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姓名 陳品澤(Pin-tse Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 體感式合作學習系統之開發與應用成效分析-以高職英文學習為例
(The Development Application and Learning Performance Analysis of Collaborative Kinesthetic English Learning System in a Vocational High School)
★ 同步表演機器人之建構與成效評估★ 探討國小學童使用電子書多媒體註記系統結合註記分享機制對其學習行為與時間之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究主要目的以全肢體反應教學法(Total Physical Response, TPR)理論為基礎,結合體感辨識科技與合作學習活動,探討Collaborative Total Physical Response(CTPR)對高職生英文學習之影響。本研究採用Kinect科技並開發出Collaborative Kinesthetic English Learning (CKEL)系統,結合兩人一組合作學習活動的實驗設計,並從系統使用過程、前測、後測、問卷與訪談活動中收集資料加以分析。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this study is to combine kinesthetic recognition technology and collaborative learning activities based on Total Physical Response (TPR) for investigating the effect of Collaborative Total Physical Response (CTPR) in English learning of vocational high school students. This study applies Kinect technology to develop a Collaborative Kinesthetic English Learning (CKEL) System which allow and two students to have collaborative learning activities in pairs. Besides, the experiment evaluation consists of using CKEL system record, pre-test, post-test, questionnaire and interview.
The analysis of technology acceptance model questionnaires and interviews show that the almost participants accepted CKEL system and learning activities of the experiment. According to the analysis of Keller’s Learning Motivation ARCS Questionnaire and interviews, the participants of experimental group had more confidence in this learning activities and the experimental design could enable them to improve learning motivation.
The learning outcomes of the experimental group was significantly better than the control groups in the post-test and the vocabulary part of posttest ,and the average mean of sentence part of posttest of the experimental group was higher than the control groups. In addition, the study analyzed the learning outcomes of using gestures, posture to learn different parts of speech based on TPR theory, and the results showed the verbs, nouns, adjectives learning were no significant difference. So, if the vocabulary can be combined with appropriate related action, it can be applied TPR theory to learn.
Finally, this learning style can enhance learning attention of participants, also give more active learning, promoting interaction and collaboration among members of the group. Therefore, CTPR is more suitable English language learning than the traditional personal TPR, this is due to the including of interaction and dialogue can enhance participants to have more confident and active.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全肢體反應教學法
★ 合作學習
★ 英文學習
★ 體感學習
★ Kinect
關鍵字(英) ★ Total Physical Response
★ Collaborative learning
★ English learning
★ Kinesthetic Learning
★ Kinect
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 vii
表 目 錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究問題 5
1.4 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 認知與語言學習相關理論 7
2.2 TPR應用體感科技於語言學習之研究 11
2.3 合作學習與TPR相結合 13
2.4 語言詞類與TPR的應用探討 16
第三章 系統設計與實作 17
3.1 系統設計 17
3.2 動覺的互動機制 19
3.3 學習活動模組 22
3.4 單人模式使用的系統 32
第四章 研究方法 33
4.1 研究對象 33
4.2 研究設計 34
4.3 研究流程 36
4.4 研究工具 37
4.5 活動設計 41
4.6 資料蒐集 44
4.7 資料處理與分析 45
第五章 結果分析與討論 47
5.1 問卷分析 47
5.1.1 科技接受模型(TAM) 47
5.1.2 凱勒學習動機(ARCS) 55
5.2 學習成效分析 61
5.2.1 前測差異檢驗 61
5.2.2 後測學習成效檢驗 61
5.3 基於肢體動作姿勢方式學習的不同詞類之學習成效分析 65
5.4 學習者的學習行為與學習成效間相關性之分析 67
5.4.1 學習階段活動與學習成效相關性之分析 67
5.4.2 遊戲活動和學習成效相關性之分析 70
5.5 學習者的學習行為與學習成效間迴歸分析 73
5.6 實驗組雙人的合作學習方式 75
5.7 意含與建議 79
第六章 結論與建議 81
6.1 結論 81
6.2 未來工作與建議 83
參考文獻 85
附錄一 字彙 89
附錄二 前測考卷 90
附錄三 後測句子測驗考卷 96
附錄四 開放性問卷 101
附錄五 訪談題目 102
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指導教授 黃武元 審核日期 2014-7-16
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