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姓名 洪舶凱(Bo-Kai Hong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 環境動盪性與隨機應變能力 對新產品開發的影響:外部市場資訊 與資訊科技支持組織記憶之調節效果
(Effects of Environmental Turbulence and Improvisational Capability on New Product Development as Moderated by External Market Information and IT Supported Organizational Memory)
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摘要(中) 台灣製造業目前面臨與創新相關的挑戰是,無法預測快速變化的市場需求與新穎科技。面對如此的挑戰,新產品開發經常被視為創新的策略方法。為了能夠解釋新產品開發單位如何在如此動盪的環境中進行應變的作為,本研究針對隨機應變能力進行研究,其能夠幫助組織在短時間創造新穎策略以掌握快速不可預測的變化。再者,過去的研究認為組織的隨機應變能力通常發生於半結構化的組織環境,以便能夠同時掌握應變行為的方向性與彈性。因此,為了更深入探討環境動盪性與新產品開發之中隨機應變能力的組織環境,本研究將外部市場資訊,資訊科技支持的陳述性記憶,以及資訊科技支持的流程性記憶,作為本研究模型的調節效果。
摘要(英) The current challenge facing manufacturing firms in Taiwan related to innovation is the rapid and unpredictable changes of requirements in new technologies and market needs. For facing this challenge, new product development (NPD) is usually view as a strategic functions for innovating. For explaining the actions of NPD units in such an unpredictable situation referring environmental turbulence, this research studies improvisational capability needed for developing novel strategies within short time. Moreover, the past research suggested the improvisational capability usually occurs in the context of semi-structures for combining the guidelines and flexibility. Hence, to deeply exploring the improvisational capability between the environmental turbulence and NPD outcomes, this research views IT-supported organizational procedures memory as a moderator effect for guidelines of actions, and views IT-supported declarative memory and external market information as a moderator effect for flexibility of actions.
This research conducted a cross-sectional survey with questionnaires administrated to gather data from 282 firms in Taiwan. As a result, we found that environmental turbulence positively affects the improvisational capability, and improvisational capability also positively affects the NPD outcomes. In terms of moderator effects, on one hand, we found that IT-supported declarative memory has a negative effect on the relationship between the environmental turbulence and improvisational capability. On the other hand, we found that IT-supported procedural memory has a negative effect on the relationship between the improvisational capability and NPD efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隨機應變能力
★ 環境動盪性
★ 新產品開發
★ 流程性記憶
★ 陳述性記憶
★ 資訊科技支持的組織能力
★ 資訊科技支持的組織記憶
關鍵字(英) ★ Improvisational capabilities
★ Environmental turbulence
★ New product development
★ Procedural memory
★ declarative memory
★ IT-supported capability
★ IT-supported organizational memory
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 2
1.3 Research objectives and questions 3
2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Organizational capability 5
2.2 Improvisational capability 5
2.3 New product development 7
2.4 New product development and improvisational capability 8
2.5 External market information 10
2.6 Organizational Memory 11
2.6.1 Procedural Memory 12
2.6.2 Declarative Memory 12
2.6.3 IT-supported Organizational memory 13
2.6.4 IT-supported declarative memory 14
2.6.5 IT-supported procedural memory 15
3 Hypothesis 16
3.1 Environmental Turbulence and Improvisational Capability in NPD 16
3.2 External Market information 17
3.3 IT-supported Organizational Memory and Environmental Turbulence 18
3.3.1 IT-supported Declarative Memory 18
3.3.2 IT-supported Procedural Memory 19
3.4 Improvisational Capability in NPD and NPD outcomes 20
3.5 IT-supported Organizational Memory and Improvisational Capability 21
3.5.1 IT-supported Declarative Memory 21
3.5.2 IT-supported Procedural Memory 23
4 Research Methodology 25
4.1 Sample selection and Data collection 25
4.2 Instrument Development 25
4.2.1 Environmental turbulence 26
4.2.2 Improvisational Capability 27
4.2.3 New Product Development Outcomes 27
4.2.4 External Market information 28
4.2.5 IT-supported Organizational memory 29
5 Data Analysis and Results 32
5.1 Descriptive Statistics 32
5.2 Measurement Model 35
5.3 Structural Model 42
6 Conclusions 50
6.1 Findings and Discussion 50
6.2 Implications 52
6.3 Limitations 54
Reference 55
Appendix 62
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2015-6-25
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