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姓名 陳仕棋(Shih-chi Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 道路防災保護決策最佳化之研究
(Highway Network Protection Considering Connectivity Reliability)
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摘要(中) 運輸系統是人類生活不可或缺的重要命脈,在運輸系統中又以公路系統為重要的一部份。然而,公路路網系統往往因為天然災害造成損壞,使得公路路段無法正常運作,路網之連通性也跟著受到影響。是故,如何對公路路網系統事先進行防災以及預防措施避免災後造成嚴重破壞便成了重要的課題。此外,在進行災前預先防護的計畫上,若能發展一套利用路網系統可靠度為評估指標之模型,其路段保護決策將能夠讓決策者在進行路網保護計畫時有合適的參考依據,並進一步提升保護決策之正確性。
摘要(英) A country’s transportation system is indispensible because it has a direct impact on the economic development and the quality of people’s life. Highway system is one of the most important systems in transportation. However, a highway network is subject to natural disasters. When highway links lose functionality due to a disaster, the connectivity of the network could be affected, that is, some or all of the travel demand cannot be satisfied. In addition, it is beneficial to improve the performance of highway network system and protect against natural disasters if we develop a decision-making processes for protecting highway network system in advance.
In this study, we consider a situation where some links of the network can be protected against the disaster to maintain the connectivity of the network. Because the damage to a highway network caused by a disaster is probabilistic, making protection decisions is difficult. In this study, the connectivity reliability has been introduced as a performance measure. We develop a stochastic programming model to find the optimal protection strategy for a highway network system that maximizes connectivity reliability. Based on the expected number of origin-destination (OD) pairs that can be served under all scenarios of link failure due to a disaster, we also define three different indicators of connectivity reliability of a network.They can be used to evaluate protection strategies for a highway network subject to disasters.
The proposed model is demonstrated with the highway bridge systems of Miaoli City. The natural disasters we consider are earthquakes that were simulation by the Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES). The results show that the proposed model has potential for improving highway network connectivity reliability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 路網可靠度
★ 連通可靠度
★ 隨機規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Network Reliability
★ Connectivity Reliability
★ Stochastic Programming
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究內容與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 路網可靠度評估指標 4
2.1.1 連通可靠度(Connectivity reliability) 4
2.1.2 旅行時間可靠度(Travel time reliability) 7
2.1.3 容量可靠度(Capacity reliability) 9
2.2 K-最短路徑演算法 11
2.2.1 Label correcting algorithm 11
2.2.2 Yen’s algorithm 12
2.3 TELES台灣地震損失評估系統 13
2.4 相關防災研究文獻 14
2.5 小結 15
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 數學規劃模型 16
3.2 測試範例 21
3.2.1 設定初始條件 21
3.3 測試範例分析結果 28
3.3.1 目標式(1)Max ,總預算充足 28
3.3.2 目標式(1)Max ,總預算降為4 33
3.3.3 目標式(1)改變災害發生機率 39
3.3.4 目標式(2)Max ,總預算充足 42
3.3.5 目標式(2)Max ,總預算為4 47
3.3.6 目標式(3)Max ,總預算充足 53
3.3.7 目標式(3)Max ,總預算為4 58
3.3.8 最大最小化問題(Maximin Problem) 59
第四章 案例應用 60
4.1 前言 60
4.2 災害情境模擬 61
4.3 路網建構及參數設置 64
4.4 實例求解結果 65
4.4.1 目標式(1)Max ,總預算50% 65
4.4.2 目標式(1)Max ,總預算緊25% 67
4.4.3 目標式(2)Max ,總預算50% 69
4.4.4 目標式(2)Max ,總預算25% 71
4.4.5 目標式(3)Max ,總預算50% 73
4.4.6 目標式(3)Max ,總預算25% 75
4.5 實際案例分析結果 77
第五章 結論與建議 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 建議 80
參考文獻 81
附錄 83
附錄1.苗栗公路橋梁路網示意圖 83
附錄2.苗栗路網路段旅行成本及連接橋梁保護成本 87
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指導教授 朱致遠、周建成(James C.Chu Chien-Cheng Chou) 審核日期 2014-7-14
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