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姓名 詹德群(De-qun Zhan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 聚(3-己基噻吩)(poly(3-hexylthiophene)均聚物在不同溶劑性質下之團聚形貌研究
★ 利用高分子模版製備具有表面增強拉曼訊號之奈米銀陣列基板★ 溶劑退火法調控雙團鏈共聚物薄膜梯田狀表面浮凸物與奈米微結構
★ 新穎硬桿-柔軟雙嵌段共聚物與高分子混摻之介觀形貌★ 超分子側鏈型液晶團鏈共聚物自組裝薄膜
★ 利用溶劑退火法調控雙團鏈共聚物奈米薄膜之自組裝結構★ 溶劑退火誘導聚苯乙烯聚4-乙烯吡啶薄膜不穩定性現象之研究
★ 光化學法調控嵌段共聚物有序奈米結構薄膜及其模板之應用★ 製備具可調控孔洞大小的奈米結構碳材用於增強拉曼效應之研究
★ 結合嵌段共聚物自組裝及微乳化法製備三維侷限多層級結構★ 嵌段共聚物/多巴胺混摻體自組裝製備三維多尺度孔隙模板
★ 弱分離嵌段共聚物與均聚物雙元混合物在薄膜中的相行為★ 摻雜效應對聚(3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩):聚苯乙烯磺酸紫外光照-導電度刺激響應之影響與其應用
★ 可撓式聚(3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩):聚苯乙烯磺酸熱電裝置研究:微結構調控增進熱電性質★ 由嵌段共聚物膠束模板化的多層級孔洞碳材: 從膠束(微胞)組裝到電化學應用
★ 聚苯乙烯聚4-乙烯吡啶共聚物微胞薄膜之聚變與裂變動態結構演化之研究★ 除潤現象誘導非對稱型團鏈共聚物薄膜之層級結構
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摘要(中) 近年來利用調控不同溶劑性質來引導聚(3-己基噻吩)(poly(3-hexylthiophene) , P3HT)在溶液中結晶受到廣大的關注,比起單純利用溶劑退火或是熱退火等後處理,此方法有利於大量製造結晶度較高的奈米纖維。由於良好的有機元件的性質通常取決於良好的結構,探究其溶劑性質對於結構的影響有其必要。
摘要(英) Organic devices have attracted great interests due to their advantages of low cost, solution-based processes, and flexibility. Poly(3-hexylthiophene)(P3HT), as a typical linear conjugated polymer, have been applied in commercial processes.
In this study, we focused on the conformation of P3HT chains in three organic solvents of different selectivity. The chain conformation in the dilute solutions affected the morphology in solid state. By controlling the composition of binary co-solvent mixtures, the drive force of P3HT aggregation can be finely tuned.
THF is a good solvent for the thiophene backbone and but a poor one for the 3-hexyl side chain. In contrast, the affinity of cyclohexane shows an opposite trend, being good for 3-hexyl side chains but poor for the thiophene backbone. The selectivity of toluene lies between THF and cyclohexane. Next I added a series of alcohols with different CH2 length to tune the solvent quality to form P3HT aggregates with different nanostructures in solutions.
UV-vis and PL measurements were used to identify the correlations between solvent quality and the degree of ordering in aggregates. AFM and GIWAXD characterizations were carried out to investigate the P3HT morphology and the degree of crystallization in solid state. As the polarization of alcohols increased, the aging rate increased. the nearest-neighbor inter-chain coulombic coupling J0 did not significantly change. J0 is sensitive to the selectivity of solvents and the ratios of alcohols in binary co-solvent mixtures.
P3HT aged quickly in the solvent mixture of THF/alcohols and formed large-sized aggregation structures with disorder orientation. In the solvent mixtures of toluene/ alcohols (except for toluene/1-propanol), P3HT formed single fibers and well dispersed. In contrast, P3HT in the cosolvent mixtures of cyclohexane/alcohols was found to form bundles of nano-sized fibers with high orientational ordering.
關鍵字(中) ★ 共軛高分子
★ 聚(3-己基噻吩)
★ 團聚
★ 韓森溶解度參數
★ 激子耦合分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Conjugated polymers
★ P3HT
★ Aggregation
★ Hansen solubility parameters
★ Excitonic coupling analysis
論文目次 聚(3-己基噻吩)(poly(3-hexylthiophene)均聚物在不同溶劑性質下之團聚形貌研究 摘要.........I
The Aggregation Behavior of P3HT in Binary Co-solvents bstract.........III
第一章 文獻回顧.........1
1-1 導論.........1
1-2 韓森溶解度參數與溶劑性質.........3
1-2-1 韓森溶解度參數簡介.........3
1-2-2 與P3HT相關的韓森溶解度參數研究.........5
1-3-1 P3HT的層級結構.........8
1-3-3 π-π堆疊後的奈米纖維形貌與結構.........12
1-3-4 溶液態結構與吸收/發射/振動光譜間的關係.........15
1-4 結晶形貌的控制條件與理想的元件構形.........22
第二章 實驗.........25
2-1 藥品.........25
2-1-1 高分子材料.........25
2-1-2 溶劑.........25
2-2 實驗所用鑑定儀器一覽.........28
2-3 樣品製備.........29
2-3-1 溶液製備.........29
2-3-2 基材清洗.........29
2-3-3 薄膜樣品製備.........30
2-4 儀器量測原理及條件.........31
2-4-1 光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscopy, OM).........31
2-4-2 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM).........31
2-4-3 紫外光可見光分光光譜儀(UV-vis spectrophotometer).........31
2-4-4 新穎奈米材料之超高解析場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Technology and Service of Ultra-High Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FE-SEM).........32
2-4-5 穿透式及反射式小角度X-ray散射系統(Small Angle X-Ray Scattering, SAXS).........33
2-4-6 同步輻射中心小角度X光散射儀.........34
第三章 實驗結果與討論.........35
3-1-1 選擇溶劑之策略.........35
3-1-2 混合溶劑的HSP參數與熟化關係.........38
3-2 混合溶劑組成比例效應.........41
3-2-1 良溶劑的種類影響比較.........41
3-2-2 貧溶劑添加比例效應.........44
3-3 熟化速率的快慢.........58
第四章 結論.........61
附錄1 UV光譜之解析.........67
附錄1.1 基線(base line).........67
附錄1.2 UV光譜的分峰處理.........68
附錄2 樣品外觀照片.........71
附錄3 溶液態樣品SAXS與SANS分析.........72
附錄4 樣品之GIWAXD圖譜.........78
附錄5 口試投影片.........79
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指導教授 孫亞賢(Ya-sen Sun) 審核日期 2014-8-28
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