摘要(英) |
In this study, the Taguchi Method, used in manufacturing semiconductor wafer carrier. Wafers were loaded/unloaded by robots and were transported by wafer carriers in semiconductor fabrication. It causes a lot of damage if wafers were broken by out of the specification wafer carrier. The purpose of this study was to improve the accuracy of injection molding and minimize the slot pitch dimensional tolerance of wafer carrier. Therefore, slot pitch was defined to quality characteristics, nominal-the-best and L9(34) orthogonal array were adopted in this study. The control factors of molding temperature, injection speed, holding pressure, holding time were used to analyze to what influence the processing parameters would work on the product quality in order to elevate the pitch of a wafer carrier with optimal processing parameters. As the results indicated that mold temperature has the greatest influence on the pitch dimension of wafer carrier, second was injection speed, third was holding time and the last was holding pressure, the contribution was 55.6% of mold temperature, and was 29.5% of injection speed after ANOVA. Moreover, using Taguchi Method to carry out the optimal injection molding process conditions were 190˚C for mold temperature, 5 cm/s for injection speed, 70 MPa for holding pressure, 9 sec for holding pressure time. After optimal processing parameters, the standard deviation result of wafer carrier pitch dimension was 0.022mm instead of 0.1095 mm from original process parameters and closer to the design specification than the present. |
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