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姓名 陶安時(Ansumana Touray)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 以遙測技術進行西甘比亞多時序土地覆蓋變遷監測
(Multi-Temporal Land-Cover Change Monitoring of the Western Gambia Using Remote Sensing)
★ 多時期衛星影像之自動化監督性分類★ 大範圍地區土地使用分類之研究
★ 高解析力衛星影像控制點座標之自動化萃取★ 影像最佳類別數目之研究
★ 遙控直昇機應用於工程管理監測可行性之研究★ 以地理資訊系統輔助共同管道之最適設計
★ 有理函數應用於空載多光譜影像幾何校正之研究★ SPOT自然色影像產生之研究
★ 結合影像區塊及知識庫分類之研究-以IKONOS衛星影像為例★ 遙控飛機空載視訊影像自動化鑲嵌方法之研究
★ 影像分割技術於高解析衛星影像分類之應用★ 小波多層次解析之影像融合應用
★ 線性複合模式應用於變遷偵測之研究★ 改良式變異向量分析法於變遷偵測之探討
★ 區塊分割變遷偵測法於多時期衛星影像之應用★ 資料挖掘技術應用於外來入侵植物研究 (以恆春地區銀合歡為例)
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摘要(中) 本研究的主要目的為使用遙測影像技術進行西甘比亞區域的土地覆蓋變遷監測,研究產製該區的土地覆蓋變遷圖,並關注於1985年到2013年間的都市成長情況。研究區範圍包含甘比亞西海岸區與部分的北岸區,緯度分布由北緯13o 03’ 到 13o 36’,經度範圍為西經16o 06’ 到 16o 36’ 之間。甘比亞的全國人口數為1,195,082 人,而63.49%的甘比亞居民居住於此,區域人口密度為478人/平方公里。
摘要(英) The main objective of this research is aimed at producing multi-temporal land cover maps of the Western Gambia in order to monitor land-cover changes (LCC) using Remote Sensing techniques with a focus on urban growth during the period 1985 – 2013. The study area is the Western Gambia covering West Coast Region and part of North Bank Region lying between Latitudes 13o 36’ N and 13o 03’ N and Longitude 16o 54’ W and 16o 06’ W. About 63.49% of the
country’s population resides here with a population density of 478 people per km2.
For this purpose, multi-temporal Landsat images for 1985, 1999, and 2013 were acquired. The existing land cover reference maps collected and modified for accuracy assessment. These multi-temporal data were processed using spatial analysis tools of geo-referencing, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification, and post- classification processes, to map the patterns and extent of land cover in the study area as well as determine the magnitude of changes between the years of interest.
The result of the study showed that the built-up areas have been on a constant positive and mostly uncontrolled expansion from 46.42 km2 of the study area in 1985 to 97.35 km2 in 1999 and to 193.02 km2 in 2013. On the other hand, terrestrial vegetation has been on a steady decline, from 1,184.22 km2 in 1985 to 929.69 km2 in 2013, while the cultivation land experienced a slight increase in area. The mangrove forest is fairly stable in the past three decades. Population pressure is the major driving forces of LCC in the Western Gambia; therefore the government and other stakeholders should develop policies and strategies to achieve a balanced, coordinated and sustainable natural resources management.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多時序遙測
★ 土地覆蓋
★ 變遷偵測
★ 西甘比亞
關鍵字(英) ★ Multi-Temporal
★ Remote Sensing
★ Land cover
★ Change detection
★ Western Gambia
論文目次 CHINESE ABSTRACT ............... i
ABSTRACT ...........ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............iii
LIST OF FIGURES .................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ............ ix
ACRONYMS .............. xi
1.1 Background ..... 1
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Justification ......... 3
1.3 Research Objectives ....................... 4
1.4 Research Questions................ 4
1.5 Research Scopes and Limitations ........... 5
2.1 General Information of the Gambia ............... 6
2.2 Land Use and Land Cover Pattern ............ 12
2.3 The Study Area ..................... 15
2.3.1 Geographic Location ............... 15
2.3.2 Rainfall and Temperature ............ 16
2.3.3 Urbanization ........................ 18
4.1 Materials ........ 26
4.2 Data Collection .................. 26
4.2.1 Satellite Data Acquisitions ................... 27
4.2.2 Ancillary Data ...................... 30
4.3 Image Preprocessing ...................... 31
4.3.1 Layer Stacking ................. 31
4.3.2 Geo-referencing .................... 34
4.3.3 Subset Data via ROIs ................... 35
4.4 Image Classification ...................... 36
4.4.1 Training Samples Selection ................ 37
4.4.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification Algorithm ...................................... 39
4.4.3 Post Classification Smoothing ................ 42
4.4.4 Accuracy Assessment using Modified Reference Maps Shapefile .......................... 42
4.5 Change Detection ...................... 44
5.1 Evaluation of Training Sample Sets ............... 46
5.2 Classification and Accuracy Assessment Results ................. 48
5.2.1 Land Cover Map in 1985 .......................... 49
5.2.2 Land Cover Map in 1999 ................... 53
5.2.3 Land Cover Map in 2013 ............... 56
5.3 Land-Cover Change Analysis ................... 59
5.3.1 Spatial Distribution of Land-Cover Changes ......................... 59
5.3.2 Magnitude and Rates of Land-Cover Changes ..................... 59
5.3.3 Nature of Land-Cover Changes ........................... 60
5.4 Driving Forces of Land-Cover Change in the Western Gambia ......... 66
5.4.1 Drought and Rainfall Pattern ............. 66
5.4.2 Population Growth .................... 67
5.4.3 Forest and Land Resources Degradation .............. 68
5.4.4 Government Strategies and Policies ................ 69
6.1 Conclusions ....................... 71
6.2 Recommendations ................... 73
REFERENCES ............................. 75
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指導教授 陳繼藩(Chi-Farn Chen) 審核日期 2014-7-30
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