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姓名 林建爭(Chien-Cheng Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 利用泛星計劃在反銀河系中心方向尋找疏散星團並分析其特性
(Searching for and Characterization of Galactic Open Clusters toward the Galactic Anti-Center with Pan-STARRS)
★ 金牛座分子雲外圍之年輕恆星★ 濃密分子雲核中的紅外源
★ 球狀星團NGC288的運動狀態★ 利用2微米巡天觀測(2MASS)資料庫分析疏散星團之空間結構
★ 中美掩星計畫的光度資料分析★ 薔薇星雲中的X射線源
★ 銀河系球狀星團 M13 之中頻寬 CCD 光度測量及其恆星組成★ 毫米與次毫米波段的大質量恆星形成
★ 中美掩星計劃的掩星偵測和星場選擇★ 晚期恆星之環星物質的結構研究
★ 豺狼三分子雲中的年輕星球★ 塵粒成長對原行星盤能譜分佈演化之作用
★ Identification of Herbig Ae/Be Starsin Open Clusters★ OB星協裡的中低質量星球的形成
★ 船底座星雲之多波段研究★ 從中美掩星計畫資料裡計算古伯帶遮掩背景星的機率以及尋找變星
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摘要(中) 依照觀測到的星團數量估計結果指出,在本銀河系裡的星團數量應該存在有十多萬個,然而目前被研究列表出來的星團數量僅幾千個,且絕大部分都分佈在太陽系遭周大約兩千秒差距。我們的研究工作的主要目的是利用泛星計劃的大天區及高解析力的特性,從其資料庫去尋找更多尚未發現的星團以及分析他們的特性。本篇論文利用數星的方法先從反銀河系方向的區域進行試驗性的搜尋及分析。我們的搜尋方法對於半徑小於十角分的已知星團可以達到百分之八十三的偵測效率。在反銀河系四百平方角度的區域裡,我們偵測到四百九十一個星數密度高的區域,其中有五十個是已知星團。我們另外建立了分析星團特性的程式,此程式利用星星的自行運動以及二維米巡天計劃和泛星計劃的光度資料挑出星團裡可能的成員星,接著利用這些成員星去估計出候選星團的半徑大小、紅化程度、距離、年齡、以及可以偵測到的最低質量星體。這份新的星團樣本,讓我們將在反銀河方向星團數量的完整性推估至將近五千秒差距。除此之外,我們也利用這份新的星團樣本加上已知的樣本來推估出射手座懸臂跟雙魚座懸臂的間距約三千兩百個秒差距,以及推估出射手、獵戶、雙魚座在太陽附近三個懸臂的寬度分別約一千四、一千六、三千三個秒差距。

摘要(英) Hundreds of thousands star clusters were suggested to exist in the Galactic disk, but so far only a few thousands had been catalogued, all in the solar neighborhood (less than 2 kpc).
We therefore aim to use Pan-STARRS 3π data with its wide-field sky and sensitive camera to search for and to characterize star clusters.
This thesis conducted a pilot study using a star-counting algorithm to identify stellar density enhancements toward the Galactic anti-center.
The detection rate of known star clusters in this region with radii less than 10′ from the algorithm used was approximately 83%.
In the field of 20 × 20 degrees, we identified 491 stellar cluster candidates, 50 of which were matched with known star cluster catalog.
The remaining 441 candidates were characterized with radius, reddening, distance, age, and lowest mass members, along with PPMXL proper motions and 2MASS and Pan-STARRS multi-band photometry.
The revised star cluster sample was estimated to be complete up to a heliocentric distance of 5 kpc toward the Galactic anti-center.
Moreover, this sample allowed us to estimate the separation between Sagittarius and Perseus arms was about 3.2 kpc with 0.2 kpc uncertainty and the widths of the nearby spiral arms---Sagittarius, Orion, and Perseus---with the full-width-half-maximum to be 1.4±0.1, 1.6±0.1, and 3.3±0.2 kpc, respectively.

In the early study, one star cluster G144.9+0.4 identified from the 2MASS point sources catalog was characterized.
We showed that the cluster at a distance of about 1 kpc is physically associated with the Cam OB1 association with an age of 1-2 Myr.
Pre-main sequence stars were identified, on the basis of photometric and proper motion data.
A total of 91 additional OB star candidates were photometrically and kinematically found in subgroups 1A and 1B, a significant increase from the currently known 43 OB stars.
The OB members showed an age spread that indicated a sustained star formation for at least the last 10-15 Myr.
The young cluster G144.9+0.4 represented the latest episode of sequential star formation in this cloud complex.
關鍵字(中) ★ 年輕星球
★ 疏散星團及星協
★ 銀河系結構
關鍵字(英) ★ infrared stars
★ open clusters and associations
★ galaxy structure
論文目次 電子論文授權書 Authorization of the Electronic Thesis i
中文摘要 Abstract in Chinese ii
英文摘要 Abstract in English iii

List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Current Galactic Star Cluster Sample................... 2
1.2 Motivation and Outline of This Study................... 5

2 Data Used in this Study 8
2.1 ThePan-STARRS1Project ........................ 8
2.1.1 ThePan-STARRS1 3π Data ................... 10
2.2 Supplemental Data ............................. 13

3 Star Clusters in the Galactic Anti-Center Region 15
3.1 Method of Searching for StarC lusters................... 15
3.2 Characterization of Star Cluster Candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.1 Isochrones and Reference Sequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.2 Coordinates and Radii ....................... 19
3.2.3 Proper Motions........................... 20
3.2.4 Interstellar Reddening ....................... 23
3.2.5 Distances and Ages......................... 24
3.2.6 Lower Mass Members........................ 29
3.3 Results of the Subregion G173....................... 30
3.4 Sample of Star Clusters toward the Galactic Anti-Center . . . . . . . . 36

4 Characterization of the Young Open Cluster G144.9+0.4 43
4.1 Density Enhancements and Radial Density Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Proper Motion Members .......................... 44
4.3 Young Stellar Objects ........................... 51
4.4 Extinction, Distance, and Age ...................... 56

5 Conclusions 60

Bibliography 63

A List of PS1 Object Flags 68
B List of Known Star Clusters 69
C List of PS1 Newly Found Star Cluster Candidates Toward the Galactic Anti-Center 73
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指導教授 陳文屏(Wen-Ping Chen) 審核日期 2014-7-18
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