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姓名 王偉軒(Wei-Hsuan Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 受震鋼筋混凝土之鋼筋截斷設計研究
(Investigation on Steel Bar Cut-off Design for RC Beams Subjected to Seismic Loading)
★ 變厚度X形消能裝置初步研究★ FRP筋對混凝土柱圍束效應之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土剪力牆連接梁耐震配筋之研究★ 高拉力SD690鋼筋截斷設計之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土梁構件耐震設計參數之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁疲勞行為之初步研究
★ 高拉力鋼筋混凝土滑移剪力設計之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁有斜向鋼筋配置之耐震性能提升研究
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱外接頭補強之研究★ 新澆置鋼筋混凝土梁受反覆荷重之影響
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱內接頭補強之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土擴柱補強工法對非韌性梁柱接頭耐震能力提升之探討
★ 雙層兩跨鋼筋混凝土抗彎構架耐震測試★ 受損RC梁柱接頭補強之耐震成效評估
★ 現有鋼筋混凝土建築物之耐震能力評估 ―以紐西蘭評估方法為基礎★ 桁架軟化模式應用於無水平箍筋梁柱接頭剪力及變形曲線預測之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討鋼筋截斷混凝土矩形梁之耐震行為,並檢討目前建築規範之鋼筋截斷規定是否適用於耐震設計。

在本研究中,一共製作四支鋼筋混凝土梁。混凝土強度為280 kgf/cm^2,主筋降伏強度為4200 kgf/cm^2。梁斷面一共六支八號主筋,一支梁作為對照組,並未做任何截斷。另外三支矩形梁,採用上下層各三支的雙鋼筋設計,中間兩支主筋設計截斷。截斷設計一共有兩種,上層主筋參考美國混凝土協會出版之標準ACI 318-11規範中的截斷設計;下層主筋則根據紐西蘭標準NZS3101:2006設計截斷,額外考慮拉力外移的效應,因此截斷長度較長。採用此種設計方式主要原因為ACI規範於耐震設計並未提及鋼筋截斷之細則,因此目前耐震結構之鋼筋截斷仍採用一般設計方式。但此種設計法截斷長度較短,一旦遭遇地震力,會產生鋼筋的握裹滑移現象,導致混凝土梁握裹破壞。

ACI 318-11規範同時規定鋼筋截斷處必須配置超額剪力筋,以防止撓曲剪力裂縫在該處產生,在本研究中在其中兩支有截斷的矩形梁中分別採用兩種不同的方式設計:第一種為截斷處一個有效深度的範圍內以d/4的間距配置三號繫筋於被截斷的主筋上,第二種為截斷處一個有效深度的範圍內以d/4的間距配置二號封閉箍筋。採用此種設計目的在於探討兩種超額剪力筋對於鋼筋滑移的防止,其效果的差異。

摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to understand the seismic behavior of rebar cut-off RC beams subjected to seismic loading, and to investigate if current building codes for rebar cut-off designs are adequate during seismic activities.

In this study, four RC beams are tested. The properties of the four beams are described as follows: the concrete compression strength of the concrete is 28 MPa and the yield strength for longitudinal reinforcement is 420 MPa. One beam is used as a control beam where no rebars are curtailed. The other three beams have longitudinal curtailed rebar according to code ACI 318-11 (American Concrete Institute). The curtailed beams have three #8 rebars placed on both upper and lower sides of the beam, and the center bar is curtailed. The curtailment of the two sets of rebar has two different designs. Both designs follow the code described in ACI 318-11, but the second design includes consideration of tension shift which is adopted from NZS 3101:2006. The second design is adopted to overcome the lack of detail in ACI 318-11 with regard to rebar cut-off in seismic performance design. Thus, the conventional design of rebar cut-off may lead to bond slipping due to insufficient cut-off distance when the beam is subjected to seismic loadings.

Excess transverse reinforcements are required in the region of the cut-off section by ACI 318-11. Two different types of transverse reinforcements are added and compared in the test. The first type is a #3 tie hooked on the center bar; the second type is a #2 closed hoop. This design allows the contribution of the transverse reinforcement to be observed with regard to prevention of bond slipping, and the results from both types are compared.

Finally, this study provides some recommendations for rebar cut-off design. The consideration of tension shift for rebar cut-off design of RC beams is necessary. Conventional cut-off design according to ACI 318-11 is inadequate because the general structure has to consider shear effect during an earthquake. Therefore, an additional length of effective sectional depth should be taken into account when the rebar cut-off is designed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鋼筋截斷
★ 耐震行為
★ 耐震設計
★ 拉力外移
關鍵字(英) ★ cut-off
★ curtailment
★ seismic behavior
★ seismic performance design
★ tension shift
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of figures viii
List of tables xiii
Notations xiv
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1. Rebar Cut-off Design (ACI 318-11) 3
2.2. Rebar Cut-off Design (NZS 3101:2006) 4
2.3. Tension Shift 5
3. Testing Program 8
3.1. Specimen Design 8
3.1.1. Specifications 8
3.1.2. Instrumentations 9
3.2. Specimen Fabrication 11
3.2.1. Concrete 11
3.2.2. Steel Bar 11
3.3. Test Setup 11
3.3.1. Load 12
3.3.2. Data Acquisition 12
3.3.3. Procedures 13
3.4. Post-processing 13
4. Test Results 30
4.1. Test results 30
4.2. Discussion of Rebar Cut-off Design 33
5. Conclusions 78
6. Recommendations 79
References 80
Appendix A 81
Appendix B 105
Appendix C 108
Appendix D 109

參考文獻 [1]ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirement for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2011.
[2]Standards Association of New Zealand, Concrete Structures Standard, Part 1 – The Design of Concrete Structures, NZS 3101:2006, Standards New Zealand, 2006.
[3]T. Paulay and M.J.N. Priestley, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Building, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
[4]J.I. Restrepo, R. Park, A.H. Buchanan, “Design of Connections of Earthquake Resisting Precast Reinforced Concrete Perimeter Frames,” PCI Journal, Vol. 40, No.5, pp. 68-80, 1995.
[5]Y.C. Wang, “Analytical and Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of RC T-beams with Design Deficiency in Steel Bar Curtailment,” Engineering Structure, Vol. 25, pp. 215-227, 2003.
[6]ACI Committee 374, Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frame Based on Structure Testing and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 1995.
指導教授 王勇智(Yung-Chih Wang) 審核日期 2014-7-24
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