博碩士論文 101521047 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉宣宏(Xuan-Hong Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 微型化寬頻六埠網路接收機前端電路
(Wideband Six-Port Receiver Front-End With Compact Size)
★ 用於行動上網裝置之智慧型陣列天線★ 吸收式帶止濾波器之研製
★ 一維及二維切換式波束掃描陣列天線★ 寬頻微型化六埠網路接收機
★ 具有良好選擇度的寬頻吸收式帶止濾波器★ 微小化吸收式帶止濾波器之通帶改善
★ 共面波導帶通濾波器之研製★ 微帶耦合線帶通濾波器與雙工器研製
★ 宇宙微波背景輻射陣列望遠鏡接收機 之校準信號源研製★ K-Band及Q-Band毫米波帶通濾波器設計
★ 薄膜製程射頻被動元件設計★ 微波帶通低雜訊放大器設計
★ 積體式微波帶通濾波器之研製★ 應用於高位元率無線傳輸系統之V頻段漸進式開槽天線陣列
★ 以多重耦合線實現多功能帶通濾波器★ 以單刀雙擲帶通濾波器實現高整合度射頻前端收發系統
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摘要(中) 本論文以微型化寬頻六埠網路接收機前端電路為主題,以威爾金森分波器、直交耦合分波器及功率偵測器組成六埠網路接收機前端電路,並經由增加級數,以及使用集總元件構成橋式T線圈取代傳輸線,同時達到寬頻與微型化的效果。電路的製做上,則以平衡式電感與平行板電容,於積體被動元件(IPD)製程中實現微型化之橋式T線圈作為基本組件,進而能以系統級封裝方式實現寬頻六埠網路接收機之前端電路。

電路設計上,首先以積體被動元件實現各式橋式T線圈做為測試電路, 驗證橋式T線圈電路模型與萃取方式之可行性。接著將橋式T線圈應用於威爾金森分波器設計,以大幅縮小電路尺寸而不減損頻寬,並分別實現二級與四級寬頻威爾金森分波器。其中二級威爾金森分波器中心頻率為2.2GHz,電氣尺寸僅惟中心頻率下之0.024λ0×0.020λ0,頻寬則為120%(反射損耗大於15dB);四級威爾金森分波器中心頻率設計於12GHz,頻寬可達173%(反射損耗大於10dB),電氣尺寸僅為中心頻率下的0.136λ0×0.047λ0。寬頻直交耦合分波器方面,二級直交耦合分波器中心頻率設計於1.95GHz,電氣尺寸僅為中心頻率0.028λ0×0.018λ0


摘要(英) The target of this work is the development of wideband six-port receiver front-end with compact size, which is composed of a Wilkinson power divider, branch line couplers and power detectors. The wide bandwidth is achieved by multi-section designs of the divider and coupler, while the circuit size can be largely reduced by using the bridged-T coils to substitute transmission line sections. In this way, compact circuit size and wide bandwidth can be achieved simultaneously.
The bridged-T coil can be designed as a wideband transmission-line equivalent. It can be realized by a balanced inductor and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors in the integrated passive device (IPD) process with very compact circuit size. The bridged-T coil can be used to replace the required transmission line sections in wideband divider and coupler designs to achieve wideband and compact six-port network using the IPD process, which can then enable the SiP (system in package) design of six-port receiver front-end.
Firstly, test kits of bridge-T coils in IPD are implemented to demonstrate the design procedure and performance. They are then applied to wideband Wilkinson power divider designs to achieve compact size with no bandwidth reduction. Two kinds of Wilkinson power divider designs are presented, i.e. two-section and four-section designs. The center frequency of the two-section Wilkinson power divider is designed at f0 = 2.2 GHz with a circuit size of only 0.024λ0×0.020λ0 at f0 and a bandwidth of 120% (return loss > 15dB). The four-section one is designed with f0 = 12 GHz, and the circuit size is only 0.042λ0×0.017λ0 at f0 with a bandwidth of 173% (return loss > 10dB). Then, bridged-T coils are also used in the design of two kinds of wideband branch line coupler with compact size. The two-section branch line coupler is designed with an f0 of 1.95 GHz, and the circuit size is 0.028λ0×0.018λ0 at f0 with a bandwidth of 53.8% (return loss >15dB). The three-section one is designed at 2.2 GHz with bandwidth of 83.6% and a circuit size of 0.045λ0×0.021λ0 at f0.
The proposed wideband Wilkinson power divider and branch line couplers are then integrated with power detectors to form two compact six-port receiver front-ends. The first one is designed at 2.6 GHz with an electrical size 0.024λ0×0.020λ0 at f0. The second one is designed at 1.95 GHz with a circuit size of 0.227λ0×0.147λ0 at f0 and a wideband bandwidth of 64.1% (return loss >10dB).

By using bridged-T coils to implement transmission lines, the circuit size of six-port network can be largely reduced, while the bandwidth can be improved by using the multi-section divider and coupler designs. The proposed six-port receiver front-end features very compact size and wide bandwidth, and can be implemented in handheld wireless communication devices for mobile communication applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 六埠網路
★ 接收機
★ 橋式線圈
★ 微型化
關鍵字(英) ★ Six-port
★ Receiver
★ Bridged-T coil
★ Miniature
★ Compact size
論文目次 第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................................- 1 -
1.1 研究動機.............................................................................................................- 1 -
1.2 文獻回顧.............................................................................................................- 3 -
1.3 章節介紹.............................................................................................................- 5 -
第二章:橋式 T 線圈 ................................................................................................- 6 -
2.1 橋式 T 線圈設計原理........................................................................................- 6 -
2.2 橋式 T 線圈電路設計...................................................................................... - 11 -
2.3 實作與量測驗證 ..............................................................................................- 15 -
2.4 橋式 T 線圈 Q 值討論.....................................................................................- 28 -
2.5 結果討論...........................................................................................................- 33 -
第三章:微型化寬頻威爾金森功率分配器...........................................................- 34 -
3.1 二級威爾金森功率分配器電路設計 ..............................................................- 34 -
3.1.1 電路架構與原理 .......................................................................................- 34 -
3.1.2 實作與量測驗證 .......................................................................................- 37 -
3.2 四級威爾金森功率分配器電路設計 ..............................................................- 41 -
3.2.1 電路架構與模擬 .......................................................................................- 41 -
3.2.2 第一版實作與量測驗證 ...........................................................................- 43 -
3.2.3 第二版實作與量測驗證 ...........................................................................- 46 -
3.3 結果討論...........................................................................................................- 50 -
第四章:微型化寬頻枝幹線耦合器.......................................................................- 53 -
4.1 微型化二級枝幹線耦合器電路設計 ..............................................................- 53 -
4.1.1 電路架構與模擬 .......................................................................................- 53 -
4.1.2 實作與量測驗證 .......................................................................................- 56 -VII
4.2 微型化三級枝幹線耦合器電路設計 ..............................................................- 61 -
4.2.1 電路架構與模擬 .......................................................................................- 61 -
4.2.2 第一版實作與量測驗證 ...........................................................................- 63 -
4.2.3 第二版實作與量測驗證 ...........................................................................- 71 -
4.3 結果討論...........................................................................................................- 79 -
第五章:微型化六埠網路接收機前端電路...........................................................- 83 -
5.1 六埠網路接收機簡介 ......................................................................................- 83 -
5.2 微型化六埠網路接收機前端電路 ..................................................................- 86 -
5.2.1 電路架構與模擬 .......................................................................................- 86 -
5.2.2 實作與量測驗證 .......................................................................................- 92 -
5.3 寬頻微型化六埠網路接收機前端電路 ........................................................- 102 -
5.3.1 電路架構與模擬 .....................................................................................- 102 -
5.3.2 實作與量測驗證 .....................................................................................- 105 -
5.4 結果討論......................................................................................................... - 116 -
第六章 結論 ........................................................................................................ - 118 -
參考文獻...............................................................................................................- 120
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指導教授 林祐生 審核日期 2014-8-20
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