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姓名 馬依霖(Nur Maulidiyah)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(Analysis of the Performance of Different Classifiers for Cloud Detection Application)
★ 影片指定對象臉部置換系統★ 以單一攝影機實現單指虛擬鍵盤之功能
★ 基於視覺的手寫軌跡注音符號組合辨識系統★ 利用動態貝氏網路在空照影像中進行車輛偵測
★ 以視訊為基礎之手寫簽名認證★ 使用膚色與陰影機率高斯混合模型之移動膚色區域偵測
★ 影像中賦予信任等級的群眾切割★ 航空監控影像之區域切割與分類
★ 在群體人數估計應用中使用不同特徵與回歸方法之分析比較★ 以視覺為基礎之強韌多指尖偵測與人機介面應用
★ 在夜間受雨滴汙染鏡頭所拍攝的影片下之車流量估計★ 影像特徵點匹配應用於景點影像檢索
★ 自動感興趣區域切割及遠距交通影像中的軌跡分析★ 基於回歸模型與利用全天空影像特徵和歷史資訊之短期日射量預測
★ 全天空影像之雲追蹤與太陽遮蔽預測★ 在全天空影像中使用紋理特徵之雲分類
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摘要(中) 云检测是一种提供必要的信息,如云层覆盖在许多应用中非常重要。的经典方法云检测是基于图像像素的红色和蓝色的比率的阈值。然而,很难选择合适的阈值对所有云的条件。另外,对于不同的全天空照相机所需的阈值是不同的。准确的云检测是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为云的颜色有时很容易地与天空或太阳的区域相混淆。
摘要(英) Cloud detection is important for providing necessary information such as cloud cover in many applications. The classic method for cloud detection is based on thresholding of the red and blue ratio of an image pixel. However, it is difficult to select a suitable threshold for all cloud conditions. Also, the desired thresholds for different all-sky cameras are different. Accurate cloud detection is a challenging task since the colors of cloud sometimes easily be confused with sky or sun regions.
In this thesis, we propose to perform cloud detection using supervised learning techniques. The cloud models are learned through the training process. There are many classifiers that can be used for this purpose. We consider popular classifiers including random forest, classification and regression tree, and support vector machine. We use the color information of a local image patch instead of using only one pixel value. The color values of the pixels in a local image patch are arranged as a feature vector. The results show that the cloud detection using the color information of a local image patch get better accuracy than using one pixel value. The results also show that the support vector machine (SVM) has the highest detection accuracy. To take advantage of the clues provided by multiple classifiers, we propose a voting process to combine multiple classifiers to further increase the detection accuracy. In the experiments, we have shown that the proposed method can distinguish cloud and non-cloud pixels more accurately.
關鍵字(中) ★ 云检测
★ 分类
★ 支持向量机
★ 随机森林
★ 分类回归树
關鍵字(英) ★ Cloud detection
★ Classifier
★ Support Vector Machine
★ Random Forest
★ Classification And Regression Tree
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I ..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Motivation................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Works.........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Thesis Organization................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................................................4
REVIEW OF RELEVANT TECHNIQUES...................................................................................4
2.1 Cloud Detection.......................................................................................................................4
2.2 Thresholding Technique Using Red Blue Ratio ...................................................................5
2.2. Classification And Regression Tree (CART).....................................................................7
2.3. Random Forest...................................................................................................................11
2.4. Support Vector Machine (SVM).......................................................................................13
CHAPTER III.....................................................................................................................................18
PROPOSED SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................18
3.1 Features used.........................................................................................................................18
3.2 Classifier Cloud Detection...................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 4........................................................................................................................................25
DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS .............................................................................................25
4.1 System Environment and Device .........................................................................................25
4.2 Dataset....................................................................................................................................25
4.3 Accuracy, Recall, Precision, Miss Rate , and False Alarm Ratio .....................................28
4.4 Experimental results Using Red Blue Ratio (RBR) thresholding method.......................30
4.5 Experimental Results Using Classification And Regression Tree (CART)......................32
4.6 Experimental Results Using Random Forest......................................................................35
4.7 Experimental Results Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) .........................................37
4.8 Discussion of experimental results.......................................................................................40
4.9 Experimental Results Using Multiple Classifiers (Voting)...............................................45
CHAPTER 5........................................................................................................................................48viii
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................48
The result of cross validation C and gamma ................................................................................51
Tree of CART..................................................................................................................................51
Random Forest Tree .......................................................................................................................52
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指導教授 鄭旭詠(Hsu-yung Cheng) 審核日期 2014-7-30
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