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姓名 張艾琳(Irene Batara Batoarung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
(Development of Sustainable Solid Waste Management Strategy for Metropolitan City Case Study: DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)
★ 彩色濾光片生產線清潔生產之改善研究★ 以離子交換法處理半導體廠氫氧化四甲基銨廢液之研究
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摘要(中) 雅加達是目前全球最快速成長的都會城市之一,而最近十年以來,其固體廢棄物產生量亦伴隨者人口的成長而快速成長,不過,截至目前為止,雅加達的固體廢棄物仍然是採用不符合可持續的發展原則的傳統方式在管理。面對越來越嚴重的固體廢棄物管理問題,印尼政府與雅加達市政府雖然嘗試透過立法方式,訂定具有一定程度的可持續的發展原則的固體廢棄物管理法規,但是,可具體落實固體廢棄物管理法規的相關辦法仍是付諸闕如。以雅加達為例,雅加達市清潔局目前與未來的執行計劃仍然是不符合可持續的發展原則,例如:仍然著重於下游末端的清運與掩埋,而忽視產生源頭的控制與減量,僅有一些社區自行建立的小型回收體系。針對雅加達市的固體廢棄物管理問題,本研究嘗試根據固體廢棄物的生命週期,針對不同的固體廢棄物產生源,家庭、商業及工業等,評選符合可持續的發展原則、環境友善原則及5R原則等適合雅加達市特性的各種固體廢棄物管理措施,以建立一套具有可持續性的雅加達市固體廢棄物管理策略。此外,本研究亦進一步將本研究所發展的可持續的固體廢棄物管理策略與措施,與現行的雅加達市固體廢棄物管理策略與措施,做環境、社會及經濟效益的分析比較,以供雅加達市做為未來檢討與修訂固體廢棄物管理策略與措施之參考。
摘要(英) Solid waste management (SWM) in DKI Jakarta is conducted with conventional way without concerning its effect on sustainability aspects whereas the city grows rapidly as one of the prominent metropolitan city in the world. Moreover the city waste generation is almost decoupling its population growth in the past ten years. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) as well as DKI Jakarta Government has been trying to tackle the problem through lawmaking, that is, legislation enactment of SWM act and regulations that to some extent reflects sustainable SWM principles. However the implementation of the act, regulations, and policy on SWM is still lacking. Jakarta Cleansing Agency (JCA) current and future plan of SWM implementation focuses on unsustainable way, e.g. emphasize on downstream SWM whereas it should be implemented ever since potentially-wasted product are formed, heavily rely on establishing intermediate treatment facilities (ITF) to divert waste sent to landfill without clear concern on reducing waste from the source, solely rely on JCA on handling SWM, and also depend on community initiative and small scale recycling. Sustainable SWM strategy should be developed in DKI Jakarta in order to present livable and environmental friendly metropolitan city. The strategy development enclosed life cycle concept which view SWM from goods production until the disposal and return the material back to environment. Moreover 5R principle and sustainable living concept was imbued the measures listed. The measures on sustainable SWM principle were analyzed and applied to the existing condition of DKI Jakarta. The municipal solid waste (MSW) studied was focused according to the dominant source of MSW in DKI Jakarta i.e. household waste, commercial waste, and industrial waste. The overall proposed strategy is to establish sustainable living society that consists of SWM stakeholder, that is, government, industry, community, and recycling entities, that share equal responsibility in SWM based on their role. In addition, the sustainable SWM strategies and measures in this study were also conducted through analysis and comparison existing strategy and measures of municipal solid waste management in DKI Jakarta based on environmental, social and economic benefits as a reference for future review and revision of solid waste management strategies and measures.
關鍵字(中) ★ 都市固體廢棄物管理策略
★ 可持續的固體廢棄物管理措施
★ 生命週期
★ 可持續的發展原則
★ 可持續的生活方式
★ 環境友善
關鍵字(英) ★ Sustainable Solid Waste Management
★ Life Cycle
★ Sustainable Living Society
★ Municipal Solid Waste
★ Sustainable Strategy
★ 5R
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Acronyms ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statement 1
1.2 Cause and Mechanism of the Problem 1
1.3 Solution of the Problem 2
1.4 Purpose of this Study 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Sustainable Development 4
2.1.1 Environmental Sustainability 5
2.1.2 Material Cycle Management 6
2.1.3 Sustainable Living 8
2.2 Solid Waste Management 11
2.2.1 Solid Waste Sources, Composition, and Properties 11
2.2.2 Solid Waste Generation 14
2.2.3 Solid Waste Activities 15
2.2.4 Solid Waste Reduction Concept 17
2.3 Current Sustainable Waste Management Practices
in Some Countries 18
2.3.1 Sustainable Waste Management Practice in Taiwan 19
2.3.2 Sustainable Waste Management Practice in Hong Kong 20
2.3.3 Sustainable Waste Management Practice in Europe Union (EU) 21
2.3.4 Sustainable Waste Management Practice in the United States of America 22
Chapter 3 Methodology 24
3.1 Flowchart Procedure of the Research 24
3.2 First Step: Develop Sustainable Solid Waste Management Principles 25
3.2.1 5R Principles 25
3.2.2 Sustainability Pattern in Solid Waste Management 26
3.2.3 Life Cycle Thinking 29
3.3 Second Step: Establish the Measures for each Solid Waste Management Procedure 31
3.4 Third Step: Analyze DKI Jakarta current Solid Waste Management Measures 33
3.5 Fourth Step: Suggest the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Strategy Measures for DKI Jakarta 33
3.6 Fifth Step: Evaluate the Environmental, Social, Economy, and Political Effectiveness of the Proposed Strategy 35
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 38
4.1 Sustainable Solid Waste Management Principles 38
4.2 Measures in Sustainable Solid Waste Management Procedure 40
4.2.1 Household Waste 42
4.2.2 Industrial Waste 47
4.2.3 Commercial Waste 51
4.3 DKI Jakarta Solid Waste Management Existing Condition 55
4.3.1 General Information 55
4.3.2 Solid Waste Generation and Characteristic 56
4.3.3 DKI Jakarta Solid Waste Current Management 59
4.4 Proposed Strategy for Sustainable Solid Waste Management of DKI Jakarta 70
4.4.1 Household Waste 72
4.4.2 Industry Waste 77
4.4.3 Commercial Waste 78
4.4.4 Keynote of Proposed Strategy 78
4.5 Effectiveness of Sustainable Solid Waste Management 81
4.5.1 Environmental 82
4.5.2 Social 83
4.5.3 Economy 84
4.5.4 Politic 85
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 87
5.1 Conclusion 87
5.2 Recommendation 88
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指導教授 廖述良(Shu-liang Liaw) 審核日期 2014-7-31
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