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姓名 陳奇婕(Chi-chieh Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 影響對供應商忠誠度之因素探討 −− 供應商服務與供應鏈流程能力
(Factors Affecting Loyalty to Supplier: Supplier Services and Supply Chain Process Capabilities)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
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摘要(中) 製造業服務化日益受到重視,隨著科技的進步,許多供應鏈相關的資訊系統如雨
本研究透過郵寄問卷至台灣營業額排名前 1000 名製造業的採購主管,探討以資
摘要(英) The servitization of manufacturing is more important than ever before. As a result of rapid development in information technology, information systems for supporting supply chain operations have sprung up. The purpose of these systems is to provide “services” to upstream and downstream partners in supply chains to make their business more successful. And then, information systems have become the important vehicles of providing services to customers. These information systems also impact suppliers on internal process capabilities. The process capabilities can make the business more smoothly. There are few studies about IT-based service and loyalty to the suppliers in prior studies. Therefore, this study addressed the impacts of IT-based service and process capabilities on loyalty to the suppliers in supply chains. In addition, the services provided by supplier representatives and whether there is enough information technologies to support the information systems of suppliers in the internal firm are needed to be measured.
The study collects data from top 1000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms to test the hypotheses. The results show that human service quality and process capability are positively associated with loyalty to the supplier. In addition, there is no positive influence of IT-based service on process capability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 以資訊科技為基礎的服務
★ 供應商忠誠度
★ 資訊科技能力
★ 流程能力
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Purposes and Questions 4
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 IT-based Service 5
2.2 Human Service Quality 6
2.3 Information Technology Capability 7
2.4 Process Capability 8
2.5 Loyalty to the Supplier 10
Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 12
3.1 Research Model 12
3.2 Hypothesis Development 13
3.2.1 Information Technology Capability and Process Capability 13
3.2.2 IT-based Service and Process Capability 15
3.2.3 Human Service Quality and Process Capability 16
3.2.4 Process Capability and Loyalty to the Supplier 17
3.2.5 Process Integration Capability and Process Efficiency Capability 19

Chapter 4 Research Method 20
4.1 Research Design 20
4.2 Instrument Development 20
4.2.1 Human Service Quality 21
4.2.2 Information Technology Capability 22
4.2.3 Process Efficiency Capability 23
4.2.4 Process Integration Capability 24
4.2.5 Loyalty to the Supplier 25
4.2.6 IT-based Service 26
4.2.7 Control Variables 26
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Results 27
5.1 Sample Characteristic 27
5.2 Measurement Model 33
5.3 Structural Model 39
Chapter 6 Conclusions 42
6.1 Findings and Discussion 42
6.2 Implications 44
6.3 Limitations 46
References 47
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2014-7-14
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