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姓名 安普納(PURNA ANUGRAHA SUARSANA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
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摘要(中) 本研究為快速熱解棕櫚殼製成的生質燃料,並藉由改變通入氣體的溫度、速度,以及生質燃料的質傳速率,討論快速熱解所生成的結果,而研究的分析方法採用尤拉近似法。參數設定:氣體溫度分別為723, 743, 763 K,速度為0.059, 0.088, 0.117 m/s;生質燃料質傳速率則為2.42, 3.63, 4.84 g/s。
藉由CFD模擬結果討論通入氣體的溫度與速度及質量流率對於快速裂解的產物影響分析。當增加通入氣體的溫度時,焦油所占之質量比例會上升,而碳灰及氣體之質量比例則減少;在氣體溫度為763 K時,焦油的質量比為49.26 %,碳灰與氣體分別為27.78 %及22.96 %。隨著通入氣體速度提升,焦油質量比例上升,而碳灰及氣體之質量比減少;當速度大於0.088 m/s時,所得到的結果則相反,其中在速度為0.088 m/s時,焦油、碳灰與氣體的質量比分別為50.09 %、27.06 %與22.86 %。當生質燃料質傳速率提升,焦油的質量比例增加,而碳灰與氣體則減少,當質傳速率為4.84 g/s時,焦油、碳灰與氣體的質量比例分別為50.36 %、26.89 % 與22.77 %。
摘要(英) The fast pyrolysis phenomena in fluidized bed reactor of Palm Kernel Shell such as the effect of temperature fluidization gas, velocity fluidization gas and mass flow rate of biomass on product yield of fast pyrolysis PKS biomass were investigated based on the Euler-Euler approach in this work. The temperature of fluidization is varied of 723, 743 and 763K. The velocity of fluidization gas is varied of 0.059, 0.088 and 0.117 m/s. The mass flow rate is varied of 2.42, 3.63 and 4.84 g/s.
Result of CFD simulation studies is: the temperature of fluidization gas, velocity of fluidization gas and mass flow rate of biomass is effect on product yield of fast pyrolysis PKS Biomass. The increasing temperature of fluidization gas is lead to increasing of mass fraction tar and decreasing of mass fraction char and gas. At temperature 763K, the mass fraction of tar is 49.26%, mass fraction of char and gas are 27.78% and 22.96%. The increasing velocity of fluidization gas is lead to increasing tar and decreasing mass fraction of char and gas until velocity of 0.088m/s, after that the trend of product yield fast pyrolysis is vice versa. At velocity 0.088m/s, the mass fraction of tar, char and gas are 50.09%, 27.06% and 22.86%. The increasing mass flow rate of biomass is lead to increasing the mass fraction of tar and decreasing mass fraction of char and gas. At the mass flow rate 4.84 g/s, the mass fraction of tar, char and gas are 50.36%, 26.89% and 22.77%.
Keywords: Fast pyrolysis, PKS biomass, fluidized bed, product yield
關鍵字(中) ★ 生質油
★ 生質能 棕梠殼
關鍵字(英) ★ Fast pyrolysis
★ PKS biomass
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... iii
Contents ..................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. x
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Motivation ........................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2 Model and Methodology .......................................................................................... 10
2.1 Model of CFD for Fast Pyrolysis ................................................................................. 10
2.1.1 Time Schemes in Multiphase Flow ......................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Volume Fraction Equation....................................................................................... 12
2.1.3 General Conservation Equations ............................................................................. 12
2.1.4 Conservation Equations Solved by ANSYS-FLUENT ........................................... 15
2.1.5 Reaction Kinetic ...................................................................................................... 17 Example Calculation of Activation Energy and Pre-Exponential Factor ......... 20 Example Calculation of Yield Coefficients of Different Products Pyrolysis ... 22 Heterogeneous Phase Interaction .................................................................... 23
2.1.6 Pressures-Velocity Coupling ................................................................................... 23
2.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.1 Fluidized Bed Design .............................................................................................. 25
2.2.2 Procedure ................................................................................................................. 27
2.2.3 Validation ................................................................................................................ 29
2.2.4 Assumptions ............................................................................................................ 33
2.2.5 Grid Independent Test ............................................................................................. 34
Chapter 3 Result and Discussion .............................................................................................. 37
3.1 The effect of Temperature Fluidization Gas on Yield Product of Fast Pyrolysis .......... 37
3.2 The Effect of Velocity Fluidization Gas on Product Yield of Fast Pyrolysis ................ 49
3.3 The Effect of Mass Flow Rate PKS Biomass on Product Yield of Fast Pyrolysis......... 60
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Suggestion .................................................................................... 69
4.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 69
4.2 Suggestion ...................................................................................................................... 70
References ................................................................................................................................ 71
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指導教授 曾重仁(Chung-Jen Tseng) 審核日期 2014-8-4
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