摘要(英) |
Special Goods and Services Tax Regulations were implemented in June 2011. By using difference-in-difference method in which the townhouses in the East Hsinchu, North Hsinchu and Chu-Pei City are the experimented group, where the townhouses in other districts of Hsinchu are the controlled group, we analyze the effect of the implementation of special goods and services Tax (Luxury Tax) regulations on housing price during the period of July, 2010, to July of 2012.
Based on the hedonic price theory, we conduct an empirical model in which the price per pyeong and the total price of a townhouse are dependent variables, in addition to the indicator of the implementation of luxury tax, the road width, house age, the land area and the house area are independent variables Our empirical results show that the government’s imposing luxury tax on real estate cannot effectively restrain the housing price in Hsinchu. Therefore, the government should act more positively so as to rein in property price rises and then reduce popular discontent over high housing price. |
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