摘要(英) |
Nowadays, along with the continuing to enhance the quality of life, people frequently use every single day of products, such as personal care items, food, tobacco and cigarettes, alcoholic, drinks and other fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) which highest demands is also getting different from the past. The price is no longer to be the only consideration for consumers who purchase these goods; in a word, the main factor of product quality, function, type, appearance and packaging can often influence the group of consumer′s intention to buy. Particularly, the most obvious trait is the impulsive type of consumption when they may pick up such FMCG items.
The main characteristic of FMCG industry is their own extensive marketing channel that manufactures can use distribution networks to direct selling the finished goods for all end-users. In order to satisfy all sorts of consumer’s demands on multiple FMCG’s, the manufactures shift from the previous rapidly mass production of single product model to be a fixed quantity with a various type of goods under a steadily quality production model. As a result of many kinds of product types with diverse design and function, it’s not easy to maintain the product quality and stability. Also, this case study company is an American personal care corporation that produces mostly paper-based consumer products. Since FMCG’s product feature has a short shelf life and disposable, it’s no longer recover to use if any functional defects occurs during the production. In order to not make additional loss, we need to know how to prevent the extensive loss and nonconforming product reduction will be main issue in this case study.
This research provides an 8D (Eight Discipline) Problem Solving as main framework, combined with current nonconforming product business process plan to develop a modified electronic system of e8D. Though this e8D simulation, it can improve processes defective products occurred and resolve current system insufficient at the same time; so that it will have expected benefits when implement this modified electronic system. In this thesis, not only effectively achieving to reduce the company loss and customer complaint, but also making this modified e8D business process is demonstrated in the case study that can be used as a reference model for the FMCG industry. |
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