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姓名 何向蓉(Hsiang-Jung Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 保家衛國的吸血鬼:《幕光之城》小說系列中的後九一一美國國家主義與反恐保護主義敘事
(No “Human” Blood, No Foul: Post-9/11 Vampiric Protectionism in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series)
★ 從同情到自省-美國十九世級改革文學的轉變★ 作勢反叛: 亡命鴛鴦電影與六十年代反文化的批判
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摘要(中) 本論文旨在將全球暢銷小說《暮光之城》系列(The Twilight series)中的吸血鬼敘事,放入後九一一美國盛行的國家主義及反恐文化中進行探討。自史蒂芬妮梅爾(Stephenie Meyer)的第一本小說《暮光之城》(Twilight )於2005年問世後,其作品逐漸得到廣大迴響,同系列後續出版的《暮光之城:新月》(New Moon)、《暮光之城:蝕》(Eclipse)及《暮光之城:破曉》(Breaking Dawn)皆被翻譯成數十種語言,並最終被翻拍成好萊塢電影,熱銷全球。值得注意的是,此系列商業成功所帶動的吸血鬼熱潮(被譽為『暮光之城現象』),也使得梅爾的作品受到廣泛的討論和檢視。除了她筆下的吸血鬼庫倫家族(the Cullens)引發許多文化解讀,故事中男主角吸血鬼愛德華庫倫(Edward Cullen)對人類女友貝拉史旺(Bella Swan)無微不至的保護,以及兩人的形影不離的交往模式,更使梅爾的性別政治遭受嚴厲的批判。
摘要(英) This thesis reads Stephenie Meyer’s popular vampire novels, the Twilight series, a post-9/11 text that reflects the prevailing U.S. nationalist sentiment in correspondence to the counter-terrorism climate. While most critical concern regarding the series focus on Meyer’s sexual politics, my project explores the underlying political messages in Meyer’s romantic take on vampirism as well as her portraits of fantastic creatures as super protective beings. Concentrating on the motif of protection, I argue that vampirism is a form of empowerment in Meyer’s representation, through which the modern individual is strengthened and mobilized as powerful guardians of the family and the nation. By displaying the contrasts between the series and literary predecessors, such as Dracula and Jane Eyre, I will also look into the way boundaries, as bodily and national borders, are constructed in Meyer’s work.
The human blood, in Meyer’s case, symbolizes the division between the self and the other as well as the act of penetration and protection. As the story draws a seemingly distinct line between the righteous protectionism and its ever-invasive enemies, I will point to the essential fluidity of such distinction, and the arbitrary and imperial nature of this narrative logic.
關鍵字(中) ★ 後九一一
★ 國家主義
★ 保護主義
★ 帝國主義
★ 吸血鬼
★ 暮光之城
關鍵字(英) ★ Post-9/11
★ nationalism
★ protectionism
★ vampires
★ imperialism
★ the Twilight series
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Chapter one Introduction
It’s Dangerous to be Safe: The Vampires that Protect Their Prey 1
Chapter Two
All about Protection: The Vampiric Modern Individual and Boundaries of Power 20
Chapter Three
It’s a Family Thing: The Violence of Muteness for the Mad Terrorists 54
Chapter Four
The Happliy Ever After and Its Unthinkable Alternative 78
Works Cited 84
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指導教授 白瑞梅(Amie E. Parry) 審核日期 2014-7-7
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