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姓名 藍裕翔(Yu-xiang Lan) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 航照影像特徵輔助之半全域匹配 於數值地表模型建立 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 數值地表模型描述地形與地物之表面,是空間資訊處理中目標物三維重建之重要資料。考量其重要性,本研究針對建物區使用航照影像建構數值地表模型。文中就數值地表模型建構之兩個重要工作: (1) 獲取點雲資料及 (2) 模型化,提出方法及處理程序。
摘要(英) Digital Surface Model (DSM), which describes the surface topography, is an important data source in geoinformatic applications. Considering its importance, this research uses aerial images to construct DSM for building areas. This study includes two major works:(1) point cloud generation and (2) surface modeling for DSM reconstruction.
It is a practical way to generate 3D point clouds by matching multiple images. Because the density of 3D points clouds may influence the constructed details of DSM, this research employs dense matching method to generate 3D points clouds. Matching methods using local single target window only consider local similarity near the matching points. It lacks global links to other pixels. The matching results could be improved, provided that the global similarity is considered. Semi-Global Matching (SGM) considers connected paths with smoothness constraints and combines local and global image information so it can get stable results. However, smoothness constraint might be unable to cope with the matching ambiguity in the area with surface discontinuity. Central-Left-Right Matching (CLRM), on the other hand, considers local feature constraint using multi-windows to increase matching quality around feature regions. Thus, the integration of CLR and SGM is proposed in this investigation. Object-based image matching starts from a groundel to connect related image pixels. Because object-based image matching strategy can connect multiple images with different image resolutions, it will be employed in this research.
In the DSM modeling, surface discontinuity should be taken into account. Feature lines in the images provide a valuable clue for the detection of possible surface discontinuity such as at building boundaries. Thus, 3D break lines might be determined by incorporating the point clouds and image feature lines. In this research, we extract building boundaries followed by the inclusion of those boundary lines as constraints to shape the DSM. The experimental results indicate that the integration of CLR and SGM can increase the quality of image matching. In addition, the proposed method that uses feature constraint to shape DSM can improve the quality of the generated DSM.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數值地表模型
★ 航空影像
★ 密匹配
★ 半全域匹配法
★ 中左右視窗匹配法
★ 物空間導向匹配關鍵字(英) ★ Digital Surface Model
★ Aerial Image
★ Dense Matching
★ Semi-Global Matching
★ Central-Left-Right Matching
★ Object-Based Image Matching論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法與內容 6
第二章 研究方法 8
2-1 資料前處理 10
2-1-1 工作區域選定 10
2-1-2 邊緣偵測 10
2-1-3 點特徵增補 11
2-1-4 特徵主軸分析 12
2-2 物空間導向之多影像匹配 14
2-2-1 半全域匹配法 (SGM) 16
2-2-2 中左右視窗匹配法 (CLRM) 28
2-2-3 特徵輔助之半全域匹配法 (FASGM) 32
2-3 初始地表模型建立 35
2-3-1 迪式三角網建立 35
2-4 數值地表模型精化 37
2-4-1 房屋區偵測 37
2-4-2 房屋輪廓偵測 38
2-4-3 數值地表模型精化 39
第三章 研究成果與分析 41
3-1 實驗資料 41
3-1-1 影像資料 42
3-1-2 測試例資料 49
3-1-3 驗證之參考資料 54
3-2 實驗成果與分析 57
3-2-1 實驗使用參數 58
3-2-2 特徵萃取成果與分析 59
3-2-3 影像匹配成果與分析 63
3-2-4 相似性評估與分析之成果 71
3-2-5 初始地表模型建立之成果與分析 75
3-2-6 房屋區偵測與房屋輪廓偵測之成果與分析 81
3-2-7 數值地表模型精化之成果與分析 86
3-3 實驗總結 92
第四章 結論與建議 95
參考文獻 98
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