博碩士論文 101329022 詳細資訊

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姓名 李旻怡(Min-i Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
(Photodetector - Light Harvesting and specific surface Enhancement (LivE))
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摘要(中) 本論文採用化學浴沉積法( chemical bath deposition, CBD) 製備適用於光感測器
( photodetectors)與染料敏化太陽能電池( dye-sensitized solar cell, DSSC)的氧化鋅奈米柱結構。在製作光感測器時,首先以p- 型矽為基板來析鍍出氧化鋅奈米柱鍍層; 而在製作染料敏化太陽能電池時,則首先將含氧化鋅奈米柱之薄膜成長於氧化銦錫玻璃( indium-tin oxide, I TO) 上,然後進行後續之製作。為獲致高長寬比、大比表面積且排列整齊的氧化鋅奈米柱結構,以增進光感測器的吸光性與染料敏化太陽能電池的光電效率,必須尋求優化之化學浴沉積法來成長最佳結構之氧化鋅奈米柱。本論文分為三個部份: ( 1) 研究重點首先在尋求製備適用於光感測器與染料敏化太陽能電池的氧化鋅奈米柱條件; ( 2) 其次在以n-型 ZnO 與 p-型Si 基材進行異質接合( heterojunction)來製作光感測器,並進行光感測實驗,由電流與電壓特性圖和電流對時間之特性圖得知: 薄膜中氧化鋅奈米柱分佈緊密, 且具有大比表面積、高長寬比結構時,光感測器之敏感性得以增強;( 3) 第三部分則以氧化鋅奈米柱製作染料敏化太陽能電池,並進行測試,應用積分球做光吸收率之量測,進而由電流對電壓特性作圖分析,結果顯示: 氧化鋅奈米柱比表面積的增加有利於增加染劑的吸附並使此太陽能電池擴增至可見光光譜之吸收。

企圖尋求經濟、無毒之氧化鋅透明導電薄膜,以便取代論文中第三部分所使用的氧化銦錫玻璃( I TO) ,製作一對環境友善之“全氧化鋅”染料敏化太陽能電池。研究結果雖然在透光度上已與I TO 玻璃相近,但在導電性上,與I TO玻璃仍有差距,為使論文內容精簡、結構嚴謹,只好將此部分之結果呈現於附錄中。
摘要(英) Nanorods of zinc oxide (ZnO) suitable for making of photodetectors and
dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) were prepared by means of chemical bath deposition (CBD) method in this work. For making photodetectors, the ZnO nanorods were deposited on silicon substrate; whereas for making of photovoltaics, the ZnO nanorods were deposited on the glass of indium-tin oxide (ITO). On the purpose to develop the nanorods with high aspect ratio, large specific surface area and good alignment of matrices suitable for light trapping and harvesting, the conditions of the CBD should be carefully controlled. This work comprised three parts: the first one focused the conditions to prepare ZnO nanorods those are qualified enough for making the photodetectors and photovoltaics. The second is
the preparation of photodetectors from a concept of the heterojunction between an n-type ZnO and the p-type Si based, and the photodetection was also demonstrated to check the detectors. The third part was to construct the ZnO-based photovoltaic devices, a simple Grätzel type solar cell (DSSC), and the demonstration to test their performance. The performance of the proto-type photodetectors and photovoltaics indicated that ZnO nanorods prepared by CBD in this work were satisfactory for their use in the devices.

Another interest was to prepare the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films of ZnO (doped with aluminium and tin) by sol-gel dip-coating process. This was a trial to replace ITO-coating on the glass for a concept with overall oxide-devices on the base of simple ZnO. Unfortunately, even the optical transparency was competitive; the electrical conductivity of the Al, Sn-doped ZnO films was inferior to ITO. Therefore, the preparation
and characterization of Al, Sn-doped ZnO films were put in the appendix.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氧化鋅奈米柱
★ 化學浴沈積法
★ 光感測器
★ 染料敏化太陽能電池
關鍵字(英) ★ ZnO nanorods
★ CBD method
★ Photodetector
★ Dye-sensisized solar cell (DSSC)
論文目次 Contents

List of Figures…………………………………………..……………….……..…....vi
List of Tables……………………………………….……..……………………......viii

1. Introduction…………..………………………………………………………..…..1
1.1. Research background………………………………………………….….…...1
1.2. Motivation…………………………………………………………………...……3

2. Literature survey………..……………………………………………….….........4
2.1 Zinc Oxide…………………………...………………………………..……........4
2.1.1 Synthesizing ZnO……………………………………...…………….…….….4
2.1.2 Basic synthetic mythologies and growth mechanisms……....………..4
2.1.3 Growth in alkaline solutions……………….………………..................…5
2.1.4 Seeded growth……………………...……………………………..…….........5
2.2 Photodetector…………………………………………………………...............7
2.2.1 Ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors………………………………..................7
2.2.2 ZnO-based photodetectors…………………..……………….........……...7
2.2.3 p-n junction photodiodes……………………........………....……....……7
2.2.4 ZnO p-. heterojunction photodiodes…………...……......….……....…..8
2.3 Photovoltaic……………………………………………..……......………….......9
2.3.1 The development of the photovoltaic………………..……………..….....9
2.3.2 Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC)………………………..…........…………9
2.3.3 ZnO based dye-sensitized solar cell……………….…….........…….....10

3. Theoretical background………………….………………………….………….11
3.1 Synthesis ZnO crystalline structure……………………...….…...............11
3.2 Working principle of ZnO based photodetector……….....…......……...12
3.3 Electrical characterization of photodetector……………......….………...13
3.4 Working principle of DSSC…………………...………......…………………..14
3.5 Electrical characterization of DSSC………………...………....………….…15

4. Experiments…………………………..……………………………..…...…...….16
4.1 Synthesis of ZnO thin film……………...………………….....…..……..…..16
4.1.1 Synthesis of seed layer (SL)………...…………………….…...……….….16 Materials……………………………………………….....…...................16 Preparation method………...……………..….....………….....…...…..16
4.1.2 The growth of ZnO nanorods……………...…………..........……….….16 Materials…………………………………….....…………………........….16 Equipment……………………………………….......…………........…...16 Process……………………………………….....….………….......…...….17
4.1.3 Deposition of ZnO microstructures……………........…….……..........17
4.1.4 ZnO heterostructure (meso-nano)…………………....………………….17
4.2 Photodetector device……………………………..………….....…..............18
4.2.1 Assembling………………………………………………........………...…...18
4.2.2 Experiment…………………………………………..………..………......….18
4.3 Fabricate dye-sensitized solar cell……………………......………...........19
4.3.1 Components…………………………………………….......………….....…19
4.3.2 Preparation.…………………………………………….......………………...19
4.3.3 Assembling……………………………………………….......….…...……...19
4.3.4 Experiment…………………………………………….....…..…….…...……19

5. Results and discussion………...…...………….……………….……………...21
5.1 Analysis the conditions of synthesizing ZnO nanorods…..…….…..….21
5.1.1 Zn(Ac) to NH3 ratio………...………………...……...…………….....…....21
5.1.2 Growth temperature…………………………….…......…….....…….…....22
5.1.3 Growth time……………………………………….......…………….….…....23
5.2 Electrical characterization of the ZnO photodetector………………...…24
5.2.1 Current-Voltage Analysis………………........…………......…..............24 Without ZnO nanorods …………............…..……...........................24 With ZnO nanorods …………...…….……………..........………….…..24
5.2.2 Time response (Current-Time Analysis)……………......……………...27
5.2.3 Position impact………………………...……………...………………...…..29
5.3 Electrical analysis of the ZnO DSSC……...…………......……....…………30

6. Conclusions…………………………………………….……..…….………...…..32


A. Literature review - Transparent conducting oxides (TCO)………….…..44
1. Doped ZnO…………………………………………………….…….….……...….44
B. Experimenal method - Synthesis of TAZO thin films….……….……......45
1. TAZO thin films deposition process………………………..…......…….…..45
2. Characterization……………………….……………………..……….………….45
3. Electrochemistry measurements………………………….....……….……….45
C. Results - Analysis the synthesizing TAZO thin films…….…….…...…...47
1. Morphology and Microstructure of the thin films……………..…………..47
2. Optical properties of the thin film………………………...…….…………...49
3. Electrical properties of the thin film……………………………………..…..50
4. Photoelectrochemisty and Anti-corrosion analysis of TAZO films…....51
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指導教授 林景崎、Gilles Lerondel
(Jing-chie Lin、Gilles Lerondel)
審核日期 2015-1-22
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