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姓名 顏佑哲(YEN YU CHA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 創造力與創業精神-探索創業動機 與創業環境之調節
(Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Motivation and Environment)
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在了解創造力對創業精神的影響,並探索創業動機是否會中介兩者間之關係,以及創業環境是否會調節創業動機與創業精神。創造力的評量採用陶倫斯創造力測驗、創業精神採用創新性(Innovativeness)、風險承擔(Risk-Taking)、預應性(Proactiveness)、自主性(Autonomy)與競爭積極性(Competitive Aggressiveness)五個構面。而創業動機則針對較廣泛的推(push)與拉(pull)兩大動機構面,以及較細微的成就(achievement)、福利(welfare)、地位(status)、金錢(money)、得免於難(escape)、自由(freedom)、效法前人(role models)等構面,以及整體創業環境的考量。
摘要(英) Abstract
The study aims to investigate the influence of creativity on entrepreneurship, whether there exists a mediating effect of entrepreneurial motivation between them, and whether entrepreneurial environment may moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurship. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking was used to measure creativity. Entrepreneurship was measured under five aspects: innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy, and competitive aggressiveness. The measurement of entrepreneurial motivation included broader push and pull motivations, and more specific motivation including achievement, welfare, status, money, escape, freedom, and role models.
After removing useless responses, analysis on 198 participants showed: (1) there is significant effect for the family which does not have entrepreneurial experience between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial environment, (2) the achievement in the term of entrepreneurial motivation significantly influences on following the example of their predecessors and overall scores of creativity, (3) the welfare and money of entrepreneurial motivation are negatively influence on the overall scores of creativity. This study addressed some practice implications according to findings.
Key word: creativity, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial environment, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
關鍵字(中) ★ 創造力
★ 創業精神
★ 創業動機
★ 創業環境
★ 陶倫斯創造力測驗
關鍵字(英) ★ creativity
★ entrepreneurship
★ entrepreneurial motivation
★ entrepreneurial environment
★ Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
論文目次 摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 2
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 創業精神 5
2-2 創造力 9
2-3 創業動機 13
2-4 創業環境 17
第三章 研究方法 19
3-1 研究架構 19
3-2 研究樣本 19
3-3 研究工具 20
3-4 研究步驟 21
第四章 研究結果 23
4-1 樣本描述性統計 23
4-2 研究變項之描述性統計 23
4-3各研究變項間之相關性 27
4-4各研究變項對於創業精神之影響效果 29
4-5家人創業經驗在各研究變項上之差異情形 35
第五章 研究結論與建議 38
5-1創造力和創業精神的發現 38
5-2創業動機對創造力的發現 39
5-3創業動機的中介效果 40
5-4創業環境對於創業動機與創業精神的調節效果 40
5-5 管理意涵 41
5-6 研究限制與未來建議 43
5-7結論 44
參考文獻 45
附錄:研究問卷 51
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指導教授 杜秉叡(Do, B.-R.) 審核日期 2014-8-25
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