。其中,認知能力在手寫字表現與書寫準備度在書寫品質的個別解釋效果,分別反應在手寫字表現上需要幼兒具有較佳的中文認字能力與中文視知覺能力,而在書寫品質上則需要仰賴幼兒的基本的視知覺、動作協調與視覺-動作統整能力。最後,本研究的結論也分別從幼兒早期書寫發展理論與不同研究方法的取徑等面向進行說明,並且提出對於課程設計與未來研究的相關建議。
摘要(英) The present study investigated children’s early character writing develpemnt which included written language knowledge and character writing performance, and its influential factors which included children’s physiologic, cognitive and home literacy environment factors. Previous studies collected children’s writing or drawing products and found that in the process of writing development, children showed early writing development and various writing forms. The present study extends the existing early writing studies to consider different influential factors and the features of Chinese writing system. The participants included 79 kindergarteners and 79 preschoolers from four schools in Taiwan. Children’s written language knowledge was collected through interviews and their character writing performance was measured by several writing tasks, such as name writing, assigned character writing, free character writing, and a copy character task. The participants also received tests to measure other cognitive abilities, including Chinese character recognition, Visual Perception of Chinese Characters, The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and memory span tests. The parents of participants completed a questionnaire regarding the home literacy environment for children’s literacy development.
The results indicated that 1) the data of written language knowledge showed the children could distinguish the differences of print and written language system as the increase of age and they could use different representations to present the two systems based on their literacy experience;2) the age and visual-motor integration significantly affect handwriting performance and character writing quality; and the gender only significantly affects character writing quality; 3) The exploratory factor analysis identified four factors which related to children’s character writing performance: cognitive abilities, writing readiness, children’s emergent literacy performance and home literacy environment. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that children’s cognitive abilities explained 30.7% of the variance in children’s handwriting performance, and the handwriting readiness explain 25.2% of the variance in children character writing quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 早期書寫
★ 書寫概念
★ 書寫表現
關鍵字(英) ★ early character writing
★ written language knowledge
★ character writing performance
論文目次 目錄.... i
圖次.... iii
表次.... v
第一章 緒論...... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機...... 1
第二節 研究問題... 6
第三節 名詞解釋... 6
第二章 文獻探討... 9
第一節 幼兒的書寫萌發...... 9
第二節 影響書寫的相關因素... 29
第三章 研究設計與方法...... 47
第一節 研究對象... 47
第二節 研究設計... 49
第三節 研究方法及工具...... 49
第四節 研究程序... 59
第五節 資料分析... 61
第四章 結果分析與討論...... 71
第一節 幼兒的書寫概念與書寫表現...... 71
第二節 幼兒的書寫表現與其他測驗間的關係...94
第三節 各項基本能力對於幼兒書寫表現的預測效果... 105
第五章 結論與建議...115
第一節 結論...115
第二節 建議...118
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指導教授 辜玉旻(Yu-min Ku) 審核日期 2014-6-27
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