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姓名 莊博昇(Po-Sheng Chuang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 天文研究所 論文名稱 低質量 X 光雙星 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 之軌道週期演化
(The orbital period evolutions of low mass X-ray binaries 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 都是低質量X光雙星,且皆有X光爆發和週期性的X光的光陷。這兩個吸積雙星系統都是由中子星吸積與充滿洛希瓣的晚期恆星所組成。它們都是在 1970 年代被發現,Parmar et al. (1989) 首先測量出 4U 1323-62 的光陷週期為 2.932 ± 0.005 小時,另一的雙星 4U 1254-69 則是由 Courvoisier et al. (1986) 發現到它有 3.99 ± 0.15 小時的軌道週期。
本論文的目的是利用 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 光陷現象來估計其軌道週期演化。這兩個雙星系統有長達 26 年的X光觀測資料,我們使用了 ASCA、BeppoSAX、Chandra、EXOSAT、RXTE、Suzaku、XMM-Newton 觀測資料。我們參考 Hu et al. (2008) 中所提到的方法來決定光陷時間中點,並利用 O-C 方法估算軌道週期和軌道週期變化。
我們分析 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 的光陷相位演化並更新它們從 1980 年代到 2010 年代的軌道星曆表。4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 更新後的軌道週期分別是 2.94191579(41) 小時和 3.9333372(15) 小時,但它們的軌道週期的變化率並不明顯,|Ṗ_orb/P_orb | 不超過 8.6 ⨉ 10^-8 yr^-1 和 3.1 × 10^-7 yr^-1 2sigma 上限)。在假設雙星系統質量守恆的情況下,我們可以從 |Ṗ_orb/P_orb | 推測出它們的 2sigma 吸積率上限分別為 2.8 × 10^-8 M_⊙/year 和 1.7 × 10^-7 M_⊙/year。此外,我們並從 Balucińska-church et al. (2009) 對於 4U 1323-62 所得到的光度 1 - 5.2 × 10^36 erg/s 和 Iaria et al. (2007) 對 4U 1254-69 所得到的光度 1.2 × 10^37 erg/s 推導出吸積率,其數值都遠小於我們由軌道週期所評估的吸積率上限。摘要(英) 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69 are low mass X-ray binaries exhibiting X-ray burst and periodic X-ray dips. Both systems consist of a neutron star as accretor and a Roche lobe filled late type star as donor. They were discovered in 1970s. The dip period of 4U 1323-62 was first detected by Parmar et al. (1989) with a value of 2.932 ± 0.005 hr. For 4U 1254-69, Courvoisier et al. (1986) discovered a 3.99 ± 0.15 hr dipping period.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the orbital period evolutions using properties of dips for 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69. The time span of X-ray observations of both sources are about 26 years performed by EXOSAT, ASCA, BeppoSAX, RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku. We used method proposed by Hu et al. (2008) to estimate dip center time and adopted Observed - Calculate method to measure the orbital periods and their derivatives.
We analyzed the dip phase evolutions of 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69 and updated the orbital ephemeris of them from 1980s to 2010s. The orbital periods are refined as 2.94191579(41) hr for 4U 1323-62 and 3.9333372(15) hr for 4U 1254-69. No significant orbital period derivatives is detected for both sources with 2σ upper limits of |Ṗ_orb/P_orb | = 8.6 ⨉ 10^-8 yr^-1 and 3.1 × 10^-7 yr^-1 for 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69, respectively. Under the assumption of conservation of the mass of the binary system, the mass accretion rates are no more than 2.8 × 10^-8 M_⊙/year 和 1.7 × 10^-7 M_⊙/year for 4U 1323-62 and 4U 1254-69, respectively (2σ upper limits). The derived accretion rates from the X-ray luminosities, 1 - 5.2 × 10^36 erg/s (Balucińska-church et al. 2009) for 4U 1323-62 and 1.2 × 10^37 erg/s (Iaria et al. 2007) for 4U 1254-69, are well below the corresponding upper limits from the evolutions of their orbital periods.關鍵字(中) ★ 低質量X光雙星 關鍵字(英) ★ low mass x-ray binary 論文目次 摘要................................................................................................................i
1序論 ( introduction ) ....................................................................................1
1.1 X-ray 雙星 (X-ray binary ).........................................................................2
1.2簡介4U1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 (Introduction to 4U1323-62 and 4U 1254-69 )...............................................................................................................6
1.2.1 4U 1323-62..........................................................................................6
1.2.2 4U 1254-69..........................................................................................8
1.3論文概述 ( Outline of this thesis ).............................................................10
2觀測 ( Observation ) :.................................................................................11
2.1.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................12
2.1.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................12
2.1.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction)..........................13
2.2.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................14
2.2.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................14
2.2.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction)..........................15
2.3.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................16
2.3.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................17
2.3.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction).........................18
2.4.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................21
2.4.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................21
2.4.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction).........................22
2.5.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................25
2.5.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................25
2.5.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction)........................26
2.6.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope )..............................................................................27
2.6.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................28
2.6.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction) ........................29
2.1.1望遠鏡 ( Telescope ).............................................................................30
2.1.2儀器 ( Instrument )................................................................................31
2.1.3觀測資料與數據處理 (Observation and Data reduction) .........................32
3資料分析 ( Data analysis ) ...........................................................................35
3.1 決定dip的相位( Determine phase of dips)...............................................36
3.2相位抖動 (Phase jitter )......................................................40
3.3 O-C 分析方法及 4U 1323-63 與4U 1254-69軌道光變星歷表
(O-C analysis and orbital ephemerides of 4U 1323-63 and 4U 1254-69 ).....42
3.3.1線性星曆表(Linear Ephemeris)...............................................................42
3.3.2拋物線星曆表(Quadratic Ephemeris)......................................................43
4.討論 ( Discussion ).....................................................................................47
4.1 低質量X光雙星之軌道週期變化(Orbital period changes of low mass X-ray binaries)......................................................47
4.2 低質量X光雙星之角動量流失的機制(Mechanisms for angular momentum loss in low mass X-ray binary systems )......................................................50
4.2.1質量守恆(mass of conservation)......................................................51
4.2.2質量不守恆(non-conservative mass)......................................................53
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