摘要(英) |
Since cloud services become the trend and accepted by the commercial market, more and more network application services comes up. Now, many enterprises have gradually begun to pay attention provisioning and operational needs of the internal data center infrastructure. They like to plan and forecast needs and resource rather than purchase hardware when needs comes up. Enterprises also use virtualization technology in different parts like maximize server’s computing power, fast deploy of service and efficient of resource. It’s a big problem and challenge if hardware, OS and application is all different in each system of enterprise. Data center has been designed as far as possible using the same hardware and operating system to provide services to reduce the degree of uncertainty and complexity in a variety of maintenance and operation management. Enterprise wish Data center can fulfill cloud service’s needs, the deployment must adopt more flexible, rapid design and forecast plan. In the past, deployment of date center, it often require timely intervention of human operating system and set of environmental parameters to complete server’s deployment process. If server have some problem, it will take a lot of time to recover if we didn’t have automation deploy. It will also cause scale up problem, maintain and responds time slowly problem. Although the market has automation deployment system solutions, but cannot achieve true automation. It still require professional and hands on operator to do configuration and operation. Those kind of automation deployment system solutions is more convenient than OS’s Kick-Start. Even if so, it’s still require lots of resource to let that kind of automation works. It’s the hot topic of information technology which call “Software-Defined”. This study is about the how to use software-defined into data center automation deployment system. To implement a software-defined based automation deployment system to verify the feasibility of this system. This study is also related to the operation of the system performance analysis and explanation |
參考文獻 |
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