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姓名 黃詠翔(Yong-siang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 資訊科技能力對組織敏捷性之影響:以市場導向及環境動態性為調節變數
(Moderating Effect of Market Orientation and Environmental Dynamism on the Relationship between IT Capability and Organizational Agility)
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摘要(中) 今日的商業環境是非常複雜且變化快速的。對企業來說,敏捷性成為取得競爭優勢必要的一種能力。過去的文獻對於資訊科技能力與組織的敏捷性有許多不同觀點,包括資訊科技能力可以使組織更加敏捷,或者是資訊科技能力會使得組織更加遲緩。另一方面過去這些文獻大多是概念性研究或者個案研究。因此,我們進行實徵研究,對於資訊科技能力及組織敏捷性的關係提供更多的證據。除此之外,過去的研究對於資訊科技能力及組織敏捷性在特定情境下的瞭解並不多。在我們的研究中,我們加入市場導向及環境變動性兩個調節變數來調節資訊科技及組織敏捷性的關係。因此,我們試圖去探索資訊科技能力與組織敏捷性的關係、市場導向如何影響組織敏捷性、市場導向對於資訊科技能力與組織敏捷性的調節效果、以及環境變動性是如何影響市場導向對資訊科技能力及組織敏捷性的調節效果。經過實徵資料的分析後,我們發現資訊科技能力對於組織敏捷性有正向的影響效果、且市場導向對於組織敏捷性有正向的影響效果。
摘要(英) Today’s business environment is complicated and rapidly changing. Agility becomes a necessary capability for a firm in order to achieve competitive advantage. There were many different perspectives about IT capability make a firm more agile or more sluggish proposed in the past but most of them are the conceptual or case study. Therefore we conduct an empirical study to provide more evidences to the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility. Besides, past researches did not deeply realize the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility in some particular circumstances. In this study, we added two variables including market orientation and environmental dynamism to moderate the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility. Hence, our study try to explore the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility, how market orientation affects organizational agility, the moderating effect of market orientation on the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility and how the moderated moderation effect of environmental dynamism influences the effect of market orientation on the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility. After the empirical data analysis, we found that IT capability is positively associated with organizational agility, and market orientation is positively associated with organizational agility
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊科技能力
★ 組織敏捷性
★ 市場導向
★ 環境動態性
關鍵字(英) ★ IT capability
★ Organizational agility
★ Market orientation
★ Environmental dynamism
論文目次 Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Purposes and Questions 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 IT Capability 5
2.2 Organizational Agility 8
2.3 Market Orientation 9
2.4 Environmental Dynamism 11
Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 12
3.1 Research Model 12
3.2 Research Hypotheses 13
3.2.1 The Influence of IT Capability on Organizational Agility 13
3.2.2 The Moderating Effect of Market Orientation 14
3.2.3 The Influence of Market Orientation on Organizational Agility 15
3.2.4 The Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism 16
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 18
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 18
4.2 Instrument Development 18
4.3 Control Variables 23
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Results 24
5.1 Sample Characteristic 24
5.2 Measurement Model 28
5.3 Structural Model 37
Chapter 6 Conclusions 42
6.1 Findings and Discussion 42
6.2 Implications 44
6.3 Limitations 46
Appendix 51
A. Questionnaire 51
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2015-6-25
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