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姓名 黃曉薇(Hsiao-wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 照明與顯示科技研究所
論文名稱 含漸變銦含量主動層的氮化銦鎵太陽能電池
(InGaN-based solar cells with composition-graded junction)
★ 影像式外差干涉術之建立★ 陶瓷基板上的高壓薄膜氮化鎵發光二極體之設計、製作與分析
★ 光譜解析單像素重建顯微術於雙光子激發螢光與拉曼造影之研究★ 液晶/單體中光聚合效應的圖案轉換觀察和由Z-scan方法鑑定非線性光學現象
★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵異質磊晶術★ 矽基板上的氮化物太陽能電池
★ 矽摻雜氮化鎵之光伏特性:中間能帶太陽能電池的潛力評估★ 以氧化鋅薄膜輔助成長於矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶層
★ 氮化物光伏元件之製程優化及硒化鎘量子點的應用★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶術:以氧化鎵為緩衝
★ 具穿隧結構之反向極化電場氮化銦鎵發光二極體★ 強度敏感式影像橢圓儀及應用
★ 成長於同調性基板的氮化鎵及氮化鋁磊晶層★ 成長於氧化鋅緩衝層之自發性P型氮化鎵
★ 以奈米異質磊晶術在矽基板上成長的半極性氮化銦鎵量子井★ 以漸變銦含量的主動層增加氮化銦鎵光伏元件的載子收集率
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摘要(中) 自從J. Wu等人在2002年發現了氮化銦(InN)的真實能隙大小約為0.7電子伏特(~0.7 eV),三族氮化物(III-Nitrides)便成了熱門的太陽能電池材料,因為氮化銦鎵(InGaN)化合物的能隙範圍在0.7 eV到3.4 eV之間,幾乎涵蓋了太陽光譜全部的波長範圍。儘管許多研究都指出含漸變銦含量的太陽能電池具有優秀的性能表現,但多數為模擬或理論的結果,含漸變銦含量主動層的氮化銦鎵太陽能電池的潛力需要經由實驗結果的證明。
在我們的研究當中,我們製備的樣品有:氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵多重量子井太陽能電池、氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵p-i-n太陽能電池,以及含漸變銦含量主動層的氮化銦鎵太陽能電池。所有元件皆以有機金屬化學氣相沉積法(MOCVD)生長於藍寶石(sapphire)基板上,並且透過光致發光、在AM1.5G太陽光模擬器下的電流-電壓太陽能電池特性曲線、外部量子效率以及X光繞等方法分析。雖然銦含量漸變的主動層有比較高的填充因子,該元件的轉換效率卻低於含量子井主動層的太陽能電池。除了氮化銦鎵的磊晶層品質應提升外,消除氮化鎵和氮化銦鎵之間的能帶斷層(band offest)也可能提升光載子的收集,因而增加元件的轉換效率。
摘要(英) III-Nitrides have become the potential material for solar cells (SCs) since the true band gap of InN (~0.7 eV) was discovered by J. Wu et al. in 2002. The band gap of the InGaN can be varied from 0.7 eV to 3.4 eV, covering nearly the full solar spectrum. Although many theoretical studies indicate that graded InGaN junctions exhibit great potential for high-efficiency SCs, the photovoltaic performances of graded InGaN junctions have not been studied to date.
In this project, III-nitride SCs with three types of active region were fabricated: InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQW), the unintentionally doped InGaN single junction, and the InGaN junction with step-graded indium composition. All the samples were grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Material/device characterizations were performed with photoluminescence (PL), X-ray diffraction, I-V curves under solar illumination, and external quantum efficiency (EQE). It is found that the device with graded junction, despite her larger fill factor, exhibits lower conversion efficiency than the one with MQW structure. The results were attributed to the inferior crystal qualities with the composition-graded junction. Carrier collection efficiency (and thus conversion efficiency) of the graded junction can also be improved by eliminating the band offset at the InGaN/n-GaN interface.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氮化銦鎵
★ 太陽能電池
關鍵字(英) ★ InGaN
★ solar cell
★ photovoltaic
論文目次 Contents
中文摘要 i
Acknowledge iii
Contents iv
List of tables vi
List of figures vii
List of symbols x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Group III-Nitrides 1
1.2 Why III-Nitrides for solar cells? 4
1.3 p-i-n solar cells 6
1.4 MQW solar cells 8
1.5 Graded bandgap solar cells 9
1.6 Motivation and thesis overview 13
Chapter 2 Experiment 20
2.1 Epitaxial structure 20
2.2 Device fabrication 23
2.3 Characterization tools 25
2.3.1 Photoluminescence 25
2.3.2 I-V Curve under the AM1.5G illumination 27
2.3.3 External quantum efficiency 29
2.3.4 X-ray diffraction 32
Chapter 3 Results and discussions 34
3.1 PL feature 34
3.2 XRD feature 37
3.3 EQE feature 39
3.4 I-V Curve feature 42
Chapter 4 Conclusion and future work 45
Reference 49
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指導教授 賴昆佑(Kun-yu Lai) 審核日期 2014-8-11
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