摘要(英) |
Since Google, the bellwether of searching engine, established in 1998, the way of data storage and analysis in developing business has became a big shot. It is indispensable to enterprises to make business decision by analyzing big data, developing data mining or business intelligence.
This thesis presents how big data influences the society, and how big data rises from the point of Economy. The vertical disintegration phenomenon in industrial Economics derives small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and the way of big data influences SMEs will be discussed in this thesis as well.
This thesis indicates that big data is helpful to the government to put direct democracy into practice. The analysis of big data strengthens the core technology and makes companies more competitive. It accelerates the vertical disintegration, but if it changes the industial chain is still in the air. Although SMEs face the difficulties of budget, technology, human resource in developing big data, they can still react to the volatile market by using related sources.
參考文獻 |
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