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姓名 蔡昀真(Yun-Chen, Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 收藏家的自我形象塑造:嘉德納夫人與其同代繪畫收藏
(Shaping the Self-Image of the Collector: Mrs. Gardner and her Collection of Contemporary Paintings)
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摘要(中) 嘉德納夫人(Isabella Stewart Gardner, 1840-1924)於20世紀初時建立了自己的收藏美術館,並將之開放給大眾參觀,作為少數由女性成立的捐贈人紀念館,嘉德納美術館是一個不可忽視的案例。不同於一般的公立博物館強調中立的展示,嘉德納美術館的收藏、展示及環境都是受她個人特質影響的結果。嘉德納夫人樂中於美術館創造,不論是收藏內容與展示、建築裝潢或是園藝造景,都有她獨到的理念。嘉德納美術館中的老大師收藏質量是備受肯定的,而同世代繪畫收藏是較不引人注目的分類,但是嘉德納夫人在安排這些作品時同樣付出許多心力。本文著重於嘉德納夫人的同代繪畫收藏的內容與展示,特別是出自同代畫家手下的嘉德納夫人肖像,以觀看美術館創立者的策略。

摘要(英) Isabella Stewart Gardner (1840-1924) created her own collection museum at the beginning of the 20th century, Gardner Museum is an important donor memorial museum, because it was founded by a woman, which makes it cannot be ignored. Compared to other public museums, the collections, display, and environment of Gardner Museum is completely affected by its creator. Mrs. Gardner, who enjoyed providing unique ideas about operating her museum. The quality of Old Master collections in the museum are highly applausive. On the other hand, although contemporary paintings are relatively not so striking, Mrs. Gardner paid a lot of effort in arranging these works. In order to understand the founder’s strategy of museum operation. This thesis focuses on the contents and displays of contemporary painting in Mrs. Gardner’s museum, especially the pieces of Mrs. Gardner’s portraits, depicted by contemporary painters.
  The first chapter traces Mrs. Gardner’s collections and sponsorship activities, as well as her ideas in creation of the museum. This thesis divide the chapter into three aspects, for the country, for the founder, and for the viewers. Mrs. Gardner’s sponsorship of artists directly affected her contemporary collection of paintings. The second chapter examines the content and display of contemporary collections, suspect Mrs. Gardner’s motives and purposes of collecting works of art, whether mutually authentication with other collections in the museum, or by her own unique strategy. The third chapter focuses on Mrs. Gardner’s portraits, which depicted by the contemporary painters, especially Sargent and Zorn. Those portraits showed Mrs. Gardner in different styles, and we could suspect the image she wanted to appear to the public. Also, the display modes of portrait is changed with different personal image. Mrs. Gardner’s display strategy not only reinforces the meaning of the works, more importantly, she highlighted her personal presence and personality to audience, moreover, declared that she is the great founder of the museum.
關鍵字(中) ★ 依沙貝拉.史都華.嘉德納
★ 嘉德納美術館
★ 展示
★ 肖像
★ 薩金特
★ 佐恩
關鍵字(英) ★ Isabella Stewart Gardner
★ Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
★ portrait
★ John Singer Sargent
★ Anders Leonard Zorn
★ display
論文目次 緒論 ........................................................................................................ 1
材料與研究現況 ............................................................................................................................. 4
問題意識 ......................................................................................................................................... 8
章節架構 ......................................................................................................................................... 9
第一章 芬威庭園的創造者:嘉德納夫人 ........................................ 10
第一節 在美術館之前:收藏與藝術贊助活動 ................................................. 10
一、重要收藏及階段性轉變 ....................................................................................................... 10
二、作為文化領袖 ....................................................................................................................... 16
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 19
第二節 嘉德納夫人對美術館的期望 ................................................................. 21
一、對國家與大眾的奉獻 ........................................................................................................... 21
二、對個人的意義 ....................................................................................................................... 23
三、作為觀者欣賞 ........................................................................................................................27
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 29
第二章 嘉德納夫人的同代繪畫收藏與展示 .................................... 30
第一節 同代繪畫的收藏內容及傾向 ................................................................. 30
一、主要收藏內容及管道 ........................................................................................................... 30
二、由同代繪畫收藏中反映出的收藏家品味及動機 ............................................................... 35
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 39
第二節 同代繪畫在美術館中的呈現與意義 ..................................................... 40
一、以同代作品為主的展示 ....................................................................................................... 40
二、散落於其它展間的同代作品 ............................................................................................... 43 ii
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 47
第三章 以肖像收藏塑造自我形象及存在 ........................................ 48
第一節 嘉德納夫人的肖像 ................................................................................. 48
一、佐恩的《嘉德納夫人在威尼斯》 ....................................................................................... 48
二、薩金特的《依沙貝拉.史都華.嘉德納的肖像》 ........................................................... 50
三、薩金特的《著白衣的嘉德納夫人》 ................................................................................... 55
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 56
第二節 嘉德納夫人肖像的展示與意義 ............................................................. 58
一、肖像的展示環境 ................................................................................................................... 58
二、展示邏輯之思辨 ................................................................................................................... 63
小結 ......................................................................................................................... 64
結論 ...................................................................................................... 66
參考資料 .............................................................................................. 69
附錄 .......................................................................................................72
圖版 ...................................................................................................... 73

參考文獻 西文書目
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指導教授 謝佳娟(Chia-Chuan HSIEH) 審核日期 2014-7-21
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