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姓名 黃信源(Hsin-Yuan Huang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 光纖通訊的架構分析與田氏法之應用
(The analyses of fiber optic communication and application of the Taguchi Method)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 摘要
光纖用於長距離通訊,通常用高功率的980nm LD當光源,搭配參鉺放大器來放大信號。但由於光纖和LD模態的不匹配,造成光進入光纖端面時會有很大的功率損失。
本篇論文利用楔形光纖來改善耦合功率損失,從光纖研磨、及不同的LD模態比和不同的研磨角度對耦合效率的影響、到容忍度的探討,並用實驗及模擬印證,最後成功地利用田氏法來對準,達到快速滿意且優於傳統方法的結果。摘要(英) Abstract
Efficient Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) pumping usually uses semiconductor lasers
operating at 980-nm wavelength for long haul light wave communications. But at 980-nm pumping, there’s a problem in the mode field mismatch between the elliptical laser mode and the symmetrically circular fiber mode. Up to date, there are some arrangements for getting higher coupling efficiency, but presented in this study, we used a well-designed wedge shaped fiber with an approximated cylindrical end-face to achieve a high coupling efficiency.
Automation of fiber to optic alignment is a critical fiber-optic component manufacturing technology. The key point to the alignment automation is alignment tolerance. For this paper, axial and angular alignment tolerances would be discussed in detail. The “Taguchi Method”, popular and practical in Japan, was effectively utilized to achieve a high coupling efficiency during the alignment experiments.關鍵字(中) ★ 光纖
★ 耦合
★ 田氏法
★ 雷射關鍵字(英) ★ Couple
★ Fiber
★ Laser
★ Taguchi Method論文目次 CONTENTS
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................ΙΧ
LIST OF TABLES.........................................................ΧV
1-1 Introduction of communication.....................................1
1-2 Background and purpose of this study..............................3
1-3 EDFA .............................................................6
2-2 Theories..........................................................9
2-3-a Analyses for three different aspect ratios.....................14
2-3-b Analyses for three different polishing angles..................19
2-4 Analyses for axial and angular alignment tolerances..............23
3-1 Simulated mode field when a beam propagates in air...............33
3-2 Simulated mode field when a beam propagates inner fiber core.....36
3-3 Simulation of alignment tolerances...............................40
4-1 Polishing fibers.................................................43
4-2 Alignment using Taguchi Methods..................................46
4-3 Taguchi’s factor design.........................................47
4-4 Orthogonal array.................................................48
4-5 Optimal searching paths..........................................52
4-6 Experiments setup and photos.....................................53
5-1 The analyses of polishing error at apex of fiber.................56
5-2 The analyses of the radius of approximated cylindrical endface...59
5-3 The future expectation of communication..........................63
6-1 Discussion.......................................................65
6-2 The more successful alignment processes..........................67
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