摘要(英) |
As the trend of globalized business model, automobile parts industry is facing the market competition pressure on volatile demand, productivity improvement and reduction in cost. The case company not only established a factory in Taiwan but also built a dispatching center in Mainland China, in order to keep the cost down and provide an efficient service for its customers. However, automobile parts industry has the characteristics of a wide variety of parts and a long-term supply for maintenance. Hence, uncertain AM procurement schedule and incoherent information between suppliers and customers may easily cause delay in delivery and too high or too low inventory level. Besides, 95 percent sales of the case company’s main products is export market.export goods take a lot of time on complicate procedure and coordination between customs declaration, freight forwarding and shipping. Therefore, how to continuously improve cooperate internal and external process will be the important issue of supply chain management.
This case study will adopt a SCOR model(Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, SCOR) as a case of automobile after-sales stamping parts and combine postponement tactic for product production and distribution that can further improve the management of a supply chain and establish a complete flow for automobile aftermarket parts industry on supply chain. The SCOR model establishes a global framework. All the participants of a supply chain, including the upstream suppliers, the manufacturing companies, and the downstream distributors or customers can use this model as a common business standard and assist to manage different sections of a supply chain. The performance measurement standard provided by the SCOR model enables all the members of a supply chain to adequately communicate and improve the workflows.
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