摘要(英) |
Solid waste management (SWM) in DKI Jakarta is conducted with conventional way without concerning its effect on sustainability aspects whereas the city grows rapidly as one of the prominent metropolitan city in the world. Moreover the city waste generation is almost decoupling its population growth in the past ten years. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) as well as DKI Jakarta Government has been trying to tackle the problem through lawmaking, that is, legislation enactment of SWM act and regulations that to some extent reflects sustainable SWM principles. However the implementation of the act, regulations, and policy on SWM is still lacking. Jakarta Cleansing Agency (JCA) current and future plan of SWM implementation focuses on unsustainable way, e.g. emphasize on downstream SWM whereas it should be implemented ever since potentially-wasted product are formed, heavily rely on establishing intermediate treatment facilities (ITF) to divert waste sent to landfill without clear concern on reducing waste from the source, solely rely on JCA on handling SWM, and also depend on community initiative and small scale recycling. Sustainable SWM strategy should be developed in DKI Jakarta in order to present livable and environmental friendly metropolitan city. The strategy development enclosed life cycle concept which view SWM from goods production until the disposal and return the material back to environment. Moreover 5R principle and sustainable living concept was imbued the measures listed. The measures on sustainable SWM principle were analyzed and applied to the existing condition of DKI Jakarta. The municipal solid waste (MSW) studied was focused according to the dominant source of MSW in DKI Jakarta i.e. household waste, commercial waste, and industrial waste. The overall proposed strategy is to establish sustainable living society that consists of SWM stakeholder, that is, government, industry, community, and recycling entities, that share equal responsibility in SWM based on their role. In addition, the sustainable SWM strategies and measures in this study were also conducted through analysis and comparison existing strategy and measures of municipal solid waste management in DKI Jakarta based on environmental, social and economic benefits as a reference for future review and revision of solid waste management strategies and measures. |
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