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姓名 林明毅(Ming-Yi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 應用交互式教學的客製化電子書系統設計實作與個案研究
(The Design and Case Study of Applying Reciprocal Teaching in Customized E-Book System)
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摘要(中) 由於國際化趨勢的影響,英語在台灣是為重要的第二外語。針對大部份的台灣學生而言,閱讀學術性的原文書時往往缺乏教師的引導,學生通常是憑藉自己的英文能力自行閱讀及理解,但是在閱讀理解的過程中,經常包含了許多重要環節(專業用語、文法、片語與段落大意等),在缺乏教師的引導下自行閱讀原文書,經常導致學生遭遇英文閱讀理解上的阻礙,進而影響文章的理解。
研究指出交互式教學可有效提升學生閱讀學習的理解能力,再加上近年來透過電子書進行教學的方式越來越盛行,因此本研究希望藉由企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)的方法論,將傳統交互式教學重新設計以發展一套可與本實驗室既有客製化電子書系統(命名為MyERT)有效搭配的交互式教學流程,並透過流程差異分析的方式檢驗交互式教學欲應用於MyERT系統上所存在的問題並加以新增及修改,以落實交互式教學的理念。
摘要(英) Due to the impact of international trends, English has become the second important language in Taiwan. Most of the technology-majored students in Taiwan usually have to read academic English textbook on their own without their teacher’s guidance. However, in the process of students’ reading comprehension usually involves some important parts, such as terminology, grammar, phrases, the main idea of the passage, etc. It is common that students will encounter such obstacles when reading and thereby affect their comprehension.
Researches indicate that reciprocal teaching can enhance students’ comprehension and improve the effectiveness of reading. Over the last few years, adopting E-Book system in teaching has become more and more popular. Therefore, business process reengineering methodology will be applied in this study in order to redesign the reciprocal teaching workflow that can effectively combine the existing E-Book System (called MyERT) developed by our laboratory in it. By examining the problems existed in MyERT through gap analysis, a few modifications and additional functions will also be made in MyERT for realizing the principle of reciprocal teaching.
To assist students understand technology related subject textbook, this case study will have students enrolled in a software engineering course, which its articles often involve explainning object composition and the action/processs of how objects work respectively. Therefore, this study specifically designs two reading strategies (compositon and action steps) in this experiment. With the aid of reciprocal teaching workflow and MyERT E-Book system work together, teachers can effectively grasp which portion of the text have more of the students’ questions within a short time and students can also enhance their reading comprehension by using these reading strategies, and finally achieve an effective two-way interaction between teacher and students.
Semi-structure questionnaire, students and teacher’s feedback will be collected for analyzing and discussing in this study. According to the analysis result, with the aid of reciprocal teaching workflow and MyERT E-Book system work together can really enhance students’ familiarity with reading strategies and thereby provide positive assistance for their reading. Also, teachers can effectively grasp students’ learning conditions and directly respond to students within a short time by using MyERT. Thereby prompts students and teacher to a more effective and efficient two-way interaction in teaching.
關鍵字(中) ★ 交互式教學
★ 文章組成閱讀策略
★ 客製化電子書系統
★ 企業流程再造
關鍵字(英) ★ reciprocal teaching
★ reading strategies of article compositon
★ customized E-Book system
★ business process reengineering
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究問題 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 英文閱讀理解 5
2.2 閱讀策略 7
2.3 交互式教學 9
2.4 特定領域的英文(ESP) 11
2.5 軟體工程的ESP 11
2.6 電子書 13
2.7 教學式電子書探討 15
2.8 企業流程再造 16
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1 文章結構策略的設計:R_Co及R_A策略 19
3.1.1 R_Co文章結構策略 19
3.1.2 R_A文章結構策略 23
3.2 研究流程 27
第四章 交互式教學流程的建立 31
4.1 傳統交互式教學流程:無使用系統 31
4.2 交互式教學流程:有使用數位學習系統 34
第五章 系統設計與實作 52
5.1 MyERT既有系統現存問題 52
5.2 系統架構 61
5.3 系統功能設計 67
5.3.1 增加老師問題的回覆機制 67
5.3.2 整合學生問題之閱讀教學戰情室 70
5.3.3 整合老師問題之閱讀教學戰情室 75
第六章 實驗設計與流程 79
6.1 實驗設計 79
6.1.1 實驗對象背景說明 79
6.1.2 實驗教材挑選與設計 79
6.1.3 半結構問卷設計 84
6.1.4 質性訪談 85
6.2 實驗流程 86
第七章 個案實驗結果與討論 92
7.1 半結構式問卷的分析 92
7.1.1 受測學生之英文程度 92
7.1.2 學生平常英語閱讀習慣 93
7.1.3 教學前後受測學生閱讀傾向的改變 96
7.1.4 開放式問題分析 105
7.2 作業單之意見回饋整理 115
7.3 教師訪談 118
第八章 結論 121
8.1 結論 121
8.2 研究限制 123
8.3 未來展望 123
參考文獻 125
附錄一 學生文章閱讀作業單 129
附錄二 老師檢驗學生作業單 131
附錄三 學生文章閱讀作業之系統任務單 134
附錄四 老師檢驗學生作業之系統任務單 136
附錄五 小組課後討論記錄單 140
附錄六 交互式軟工英文閱讀教學與學習評估問卷 141
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指導教授 許智誠(Chihcheng Hsu) 審核日期 2014-7-15
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